Meet our Flea Market Gardeners…
Where do you live and garden? This is a place for newcomers to our page, worldwide, and those who haven’t yet,… to introduce yourself, tell where your garden is and a bit about it!
Flea Market Gardening(Sue Langley) I live and garden in the Central California foothills near Oakhurst, gateway to Yosemite. Tractor Man and I came to our 7 acres on a mountainside from the Orange County/Southern California area and gardening was all new to me here!
I had a lot to learn and started a blog to record my gardening adventures. I’ve always liked recycled junk, curb shopping and frequenting yard sales. I’m sure to be seen in the junk shops in our small town from time to time. I got the gardening bug from my Mom and love working on garden projects! You can see photos of our place in the album called ‘Sue’s California Home’.
I love ‘talking’ to you all here and trying some of the projects! See you on the Wall! ~~ Sue
Teresa Shelton I’m in Fl spent all my life in Michigan, and got into gardening through my grandma and my friend, now I’ve been in Fl for 3 summers and am starting to get what works here in the heat, Susan and the doctor I work for garden too and they have helped me, I really enjoy all the plants that attract butterflies so have a lot of them I’m also into cactus and succulents, I got a greenhouse this spring and plan on playing in there this winter and grow some things from seeds, I hope to plant another section of my yard next spring and make my backyard into a little paradise, I’ve been in this house 1yr and have done so much already stay tuned
Rena Bezmen I love gardening, and decorating, and garden art (mosaics) and this all takes place in Neptune Beach Florida. My husband, Wayne and I have been at the beach for 23 years. My daughter and her husband and our two grandchildren (teens) are only blocks away, and you can’t want any more than that.
Joanne Frances DeWald I am in Riverside, New Jersey and I love quirky little gardens filled with hidden treasures.
Jennifer Linkenmeyer Wildes I live, garden and take pictures and pursue other fun things in Iowa. Gardening for wildlife, mainly birds and butterflies, is one of my favorite things to do. I make garden stones when I have the time and I love bottle trees. I see so many beautiful things here that I would love to try and hope to some day soon.
A Garden Story I started gardening about 10 years ago. I loved it so much I became a Master Gardener. Gardening in the town of Thor in northern Iowa has its challenges. Long, cold, snowy winter, cold, rainy spring, short summer, and short fall. It seems like no sooner do I have tomatoes coming on that there is a nip in the air and fall is barreling toward me. I could say I have 7 different beds but really almost my entire yard is a flower bed. I grow conifers, perennial flowers, annuals, shade plants, have a rock garden with barn cupola fountain, and a vegetable garden. I also just started making garden totems and ceramic plate flowers. That has been a lot of fun collecting stuff for that.
Kristy Alfred Walters I live, garden, craft and have a hobby farm (rabbits and chickens for now) in the heart of North East Texas…aka HELL as most of us Texans have called it this summer. I have been married coming up on 20 yrs and we have 2 children one almost 19 and my youngest that just turned 14 and started 8th grade. I love gardening and have only been back at it the last couple of yrs. and I enjoy the peace it brings me when I’m out with nature.
Kathy Witherington Gilbert I live in Louisiana, own a business, Natures Hideaway Nursery and Gardens, I love junking and gardening our business is where we express this passion, love for all of you to stop by our page on face book leave your comments and check out our blog and projects. We love to share gardening ideas, you are welcome to share your pictures, like us and we will like you back and tell our friends about your gardening ideas. Happy gardening! Thanks flea market gardening for keeping us inspired!!!!! Kathy
Rebecca Geis I grew up on a farm in southern Indiana guess you might say it all started there. Now live in Newburgh, Indiana southern Indiana right on the Ohio River.
Mary Alice Sneed Living in Wilmington, NC near the beach after 35 years in the D.C. area. Because of long commuting and work hours I never had a chance to do any gardening. Retired last November and hubby and I have a huge flower garden where we love to sit in the swing under the magnolia tree with a glass of wine or sweet tea (as they say here in the south).
Marie Niemann In Northern Utah where we usually have four seasons until recently. We’re surrounded by beautiful mountains with lots of snow in the winter. Our growing season is short but I like a challenge and use a cold frame to start some maters, lettuce and spinach in mid winter from seed outside in below freezing temps. I have always loved junk and rust and unusual container planters so FMG is right up my alley.
Debbie Groff-Childs Hi, In Redding, CA, where it is hot, hot, hot in the summer, I am married, love gardening, cooking, canning, reading, camping, fishing etc etc and most of all I love my family!!
Christine Cross I live in western Pa, between Pittsburgh and Erie. Today we are having a heat wave, the thermometer went above 90 which is a little unusual for our area but we’ve had several of these days this summer. It’s really been a perfect summer though, with rain coming when we really need it. We were happy how our garden produced this year.
Anna Looper In the lower foothills of NC. Gardening from a craftsman cottage home. I have a small area of my garden where my little shed, Copper Top Cottage, resides–this is where I keep and create most of my flea market garden treasures. It all started with treasures given to me by my family. It’s a cute little aqua shed with a copper roof.
Trina Hewett Bertoldi I live I Tampa, Fl and have a new house I rehabbed, inside and out! The yard was a mess but it is starting to look really nice with the butterfly gardens and all my garden treasures all around. My Mom taught me the love of gardening to reduce stress! it works wonders!!
Jenny Abbott I live in Forrest City, Ar. about 45 miles form Memphis, Tn. I love working in my small flowers beds. It has really been a hot dry summer here so I have to keep the water hoses, going.
Lolly McCutcheon I live, work, sweat, weed and garden in Columbus, Ohio. I have been gardening for like ever and I also have my own business gardening for the elderly or the people that do not have time to do it. My knees are toast but I love it! I am too lazy to become a Master Gardener…really should do it though. I have a small pond and tons of gardens. I love turning trash into garden treasures.
Pat Brodniak-Carbonaro I garden on the Oregon Coast in Lincoln City. Ive been gardening on and off for many yrs. I had a huge garden when I lived in NJ and canned tons from it. Then we moved to Ca. and I had garden here to but not as much. Life was busy then and it often got too hot in the summer and I didnt like to be out in that. Now Im here on the coast and while the soil is alike like NJ, I have to deal with coastal winds and temps. I have been lucky tho to live on the downside of the hill from the ocean which makes my yard much warmer. I put in 14 raised beds, end of last summer and am learning to work with this soil and weather and tons of rain.
Angel Schmidt I live in Port Richey, Fl… Pasco County. I have a small but colorful garden. Full of more STUFF than flowers or anything else. I am expanding my garden down the length of my house just so I can “PLANT” more stuff..and a few flowers.. I still haven’t figured out “Florida Friendly” plants, cause no matter what they say..the stuff still dies in the heat without water..But I keep trying. I am so happy this place is here, I love new ideas and like to try things… I spend a lot of time, enjoying the peacefulness of my Garden, in the yard…and treasure shopping for just the right pieces….
Susie Duncan Williams Phoenix, Arizona near Moon Valley. 18 years ago I relocated from San Francisco Peninsula CA. Gardening is a challenge, Nice junque shops including Goodwill and cool boutiques. My challenge is to keep my staples alive and plant annuals and perennials in a very small weather window between October and November (DEC and JAN freeze) and Feb to May. Nice to meet everyone.
Debbie Rogers Hale West Texas, not much gardening going on here this year.
