Holiday and birthday gift guide for Flea Market Gardeners!
If you can’t manage to wangle a truck load of rocks or mulch (a really good idea!), here is a good page to stick under the nose of a loved one, to give them an idea of gifts that we Flea Market Gardeners like. Many of the things we especially like and use on our page are in our FMG Shop, including books, craft supplies and other things we’ve mentioned on the page.
Books are a favorite, being as the gardening season is done n much of the season in the US. Dreaming is a necessity. Here are three:

Planted junk, an awesome book!

The Writer in the Garden Price: $9.99- Sue’s favorite bedtime book!

Gardener’s Book of Handmade Gifts Price: $4.47
A little luxury after a day of gardening is a treat and we’re a fan of this soap. Infused with rosemary it helps scrub of the dirt from under our fingernails.

Alaskan rosemary gardener bar soap Price: $6.50
One post, Gloves or no gloves? Hand care after gardening, spurred a whole list of hand care goodies, including this lotion:
Did you know that Amazon has a huge variety of fairy garden accessories at really low prices? They do and it’s a great source for those of us looking for one certain thing or for those in remote areas. Here’s one cutie:

Miniature Fairy Garden Fairy Rachael Price: $6.99
For the adventurous, curious gardener, here are packs of ‘u-neek’ seeds to try:
Peace on Earth, Goodwill to pollinators! Nature lovers will enjoy this stylish mason bee house.

Mason Bee House Price: $18.95
A good trowel is always in my back pocket when I head outdoors and I particularly like the narrow ones to dig with, weed, with and plant bulbs. This one ha a welded handle that won’t bend…a treat!
Joseph Bentley Traditional Garden Tools Stainless Steel Transplanting Trowel Price: $14.99
I have always wanted one of these! Weeds go in the bucket and I’m an avid weeder!

Fiskars 9424 Garden Bucket Caddy Price: $11.67
Sloggers Women’s Rain and Garden Boot with
Price: $29.67
For after gardening, snuggle into these luxurious slippers that come n four colors..
A picture of me doing nothing in this swing chair, below, created a sensation one day on our page and it should have done! This is the Air chair that I hang from the oak tree next to our patio. I did quite a lot of research to find a good quality chair at a good price. It’s great fun and I highly recommend it! Leisure at it’s best,…or is it laziness?
My personal camera and one I carry in my front jeans pocket most all the time,…on trips, working at the nursery and out in the garden. All the photos taken on this page by me are with this one:
One more holiday favorite…

Christmas from the Heart of the Home Price: $4.35
Note: All these links go to Amazon and 6% of all sales go to support our website! For more useful gift items, go directly to our FMG Shop Thanks so much! ~~ Sue