Categories: Garden GlassNature

Make Sue’s blue glass butterfly feeder!

Attracting butterflies with fruit feeders

Here’s a simple project you might consider…. a butterfly feeding station! Sue Jordan glued a few glass pieces together and Voila!  A cobalt blue butterfly jewel! And you may be surprised what kind of food butterflies love.

Sue Jordan says, “My grandson, Trail, located a large blue water bottle for me….. it made a great shallow feeder for the birds. I used GE Silicone ll to attach plate to the bottle.”

“These also make wonderful platform feeders for birds. My butterflies seemed to love cherries with a splash of water best, but also I offered banana and watermelon chunks.  I leave the fermenting fruits in place for days and butterflies love the ‘jam-like’ consistency as the fruits break down.”

Here's a simple project you might consider.... a butterfly feeding station!Here's a simple project you might consider.... a butterfly feeding station!

Here’s a simple project you might consider…. a butterfly feeding station!


How To:

“The larger feeder is made using a spring water bottle and a 13″ plate” Sue tells us. “The petite one is a small saucer and finger vase! Both were secured together with GE Silicone II adhesive. I just place the the feeders over rods tapped into the soil.”



“I offered banana slices with a splash of water and the butterflies just kept returning for more!”


Sue’s butterfly feeding station surrounded by Zinnia and Lantana.


How does this work?

Scientists have found that:

(1) fruits contain high concentrations of sugar and nitrogen, and make a nutritious food source for butterflies in tropical forests

(2) fruit-feeding butterflies use smells from the fruits and fermentation to locate their food

(3) different types of fruit-feeding butterflies like different sorts of fruits

(4) fruit choice is not strongly linked nutrient content. They love sugar!


“I was thrilled to have a Monarch visit!” Sue says. These cherries are the big attraction.


Sue : “Love that cardinal with crest!”

“I like the primary colors together here,” Sue says, “This is a great way to feature this colorful bottle in your garden,…the cardinal agrees!”

More from Sue

Another style blue glass butterfly feeder


Sue’s blue glass birdbath

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

View Comments

  • I love these. Very attractive and easy.

  • Deborah Brooks says:

    Will it also attract swarms of bees?

    • Sue Langley says:


  • Mary M Avelleyra says:

    Sue - any ideas on preventing ants from getting into the feeder? Can you come up with a "moat" design where the post can still be placed in the soil?

    • Sprinkle cinnamon spice (ground) around the base and ants will avoid climbing up the spike you place this upon. Every time you replace the fruit, sprinkle a little more cinnamon. Ants hate cinnamon and won't cross it.

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