Blondeponders Garden and Duck tales I was raised in PA but have spent over 20 years in Florida. My husband and I have a few acres in Vero Beach Florida. We added large ponds and a creek full of Tilapia,bass and bluegill. Wildlife of every kind visit. We have a small flock of ducks, chickens and quail, 2 dogs and one scrawny cat. I am a Master Gardener and love to share about composting and vermicomposting (WORMS) LOVE whimsical junque filled yards of every size! Mosaics, painting, crafts and teaching my 7 grandkids to love gardening are some part of my past times.
Debbie Perry McMurry I live in SE Kansas. I have always loved gardening and collecting vintage garden junk to tuck in my flower beds and sitting areas. I have a cottage style potting shed where I have my collections and plan my gardens in. Love exchanging treasure ideas on this site!
Patty Fitch Hicks I live and garden in outer SE Portland Oregon amid the tall firs. Our summers here are arid and usually warmer than they have been. It’s one of very few Mediterranean type climates in the world which gives us a broad plant pallet to chose from.
I’ve gardened here since 1990, carving out space in my husband’s territory (he owned the house long before we were married and fixes stuff so there were a lot of metal shrubs around…cars and boats). When I first moved in the only plants were two badly pruned fir trees ringed by some struggling marigolds in the front yard and lawn that was needing renovation. From there I carved out a showplace garden that inspired others on our very busy street and headed into the back yard where we grow veggies. It is my inspiration space where I am able to display re-purposed garden art and shoot a ton of photos that I use on my blog
As far as my propensity for loving to garden…My mom loved nature and flowers and my grandma was an incredible gardener from from what my cousins tell me and they say I take after her…she could grow anything. I can’t honestly say I can grow “anything” but I sure try.
Marian Casse I live in Southern Utah …not to far from Bryce Canyon…we live at 6000 ft so tho we’re zone 5 that means not much to Mother nature..we’re still waiting for our tomatoes to turn a lil red …we have 3 horses, chickens ,a dog and cat ,,,had a huge garden last year but didn’t get one this year…I gardened some how and somewhere all my life..learned veggies from my grandpa and my love of junkin and stuff from my mom..she has a garden you would love to “shop” in..
Heather Sunny McGuire Williams sw missouri gardener and antiquer here . I turned my whole front yard into a garden this year !
Linda Fleming Gillespie I live in the north part of Mississippi.I have always loved being outside watching the birds and butterflies and all the other animals so I like to grow flowers they like, I hurt my back a few years ago so I can’t do as much as I would like to.To me being outside and in flowers is being closet to God.Love all the pictures
Kathleen Hussey Switzer I am in a small town just east of Oklahoma City, on 5 acres,with chickens,ducks,dogs,cats,horse and guinea pig,Quail…..slowing cleared the land in the first 5 yrs here….now working on pulling it all together if I can stop making garden totems lol
Kristy Alfred Walters Kathy…will sure have to keep that in mind you are not far at all! I’m in Hallsville just between Marshall and Longview! Great to meet you. I will check out your pics!
Sue Gerdes Live in the Dakota’s on a working farm, we grow wheat, barley, corn and soybeans, guess you could say we are big gardeners. Am a artist/Grandma who loves creating things for outdoors. Hobbies are Harley biking, gardening, art and travel. Our Winters are brutal and beautiful all in one. I rely on rain and rain barrels because our water is artisain which is hard on the soil. I was raised in Colo but will grow where I am planted ;o)
Jo Ann Marcum I’m in southern Ohio on the Ohio River near Huntington ,WV. I love plants, antiques and flea marketing. I’ve really enjoyed this site
Amy Aikman I’m in Victoria, BC Canada. Started gardening when my husband and I bought our little house and it had a dozen roses in the front yard, and I had NO idea what to do with them. Took a Master Gardener’s class and have learned a lot from my neighbours, trial and error, and books.
Nancy Short Logan I’ve lived in Soldotna, Ak since 1975. Gardening is a challenge up here. Built my own greenhouse. I really love growing tuberous begonias. I have a wildflower garden and lots of berries around my house that I have planted. I’m making some raspberry cobbler jam this weekend. I’m an artist, cook/baker/cake decorator/carpenter/mechanic (classic cars). Not enough time to do everything!
DeeDee Kier Living in Greenville, SC. Love it here as I can have flowers in my yard all year long. Pansies do great in the winter here in SC. I’m not happy unless my yard has flowers. I have an old bicycle leaning against the tree in my backyard. Love to look out the window while eating breakfast at it. Also have an outhouse that my dad made me, that is my potting shed. I store all my pots and garden tools out there. It’s a lot of work but it’s so gratifying when the flowers are peeking their heads up towards the sun… Thanks to my good friend, Kelly, we make all kinds of garden art.
Kathy Hardin Flower gardening is my passion along with loving old things and using things not in their normal way. My Grandmother had beautiful flowers while I was growing up so I sure that influenced me. It is great for the excerise and to clear the mind. I am in North Georgia on 13 acres way back in the woods, so there`s a lot of space for flowers and “Stuff”.
Cookie Watson I am in Rocky Mount, NC. Never have had a green thumb, but, I just had lots of trees cut down and am in the process of trying to re-landscape the yard. I love the ideas on here and will check back frequently for questions and answers—I need lots of help
The Vintage Seester I am right next to Kathleen Hussey Switzer LOL
Cindy St Clair Martino I live in nw Ohio(go bucks!)…I love junking and flea mkts.auctions and yardsales..I love all herbs and like to dry flowers and herbs …love to play in the dirt..but we have had a lot of hot there was a lot of earl mornings working in the flower beds!!! this is one of my all time favorite sites!!!
Kristi Emanuelson I garden in Denver, Colorado. For so many years I mostly veggie gardened.. often cause I was moving from place to place and the first thing to put in was the food source. Eight years ago I bought a house that already had garden spaces in place. So I was able to put in the veggies and focus on the flowerbeds. I have since put in a pond,with reclaimed rock. Put down flagstone, from give away stone. I am very frugal inside and outside of the home. I hope to put in a small grove of fruit trees next year. I work part time at a garden center… where I find great deals on plants. But my favorite thing is to find things for my garden/home and make them into items that work for me.. from furniture to decor. I know I will find lots of inspiration from this site.
Jeanne Sammons I guess I’ve always loved ‘old things’ … like I thought my Mom and Dad were old (at 30), my Gr’ma’s and her way of living…nurturing everyone around her! So I love antiquity finds and treasure those that have been passed on to me. My DH (darling hubby) and I still live on 6 acres near Cedar Falls, IA (42 yrs now) where we raised our family, animals, veggie garden…we both love working outdoors! I retired a few yrs earlier than I expected but have enjoyed my extra time being able to ‘flower garden’ and ‘flea market’…plus our yearly trip to the lake in MN for vacationing…something we’ve always loved! The FB FMG’ing forum is such an inspiration!
Colleen Avery Long I live and garden in San Pedro California. I have only lived here a year, but have already had more gardening success here than anywhere else I have lived. I am two blocks from the ocean and the plants really love the moist air here!! I have always loved gardening, but your site has recharged my creativity, and I am having a lot of fun!!
Nell Howard Stelzer I was born and raised in Louisville,KY.I left Clarkson,KY and moved to Southern MD 12 years ago.My Grandmother gardened and so did my Dad.I got my love of it from them.My Dad would make the wooden figures and I would paint them and place in his gardens.When we moved here we had azaleas and 2 hostas.I now have a hosta bed with other perennials in it.This July I started another garden.It has lots of creations that I found at FMG.I love being with nature and I love to create crafts, for inside or outside.Thanks to all who shared their ideas !!
Patricia Farris Sharp Portland, OR transplant from the south. Adapted my gardening to where ever we have lived or worked. My biggest adjustment has been gardening on a floating home where we currently live. Yes the river is my back yard. So hanging baskets and pots have become my gardening space. When I first started this five years ago, I got kidded a lot by my neighbors. How much dirt does it take to sink a floating home? Now it’s “What are you planning this year?” When I start working on my baskets I stick the little card from my plants in the pot because people want to know what in the baskets. And everyone enjoys the flowers. This is my stress relief. Love getting out after being inside during our long damp winters.
Avid dumpster diver. I am all about free. If I can make something out of it and can find a spot in my limited space I love it. The best part of junking is sharing with my family. We all have a common interest in making something out of junk. Even though we live far from each other with FB we are able to share and swap ideas. Gardening, junking, crafts…..Love it.
Joyce England I,m gardening on a small city lot in Indianapolis,Indiana,and pretending I live in the country.I,ve just discovered this site a few weeks ago.The weather has been so hot ,I,m spending more time here than in my garden.I,m 67 and cant do as much as I would like in the dirt.Now that I,m making decorations out of junk,I,ve found a new passion.I love to junktique,and I,m an alley picker.I can,t pass up an old chair.I,m thinking about starting a twelve step program to help myself and others.I know they are out there.I have a truck,will travel
Janet Martin Conaway I am from Blue Ridge Georgia. We have owned a cabin herer for 8 years and finally have the pleasure of living here full time since July..I havent done much gardeneing yet but do plan on it, I love junkin, antique auctions, all sorts of craft s and having friends and family at the cabin with us.We enjoy the beauty of the Toccoa River in our front year and 1,000 of acres of Chatohoochoo National Forest behind us.
Brian Stephan I live and garden in Mesa, AZ, a Phoenix suburb and mainly grow veggies, but am starting to do more flowers. Summers are a challenge here, but that’s what makes it so rewarding.
Jill Hughes Waltenspiel My garden world is 6 (ish) miles from Oakland Oregon. I have been a junk gardener since my first sunflower in a coffee can in 1st. grade. We were introduced to creative uses of other peoples castoffs very early as my grandmother ran the Salvation Army Store in Eugene, OR. We have lived here for 15 years, but until November I worked full time so I am a little bit behind. Love this site and the inspiration and excitement it creates in us all.
Charlie’s Run Gardens I’m in Rotorua, New Zealand, I grow everything from fruit trees to flowers, have a bee hive and worm farm all on a suburban section with views over Lake Rotorua – I spend as much time as possible in the garden and love the quirky things :0)
Sandy Sloterbeek I am a transplanted southener most of my gardening experience has been in Grand Rapids, Michigan now living in Southern MS on the coast…lots of clay here…have not been real successful since moving here 4 years ago…sometimes miss my perennial gardens back I Mi. love junking…always looking for new places to go!!!!!
Kelly B Toadvine I garden 3 places, at my home in Greenville, SC, as a Master Gardener volunteer at the Roper Mountain Science Center Butterfly Garden and every year at Silver Beach, VA at my Mother’s summer home.
Vicki Slay Rushing I’am in the panhandle of Fl. just north of Panama City.I have enjoyed my flowers and playhouse so much since I retired Dec 1. I would love to be able to have peonies and lilacs, but will have to settle for crepe myrtles and hydranges. I love junking and turning trash into tresures.
Growing Herbs For Beginners We’re in mid-state Illinois. Master Gardener, former grower and grow lots of odds and ends-fruits, veggies and of course some herbs. I think I need to start growing more flowers-I’m appreciating them more as I get older
Garden Whimsies by Mary I’m in Tampa, FL (West Central Florida) and have been gardening for about 15 years. My father is an amazing gardener and taught me my love of gardening. I adore cottage gardens . . . mostly because they go so well with flea market gardening. My precious grand-daughter is only 14 months old, but I can’t wait to teach her how to garden like her Gigi.
Marilyn Miller I live in NW Pa. I love working in the dirt. I’ve been finding and place old flat rocks in my front yard around the fountain. Keeps my husband out of my garden with the mower. He doesn’t know what’s flower and what’s grass…LOL. On the other side of my porch I’ve put in at least 500 bricks for a brick pathway around my little fountain and through a flower garden and back to the side of my porch. I love old bricks.
Sheila Shelbourne Franklin I live in N Central TX and garden for butterflies. I plant their host plants that they lay eggs on and nectar plants for them too. I even bring the caterpillars inside and feed them. I am having a rough year with our drought and 100 degree temps for 68 straight days this year. Love the garden art and repurposing posted in this group!
Marlene Phillippe Kindred I live and garden in Fredericksburg, Virginia and have been on this property my whole life. I have a degree in horticulture and was a florist for over fifteen years. I still use the “trial and error” method in my gardening and as I get older, my tastes have changed. I’ve become a lot more indulgent of my gardening whims. I’ve discovered that I’m quite a magpie and I enjoy garden junk immensely. Love this group as they are so inspiring and share my passion for flea finds!
Terrariums High foothills in San Diego County Ca, It’s an incredible challenge to grow things here, though the soil with a bit of organic stuff in it is great. The scenery and wildlife are awesome. It is a rough but beautiful and rewarding life.
Alondra Miller Belmont, North Carolina. With about 9 months of gardening, I love it.
Judy Wickwire I live in NW PA, not far from Lake Erie. I really love to garden and have been doing more with the acre we have here. Trial and error is my method as well.
Annie Grossart-Steen In beautiful Chester County Pennsylvania~just a stones throw away from Amish Dutch Country ….where horse and buggy are as common as the pickup truck~
Carol Winger Hall I live in NW Pa. above Pgh..below Erie. I started my gardening as a therapy after losing my husband and it has since grown into a full fledged hobby (addiction). My garden is more of a country cottage with sand walkways and all kinds of trinkets tucked here and there. I have planted various perennials so that between April and Nov. I will never be without something blooming.
Laura Evans Northern MN … I am a haphazard gardener/flowerbed-er … I usually get more than enough to eat and share with my daughter. Right now I have a straw bale garden in my back yard, some partially re-claimed flowerbeds from years ago … and much more to do!
PS love the “butterfly globe”!!
Bonnie White I live in Riverside Alabama. Small farm 10 acres love gardening. Enjoying canning learning to live off the land. Truly love my flower gardens.
Jean Melson Castelloe I live in Tidewater, (southeast) VA and I’m partial to perennials. I’m currently converting my vegetable space into a Tranquility garden. Vegetables, I found, require a little more “work” than I’m willing to give and stress me out!
Cyndi Harvey Dixon I live in Harriburg, AR approx 45 minutes from Memphis TN. I grow mostly flowers I can get from friends so they mean so much more. My acre of garden has mostly things from my G’ma’s beautiful garden. I feel as if she is still with me in my garden!
Renee’ Crigger-Baker lives in Winchester, Ky… All new too the gardening thing about 4yrs, fruits and veggies, did do one this year.. But I do love my flowers and shrubs. and I love Flea Market Gardening, I have learned a lot of different things on here from everyone and plan on tring a lot of them.. Keep up the good work everyone…
Terri Simandl I live in Spartanburg, SC. Originally from N. Ft. Myers, FL. Started gardening as a child, my dad had us gardening from the time I could walk. Now have 2 acres full of plants and flowers. Love, Love Peonies and started selling them to florists a couple of years ago. My soil is very compacted and read clay, so that is very challenging for me being used to that black dirt in FL. Spend lots of time watering, weeding and mulching. Nice to meet everyone!!!!
Nancy K. Meyer Live in SE Iowa ~~where the Misssissippi runs East and West. Born and raised on a farm. Married 48+ years to my High School sweetheart and he too was raised on a farm. We are farmers and I can garden anywhere I want, as long as it does not get in the way of DH’s lawn mower. I have nice black dirt, use Preen for weed control and do not mulch many of my bed, as it is too windy on my Iowa farm. Mostly hostas, and or course RUST.
I garden mostly with Hostas and Rust ~~most of it with family history. Love FMG and so glad I found you guys at the end of May this year. Some many kindred souls on the posts. you guys.
Carla Burnside Live in a small town Linda, Ca. mailing address is Olivehurst, Ca. lived here most of my life, if not here then in Oklahoma.
Sheila Hanzalik I summer garden in Pine City, MN and we winter garden in Mesa, AZ.
Debbie McMaster I live in Eagle River, Wisconsin. I have a flower garden following the entire front and side of house (corner lot). I call it a whimsical eclectic fairy garden. I love adding in totems, anything sparkly, hang danglys from the tree limbs, love chimes, and you just never know what I might decide to do out there. I find even growing flowers here can be very challenging due to weather fluctuation from freezing to hot and humid. I’ve mostly learned what will grow or not from trial and error. If I like it, I plant it and see what happens. Have some big trees that are creating a bit too much shade. I have a brick border and walkway along the meandering perimeter of the flowers, my little gog (teacup poodle) loves to go outside each morning with me to ‘walk the walk’ and check on things. The walkway curves around to a dry bed bridge and then contines down through a arbor, past a small water pump water feature, between a couple trees and then to the end of the side yard. We have tall dead trees used for birdhouse poles. Right now I’m in the process of replacing all them and having to repaint and fix some of the houses. Anyway, it varies from year to year. I hope to sooner or later get enough growing together that it’ll choke out the weeds and grass! There’s a open field right across the street so all the grasses and weeds love to come settle over here. On the other hand, we also throw Lupine, Queen Anne’s lace, Rose Mallow and other seeds out in the field to start flowers over there that mix with the wild daisys and black eyed susans. For the first 2 years of starting the floers and bushes, the deer ate them to the ground. We now make (and sell) our own version of liquid deer fence and now the deer skirt my yard completely!~
Suzanne’s Garden Treasures …located in the California San Joaquin Valley….found my way here from the Mountains of North Carolina via Northern Virginia adding a husband and a couple of kids along the way. Conquering the challenges of gardening in a climate that only gets 10 inches of rain a year and summer heat occasionally crossing the 100s! Starting up a new Pressed Flower business this fall….
M’Lissa Henthorn I live in a suburb of Seattle WA…grew up on a country family farm in Wishkah WA…Now I’m a country girl loving life in the city! Love re purposing things and making them new!
Dianne Ameling I live in a tiny town in Northeast Iowa not far from the Eagle Cam that so many have watched via internet. Flower gardening with some extra touches is my thing although I love hostas and grasses too. I love adding pieces of interest to my flower beds and have gotten many ideas from this site. Rusty wheels, and old bike, and a iron head board started it all. We seem to get lots of snow so my plants have to be hardy and my fun pieces sturdy to survive our wnters.
Lee Stadler I’m in Clayton North Carolina, new to the South. On a learning curve so to speak…..and pretty new to gardenng overall.
Sue Schultz Pagels We live in LaPorte, IN – a few miles from Lake Michigan. My grandfather’s whole back yard was roses, but I was so young, I barely remember. Perhaps that is where I get MY love of roses. We can have hot humid summers and lake effect snow in winter. I love antiques, junk, and gardening!
Betty Baer Thomas I have been living in Roseville, MN since 1974. Newly retired so I can finally give my garden my full attention. New to Flea Market Gardening and love all the new ideas I am getting for garden decorating!
Kathy Burden We live in Spring TX, just north of Houston. It has been too hot this summer and we have lost everything in the garden, plus 1 90 ft pine tree. We are trying to water the trees, but have at lease 4 more that are in trouble. It has been too hot, too long! We are praying for rain…we need a couple of weeks of steady rain.
Cindy Loyd I garden in Hot-as-Hades Macon,GA(altho it did rain and cool down finally today). It has been a challenge dealing with drought and heat this summer. Sometimes
I just have to stay in the AC and visit FMG!
Barbara Colson I’m in Winchester, Hampshire UK. Currently my garden is still a building site, we’ve been self-building a house for 6 years! I have loads of pots on the terrace and have started a fruit garden and have tomatoes cropping on the balcony! Also have my bog garden in my bog brush holder… I love Flea Market gardening as it is such an inspiration
Leonie Newton I live in Mount Gambier, South Australia. I love anything old or collectable. I LOVE rummaging thru second hand or antique shops and any markets I can find. LOVE gardening when I can find the time… and just love flowers.. would have them absolutely everywhere if I could, maybe oneday I will! Being so green here makes gardening very easy…. your page is very inspiring
Cheryl Lewallen York I live in a small community called West Robbins, Tn. About an hour from Knoxville , Tn. I have a small wild flower garden in the hollow behind my house that I can spend hours in. Cardinal flowers are the star of the garden now but iron weed, joe pye weed, tall flox, ferns and yellow cone flowers run a close race. The humming birds have a feast there! My love for gardening came from my grandma and mother. I love old stuff to add flavor to the flowers that God has blessed us with. And if I haven’t said it before I absolutly love this page!
FlowersEverywhere Broph I live and garden in Oro-Medonte Canada. I always had a love for flowers but never really put my mind to gardening until a life change….was the best thing I ever did. I have many beautiful flowers and shrubs. My spouse has been awesome help to me ..These gardens are my serenity! :<) .. FLOWERS EVERYWHERE
Lisa Mallory I live in the beautiful Ozarks near Branson, MO, I moved here from SE Kansas 3 years ago. We just bought a new house near the lake and with noving in July and the long hot and dry summer we have not gardened this year. I have a small yard on the corner and am planning on planting for privacy around the street side of the front yard and filling the yard with bird and butterfly favorites. My boyfriend will put in a small garden in the side yard by the fire pit and picnic table for tomatoes, sweet corn, peppers, watermelon and I will do a small herb garden there.
Jane Mesch I live in Delhi, IA. I got my love of gardening from my two grandmothers; one who lived on an Iowa farm and one who gardened in her yard in Evanston, IL and started a gardening club to beautify her city. We moved to this location 5 years ago and have a huge back yard, lots of overgrown flower gardens, fruit trees and berries. Since we both work full time it has been a slow process to tackle the beds. Can’t wait till I retire to give it all my time. In the mean time I choose one small area at a time to tackle. (Like my claw foot goldfish pond shared earlier). I just love adding my flea market finds to the yard and gardens!
Linda Arbour I’m from St. Catharines, Ontario, and I’ve been gardening along side my “baba” and dad since I was a small child. My passion is to make garden accents that reflect my love of nature using anything imaginable. FMG is a place filled with wonderful people and ideas!
Stephanie Waymen I’m developing a Goddess Garden, here in the Great Bear Rainforest of Northern British Columbia. I gardened and went to many fabulous yard sales in Los Angeles for many years, and now have to relearn gardening in a much wetter terrain. I specialize in exotic poppies, as well as sculpt and create Goddess art for my garden. I have a deep passion for plants and have made a study of them and their medicinal values as a Nutritionist.
Gardening and art is my passion, so happy to have found a great fb page to share my passion with you all <3
Laura Cheskin England, UK
Gladys Gerritsen Largo, Fl
Jacinta O’Reilly I am in Christchurch,NZ.750sqm of mainly sand, my garden and house are in restoration after at least 10 years neglect as I bought from a very elderly previous owner.
Liz Miller Davey Norfolk, MA Gardening for 60+ years here, IL and MI
Carol Jones I am gardening in Western North Carolina in a small town called Rosman.I have a garden/landscape business as well so I garden all over Transylvania County. I also have recently achieved the Master Garden Volunteer and currently getting my hours in from various functions and tasks. Our county is the wettest in all of North Carolina, mountainous elevations are varied depending on where you live along the ridges and valleys. I love the diversity of what can be grown here. I am now doing all I can to practice and preach Lacovore>buy local, eat local= a way of keeping our local economy and farmers, growers and county prosperous and keeps our mountains clean.
Vallery Gier Dietrich I’m gardening in New Buffalo, MI. Its on Lake Michigan, southern end. Very sandy soil in my yard. But I’m doing ok with it. I played in my yard all day today. I felt like a kid, “I didn’t want to come in”! But the street lights came on.
Marti Dolin Peach Creek WV in little old Logan County. Here and Pastor’s back yard in Pecks Mill, WV. We refer to it as The Communal or Revival Gardens. We grow 1/2 runners, tomatoes, cukes. Have some luck with squash and zucchini. Bell and banana peppers, corn, turnips and some radishes. Trying some watermelon too. Makes me long for summer again
Ann Conetta Miller I’m a transplant from New England and have lived in Cetral Ohio in Blacklick—a suburb of Columbus for 40 years.
Linda Cartwright I am in Del Rio, Texas. Our soil is what we called Caliche! Rock hard clay, so all my gardening is in pots or raised beds! All that grows here naturally are lots of cactus, sage brush, and mesquite!
Janinne Paulson Northwest North Dakota, where it stays light until nearly 11pm in June, but we pay for it in January when we go to work in the dark and come home in the dark, too. Somewhat clay-y soil here and alkaline, too. There are lots of perennials we can lust after in the magazines but can’t grow here. But nearly every yard has some peonies, lilies, rhubarb, lilacs, potentilla, or flowering crab apple trees. Our home is on one city lot and despite living here for 21 years, still haven’t made much progress with the yard between time crunches and money crunches. But we keep plugging away. Husband does all the mowing and trimming and tomato growing. I do the flowers.
Veronica Hamblin Bowling I live and garden in Southern Indiana..We have a 200 acre farm but dh is no longer farming..He vegetable gardens and I do the flowers. We are each other’s assistant..
Deana Clinard Tribble Lebanon, TN -6th year in my current garden.
Pawla Smith Woodhull, NY about 2 miles from the central PA border. Have a 107 acre farm high on the mountain top. Challenging to garden but very rewarding
Paula Alliman Laramie I’m gardening in community garden plot in Albuq. NM. Great spring veggies of sugar snap peas, lettuce, spinach, radishes, broccoli, and carrots. Mid summer onions, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatos, and beans. I am now harvesting okra and waiting on the sweet potatoes. My first real attempt at veggie gardening has been so successful. In the past it was always just flowers which I still do too.
Karen Geiger Kansas, about an hour southwest of Kansas City. Retired to 13+ acres outside this small town from the suburbs of Kansas City. We have lived here for about 13 yrs. At first had a huge vegetable garden, canning and freezing a lot. That has dwindled down to tomato plants in containers! Now have wildflowers in fields surrounding about four acres of lawn. Have flower beds and container plants. Have had a few flea market things around but after finding FMG plan to really have fun next spring. I have been collecting things for a fairy garden, totems, etc. Love FMG!!!
Jayne Spooner Southern part of Minnesota – Faribault, MN to be exact – gardens are about 3 years old having moved here 4 years ago…spent lots of time removing LOTS of landscaping rock. Always a work in progress. Raised bed veggie gardens, butterfly garden, herb garden and lots of ‘Flea Market style’ container gardens!
Robin Eschenbach Foley Oradell, NJ–I am 10 minutes from NYC; the burbs! I am not a great gardener but I do love my herbs for cooking. Herbs are so easy to grow, even I can do it! It is the best thing about the summer for me, having fresh ingredients to enhance the recipe…
Lola Robuck Josey Love growing from seed and have many unusual plants. Have tried vegetable gardening the past two or three years but not very successful here on St. Simons Island, Ga. Instead of containers, will go back to the ground (raised beds) next year.So glad to find botanical Interests with heirloom seeds on your site, where I’ve spent the entire day reading.
Lee Coates I live in Highlandville, MO. My wife and I are farmers market vendors selling perennial flowers, Japanese maples, and dwarf conifers. I travel the U. S. speaking at horticultural events and vending at conventions. I have been playing in the dirt since I was big enough to walk and love to see things grow. Always on the lookout for things to ornament the garden with.
Janice Mekos Swaney I live in South Carolina, I garden in pots, summers are too hot and dry, winters are too cold and wet so Greenhouse and big pots fill my life. I love the unusual and rare plants. Water plants also.
Elizabeth Gibson Ottawa,Il.I love the magazine and I truly enjoy this site!!
Joye Todd Nix Outside Paris, TX. Thanks to Anna and Sue for this site and to all who share you ideas and pictures with us all.
Shirley McLean I live in Brititsh Columbia, Canada, ( in the fraser valley) I love to garden, my yard borders on a forested ravine, and since I’ve always been interested in art, it overflows into my yard somewhat, and there’s nothing better than snooping around 2nd hand shops for treasures !! This site is so inspiring, getting lots of new ideas for next year now!
Karen Francisco I Live In Medford Oregon..I’m just starting over with the Gardening. After my husband passed away and i’v been in a wheel chair, So this sight has Excited me every day.. wish winter was not on the way..But can do the crafts inside that You all share so Thank you..
Shirley Fox I live in San Antonio Texas where we have two garden seasons in Spring and Fall. Too hot in Summer and cold in ‘Winter’ which is about a month or so most years.
Brenda K. Colwell I live in Crothersville,Ind I have flowers in my yard. My Mother Opal Hignite loved flowers and veg. gardens. The older I get the more Ilove them also. Look forward every day to see what is new on FMG.Ilove looking at everones pictures and learning new things.Thanks to whom ever put the Hummingbirds nest on FMG I loved it.
Debra Treffry Clark ND here!
Kathy Shank Peru, Indiana
Arlene Isidoro I live in Northern California in the beautiful Alpine community of Mt. Shasta! Our growing season is only 3 months long and we also a greenhouse to extend as long as we can! Our farm is called Cold Creek….cause that’s what runs through the property. We have 4 goats, 16 chickens/one evil rooster and a Basset Hound Winston.
Lisa Ellis Durst I live in Ellisville (a suburb of St. Louis), MO. I’m a transplant from Western Kentucky! I didn’t garden at all because I have a brown thumb! How did I fix that problem? I married a Master Gardner! A Horticulture major from California Polytechnic State University! I have beautiful flower and container gardens! Since I like to flea market, garage sale, and dumpster dive, He is finally beginning to let me help with the garden decorating! When I stumbled upon this site I was joyous! A FMG Friend forever!
Nikki Luciano I’ve been growing veges in Jersey for a few years. I love it!!
Jo-Anne Hodson I live in Clermont, Florida, just outside of Orlando – My garden has evolved over the last 15 years at this house, and I am happy to say it has become my obsession. love your site and have gotten so many ideas that I can’t wait until I retire next year so that I can devote full time to the garden.
Nancy Hart Oliver I live in Greenville, Texas… a Master Gardener and gardening is my hobby!
Anna Piercy Dozier I live in Capon Bridge, West Virginia, about 6 miles across the state line from Virginia, but I grew up in Fairfax, Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC. Cheryl York — my brother lives just down the road from you in Robbins, TN! Small world!
Sharon Grimes Hi – I am from Brandon ( Tampa) Fl – I have lived most of my life either here or Louisville KY- I love the look of the old fashion gardens but have a greenish brown thumb ( but, my cat whisker’s plants thrived this year)
Kathy Ludwin Welte I am from Girard, PA about 5 miles from Lake Erie and 10 miles from the OH line. I have been junk gardening for quite a few years now. I am a photographer and love to take photos of all things “rusty and crusty” as I call it. My husband and I work together on many of our garden projects. He will be retiring the end of this year so there are many projects on the list. Can’t wait! Although I think MY retirement will officially be over!!!
Tammie Parks I’m in Pearl River County Mississippi n my fall gardening is n full swing.
Patty Green I live in Issaquah, Washington — and that’s where my shop is as well (SISTERS ANTIQUES). I just can’t get enough gardening weather here! My dream is to have a shop with even more gardening items, fresh flowers, plants… and the like!
Wendy Adams I live in Macon, Georgia and there wasn’t much gardening done here this summer in the record heat. It took all our time just to keep the grass alive!
The chicken coop I’m from WV. I have a love for gardening , flea markets , yard sales , antique shops . I like anything just about anything old, rustic, primitive, and of course my Chickens I also , love doing projects , taking things down and building things . I love to stay busy and im always looking for new ideas everywhere I go.
Diane Talbot Schaper I live in Ochelata, Oklahoma and after the frost last night the garden may be gone–for a few months anyway. So now to concentrate on my other projects, some of which I have seen on your site!! Keep up the great work.
Nadine Gurto Living in Lima, Ohio but originally from Northern Va. I live in the city so my gardening is limited to a few beds. I’ve been over-run by thistle though and can’t seem to get rid of it so I’ve been planting in containers for the past few years while I battle the thistle…I’m losing
Katrina Simmons I live and garden in Warner Robins, Ga. We have a long growing season here and it does keep me busy!
Julie Scherbarth I live in Agness, Oregon on the Rogue River. I’m a rancher, gardner, crafter, antiquer, upcycle old furniture and paint.
Sandra Rempel-Harris We are in Oak Lake, Manitoba (Canada). The last two summers were too wet to make a garden and we lost some spruce trees on our yard. Replaced the roof on our house due to hail damage. Gave us a bit more free time to travel to my family in Alberta (10 hour drive) a couple of times.
Sharon Velsink I live in Laar, Germany. We have a huge garden in which we’ve just installed some hedgehog winter hotels…here’s hoping they’re occupied soon!!! Love the site, great work!
Jeanne Jayne I live in Jackson Michigan USA. This year, after having been ill for 2 yrs, I had a lot of stone taken up and some trees cut. Next spring, I will put down dirt along a new stepping stone walk and out front where I have a flower bed now. Along one side of garage I just have some hen and chicks, ferns, tulips, iris. I’m new to gardening and will do more bulbs now that fall is here for spring. I’m starting from scratch….not one flower here…we moved to this house recently in country…lots of potential. I have planted lilac, burning and spirea plus a white flowering bush but they all take time to bloom. We have nut trees…walnut and hickory also. I’m having fun just planning.
Deborah L. Cutter Claremont, NC. I have some flower beds, but nothing like I used to have in Ohio. I’ve developed fibro and gardening hurts me so bad.
Barb Buckmaster Just moved to the Piedmont area of NC after 45 years in Florida! So enjoying the new climate and new varieties of flowers, etc.! We grow veggies and have a woods garden.
Lisa Mallory Lampe,MO in the beautiful Ozarks, just southwest of Branson,MO. I moved here after living in SE Kansas for 25 years!
Glenda Barker California, Northern part, Chico. About two hours north of Sacramento.
Leticia Jordan I live and garden in Waggaman, La. where our 4 seasons are crawfish, crab, shrimp, and oyster.
Naomi Williams-Rafferty I live in Harrisburg,Pa now. Hubby was in the Navy for 20 yrs so we lived in quite a few places over 35 yrs and I have gardened everywhere. Grew up in S Jersey the best soil I ever had.. Here I grew my garden where our above ground pool was ( Tree smashed the pool from ICE ) so the ground is sandy and everything grows exceptionally well there. Also have a Raised Veggie Garden –which the squirrels and Groundhogs all loved till I let them know just who’s garden it really belongs to–Thank you My two dogs and lots of hanging noise makers Love you site –Makes me Smile every time I come here
Janet Page Lake Of The Ozarks, Missouri .. Dead Center of the Heartland. The lake is 100 miles long with 1100 miles of shoreline. The largest Oak Grove Forest in the World. 4 fabulous Seasons and none too severe. The Fall colors are on the trees now! “Native Californian”
Pat Powell I am in Gaston, South Carolina. Not doing much gardening right now. Just sweeping up the fallen leaves and cleaning out flower beds to put them to bed for the winter. Do have some collard plants in ground, just waiting for our 1ST FROST. Can’t have good collards w/o the frost. Happy Gardening to all the great people in the Good USA>
Terry Weyland Wichita Kansas.. I play garden not to good at it, but I try
Joyce England Indianapolis,Indianait,s been raining for three days and I have about two hundred tulips to plant
Brenda Fowler I live in Winterville, Ga. love flea market gardening. I do some gardening but nothing that looks as good as the gardens you post.
Pat Flanagan Tulsa, Oklahoma! I have a small porch in an apt complex but it is my little Flea Market Garden!
Frances Smith I live in Highland Home, AL, It is mostly sand here, hard to grow good stuff. I havd a fenced in area next to my upholstery shop (I am offically retired, but anybody who loves their work knows you never retire) for my little dog and my flowers. If I put them anywhere else my husband may think they are weeds. On the threat of death he can’t touch anything inside the fence. I have Desert roses and Gout plants in pots, I love both of those plants. In the spring when they start bloonimg again I will send pictures. They both have the weird roots above ground. Love them. Have to be in shade and inside in winter.
Shirley Boley small town, Missouri… with 6 + lots to fill up..
Valerie Hutchens I live in Garden Grove, California. Walking distance from Disneyland. Hear the fireworks every night! My yard is my santuary. When you google my address, all you see is green! I have three ponds and my yard is a wildlife sanctuary.
Sugri Duncan Hubby and I live in a small town that is not on a map…love the water and patio gardens.
Christy Wilson Kincaid Fayetteville West Virginia…spent the weekend enjoying Bridge Day and the beautiful rainbow of fall trees
Renee’ Crigger-Baker Hi Ya’ll— From Winchester, Kentucky… I have really enjoyed all the storys and all the neat crafty things everyone is doing, you all have great ideals.. Keep them comin!!!
TheGardenLane I live and garden on the Gulf Coast of Alabama zone 8b. Our growing season is 12 months long and our mild, rainy winters gently transition from the beauty of the early sansaqua camellias to the blowsy glory of the mid-winter japonica camellias. I am also located on the primary migration route for the entire Eastern United States so fall and spring sees a wide variety of birds and butterflies passing through, some pausing to visit my gardens, others honking as they pass high overhead. I have accomplished my goal of having something in my gardens blooming year round and am working now on having something fragrant blooming year round. We are best known for our Spanish moss-draped live oaks trees and a languid, laid back pace but when you garden every month of the year you have to take things slow and not wear yourself out, which is a splendid excuse to linger and smell the roses.
Chris Nerhus I live in the SE corner of Iowa. I like to say the Florida of Iowa. Our garden hasn’t been very good sence we planted a peach tree near it. We have decided that it doesn’t get the sun like it should with the peach tree shading it. Anyway that is our theory. If anyone has any other idea’s.
Christie Antons I live in Aydlett,NC-the Outer Banks of NC:)
Pami Taylor Columbus, OH here – but not a native Buckeye … grew up in NYC/Manhattan and lived in quite a few other places prior to Columbus. I have a great backyard (and front yard) which I am slowly “fixing” up with dumpster discards (I don’t dive into the dumpsters tho … just pick-up stuff left next to them). When I have the extra cash … I wander around the numerous thrift shops in my area.
Diane Krack Greenfield from Shelton, Wa…I have planting all over my 2 acres….I love the peace in the garden…I plant a huge pumpkin patch for the grandkids…can’t wait til spring so I can start again….
Lorelei Barrett Spokane, WA here. I can’t grow anything. I even kill ivy. I love your page as I still love gardening and seeing all that clever people do. I think Martha Stewart has a wanted posted somewhere with my picture on it!
Kim M Glenn I garden in Philly
FlowersEverywhere Ontario snowed today ,gardens tucked away for ole man winter time to get ready for Christmas lights although the temp tomorrow will be 12 can’t wait to play in the dirt again
Tammy Hale I live in a very remote place called Waiteville WV where there is only one way out of our valley without going into VA. We have a large vegetable garden, lots of fruit trees, some flowers and lots of herbs. Love my herbs. Slowly turning our 3 acres into one big garden.
Jackie Wyatt Mills Sarasota, FL where I can garden all year long:-}
Versed in Vintage I’m a transplant to Branson, Mo. My yard is pretty much a blank slate right now but I hope to add lots of perennials! I so enjoy Flea Market Gardening’s page!
Eunice Waller I live in Southwest Georgia, in the “Garden Spot of God’s Country” is the slogan of our local newspaper, and my home is located in the rural area of Blakely. We are known as “the peanut capital” and grow tons of them along with cotton, corn, soybeans, cattle and pretty “Georgia Peaches. My garden is my way of expressing my love of nature and enjoying the natural beauty that surrounds us….and I truly enjoy reading all the post on Flea Market Gardening.
Kathy Martin Curtiss from the southwest corner of NH where we just had 18″ of snow!! First time we had snow in Oct for a very long time. It’s pretty much gone now – just in time to get all my garden things in the shed for the winter.
Doreen Crow Waters Mentone, Alabama here! I own an historic building in the heart of town, and run an antique shop in part of it. My late mother was a master gardener and the former owner of the building, so I have plunged into gardening in honor of her memory. I have gardens on three sides of the building, and I’m always looking for creative ideas to enhance the plants. Love your page!
Brenda Ambrose Lockerman I live just outside of Byromville, Georgia which is in Dooly County. I lived the first 19 years of my life just south of Vienna, Dooly’s capital seat. Got married 40 years ago and moved to Byromville. Been growing things since I was little girl when my Daddy helped me plant my first zinnia bed. I didn’t always like “junk”, but the “junk bug” started coming on me about 15 years ago and I guess I have it pretty bad now. And it shows. Me and my husband (who always loved junk) have accumulated quite a bit.
April Goodloe Murphy Johns Creek Georgia, ER Nurse. Love Flea Market Gardening..I like if it’s a little quirky and fun with surprise flowers and vines that look like they just fell from the sky.
Carol Griffiths Erie, Pennsylvania! We get some weather here. This past Spring was the first time I tried a cold frame in my garden and had lettuce before the snow was gone! My friends and neighbors couldn’t believe it till I shared some with them.
Audrey Osborn Hi! I’m from Cape Cod, MA – I’m an RN – I work a Baylor Program on the weekends, so I am off all week to play in my garden! I love roses, growing berries and veggies, and incorporating castoffs into my gardens. Originally from NJ we moved to the Cape 16 years ago – one of the best things I ever did. My town has a great “Treasure Chest” where I find lots of items for my garden.
Elyse Barrier Northeast Alabama, USA. We just moved to my husband’s grandparents small farm. I’m a homeschool mom w/ a daughter in college and one still home. We’re planning to raise food crops, herbs, and maybe even a few backyard chickens!
Melody Staton Graves I live in Kokomo Indiana. I’m a general merchandise manager at Marsh Supermarket. I have love and have quite a few antiques and the articles here are so interesting of all the things everyone does with them. Love this column. It makes me take a second look at items and what I can do with them. Keep up the good work guys!
Yvonne Tanner I live in North West Tennessee. I’m fairly new to gardening, but everyone has made me feel comfortable. After a very strong start this spring, the summer heat got to me and my garden, but I’m working on my fall planting and look forward to seeing the results this coming spring.
Chris Hiller I have been a hairdresser for 40+ years and work PT in my beauty shop located in a assisted living facility. I live in Slinger,Wisconsin on 3 acres, mostly woods, so I have a lot of shade. My whole front yard I turned into a perennial garden with a dry creek. No grass to cut… I love to take photos of all the nature that lives here too and share them with my elderly customers. Winters are too long… Thanks!
Leslie Prest I’m in Payson, AZ- a small mountain town north of Phoenix at 5,000 ft elevation. We get cold winters, hot summers, mostly dry but monsoon storms. I garden in raised beds as my yard is too much gravel.
Jan Wilson Hello – I am a retired banker – now able to do what I really like to do when I want to do it. I live in Elberfeld, IN – a small town NE of Evansville IN. I love working in my yard – enjoy perennials, especially daylilies. I am a Master Gardener, finished the class in 1997. I am outgoing President of SWIDS, Southwestern Indiana Daylily Society, was also Pres in 2007 and 2008. I am also a member of SWIMGA , Southwestern Indiana Master Gardener Association, was President of SWIMGA 2000 and 2001. I have a lot of pictures on my FB page – will be posting more now that the growing season is over.
Sheron Olson Hi, Spokane, Wa here, been retired for 5 yrs and just love gardening, mostly flower but vegies too, love my greenhouse and my doggies. Over the years I have learned so much especially since I retired and can put more time and effort into it. I like to play guitar and keyboard and do some crafts. I am beginning to think that my FB friends are just the best friends I have ever had!
Katy Lamb I live in central Arkansas, out in the country. Am blessed to have several acres to garden , plant trees, flowers, and landscape. Am just beginning the compost pile and raised beds as we’ve not lived here long. Can’t wait until spring to get everything planted. Love this site!
Karan Farrell I live in Glenwood, MO United States My husband and I have a Greenhouse that we have operated for 4 years. We are curently are in the process of building a house, so we are also relandscaping as well. We have horses and chickens, so we have a wonderful source of healthy compose . I am always wishing to add and create interesting and beautiful items to our gardening.
Lynn Lang I live in IL near the Mississippi River – zone 5. Actually I live about 20 miles from American Picker’s home base…Le Claire, Ia. Work about 3 hours a day as a school bus driver (30 years). I have weekends and summers off which leaves me plenty of time for gardening and my other hobbies.
Susan Lambert Ridder Belllevue Ky I live directly across the Ohio river to Cincinnati Ohio. I have a very small yard but that don’t stop me from gardening. I have about 250 daylilies, 125 irises and several hostas. We never know what our weather is going to be. One day in the 70’s and the next it may be snowing.
Diane Cook Hello everyone, I am from NH, so glad to have stumbled onto FMG there are so many great garden idea, so many crafty people and great works of art. I’ll spend the winter thinking about what and how I can make my garden picture worthy. Thank you everyone.
Pam Southwood-Airey Liverpool England here! Home of the Beetles and other great bands!! Love your page, have a look at my shop Simply Vintage not the same lovely things as you all have in the states just different Why dont ya have a peek and like the page too! See you soon!!
Sherry Ray I live in Mineral Point, Wi, 45 minutes from Madison. I love junk gardening and my son and daughter now do it.
Julie Erskine I live in Wiggins, Mississippi now moved here from Kalamazoo, Michigan abut 9 years ago luv the heat and the long summers. The change in what kind of plant I grow here has been a challenge in recent years, but im up for the challenge. Just bought a new house in july and started some new gardens.
Lori Bisbee Cape Cod here. I love your page. Great ideas for my garden. thank
Gayle Robin Pritchett Shrader Inland Empire area of So California here. Would love to say my garden is a wonder, but it is in sad shape right now. Just started babysitting a 2 1/2 yr old, so the yard is being ignored until we get into a routine. Desperately need to winterize my postage stamp size lot! Happy gardening, and Merry Christmas!
Angi GiGi Thornton Blue Springs, MO thank you for all the kool tips and allowing us to share my garden with you and your friends
Heather Rotz Dixon, MO New yard as of last year, lots of rocks. Getting a tiller this month so hopefully I can spend this winter maybe working up my rocky ground a bit. I have many ideas (hopes and dreams?) for my yard.
Kathy Zeller from Palo, Ia., the heart of the heartland!! love this site!!I love to garden from mid april till it’s time to go sw foir the winter months, do some low key gardening there too!!! Have a fun Antiques/garden decor shopin Ia. Sell tons of decorative garden decor, hostas and a few perennials!! I have the BEST customers in the world!!! I garden day and night !!! love it!!
Shirley Baxter Shell Knob Missouri .Love looking at all the great ideas .
Pirjo Vainionpää Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Birch trees, shrubs, rock gardens ( we have bedrock close to the surface, so a lot of things cannot root deeply – mining country), and inherited perennial beds from my Mother that need a serious overhaul, if my son with the muscles will help me ! I have discovered this site, and absolutely LOVE it ! Gardening, recycled finds, hypertufa …. what more does anyone want… ? !
Bridget McGivern Staley from Seymour Wisconsin, “home of the Hamburger”. And not too far from Lambeau Field where the Pack is king! Love your FB site, lots of great ideas to pass along to my fellow Master Gardeners. I love antiques, gardening and have 2 grey geese that eat off my plants, but when I get angry at them I just put them in their pen…I also have a cat who is joined at the hip with me and my husband….
Beverly Smith Read I am a True Floridian! I grew up and live here in Jacksonville Florida. I have a passion for Nature. My husband calls our yard a Nature Preserve. Lots of Wild Life and Tropical Plants!
Jackie Wright Bramford UK – a very small village in Suffolk – with ‘ Suffolk pink’ beamed houses
Joan Adolf Hi Joan here. I live outside Warrensburg, Missouri. That is about a hr east of KC. We have lived in this area almost 13 yrs now. My hubby works on the B-2 Stealth on Whiteman AFB. Our kids are grown and on their own. I do a lot of veggie growing and canning in the summer time. I miss the great weather we had when we lived in Calif. But I have learned long ago that every place you live has something to deal with. We have 2 dogs (our newest kids) chickens, and guineas.
Karen Ansley Krugman Transplanted from south Florida to the beautiful state of Michigan – and I love it! The growing “seasons” here are a bit different but nothing I can’t handle. My favorte garden is the one outside our picture window in the living room. It has two paths thru it, a bird feeder, a bird bath, hostas and all kinds of blooming plants and decorative grasses. Love this FB page and enjoy all the photo’s of others gardens to inspire me. I have so much lawn to turn into gardens…. Keep up the inspiration!
Shirley Cameron Shirley, living in Mayo, Quebec, Canada ( outside of the nation’s capital, Ottawa, Ontario). I have worked with a 94-year-old darlin’ in her gardens during spring, summer and fall. Her garden was planted by her Mother in the late 1800’s and flourishes to this day…gloriously. I lost 14 pounds after retiring from a desk job, to help my friend….amazing woman …my beginner garden has all non-gmo flowering plants and a small garden ( I don’t have much time left over and |I don’t own the land so am dictated to on what I can have and where)…winter is a challenge ….to be so sedentary …besides shoveling…that’s me…oh yeas…I create garden art as a hobby!
Tina Felix I live in Gilbert, Arizona where its hot hot hot….my front yard is two lge trees and grass my back is what needs work…I have 80 percent gravel and a small patch of grass for the dogs…trying to get a lot of planters out there with something that will take this heat…I love the old bike idea and the ladders…gotta find the plants that will take the heat and not a lot of work since I don’t tolerate the heat well with my migraines….
Jan Craig Carbone I live in Temecula California–In the wine country….I try to grow but the squirrels and gophers get just about everything…. But I love to try….
Angela Carrera hello, from the Jersey Shore…I live in Beachwood, NJ (exit 80 on the Parkway!!!! ((Jersey humor)) and this spring, my grandson and I decided that we’re going to plant a few rows of corn!!! if the birds dine on the corn , we’ll at least have stalks to decorate the houses in the fall!!! I incorporate a lot of my flea market/garage sales/Good Will finds into my garden and yard and decks. I also have a small ‘hobby’ greenhouse, which I would love to get some tips and/or ideas on. thank you!!!
Ginger Hilgenberg Meadow Vista, Ca… Sierra Foothills… deer and squirrels abound! My goal is to plant things that will survive them without much fuss. I have other interests that keep me out of the garden a lot, so things need to be drought (and mom) resistant!
Melissa Fosberg Hello gardeners! I live in Bigfork Montana, thats in the NW corner up by Glacier National Park! Our garden season is very short here, only a few months. I have a big garden with raised beds and its fenced to keep the deer and bear out. I grow a mix of berries, veggies, and lots of flowers! Peonies and zinnias are my favorite!
Susan Holesko Scholz Hi, I’m from Erie, Pa–the tiny piece of PA that borders Lake Erie. I love making garden art, like totems. I decorate the garden with heart-shaped stones and driftwood I find on the beaches. I’d be in my garden all year round if I could. I stay outside until I can’t see the garden anymore. Next thing I want is a bottle tree.
3 Eagles Ranch We are in SW Washington about an hour North of Portland, OR. Our garden plot was not too productive due to not much of a Summer this year. The blackberries did well as did the spaghetti squash, potatoes and cauliflower. We have several fruit trees, too. Because of our goat business we have lots of composted goat poop fertilizer.
Lissa Jane Bitton Hi! I live in Boise, Idaho. I love to garden and never met a flower I didn’t like! I have a cottage flower garden that I border with flowered plates! I love growing veggies too and tried square foot gardening for the first time last year! Love, Love, LOVE gardening of all kinds!
Robin Daniels Holt East coast of NC…..Outer Banks…..Wanchese is on the southern end of an Roanoke Island…..a small island approx 15 miles long and maybe 2 miles wide at it’s widest…..situated between an outer strand of “island sand” and the mainland. Very close to the Gulf Stream so we often get that warming effect; often warmer here than anywhere on the east coast, sometimes including states south. We DO however have snow now and again….that “lake effect” stuff. My garden is in the back yard of the homeplace where I grew up. I’ll soon be moving there. “Crooked Fence Garden” got it’s name because of the fence I constructed….the second post I put in is about 1/2″ off and it really makes a difference! I enjoy growing vegetables as well as flowers….last season we grew a bumper crop of tomatoes and tried sweet potatoes for the first time. We’re making a greenhouse some time this summer for year round gardening….LOVE LOVE LOVE my garden and diggin’ dirt!
Rhonda Schleuter I live in the northeast corner of Louisiana located 100 miles east of Shreveport and 100 miles west of Vicksburg, MS in West Monroe. We live on ten acres of rolling hills about five miles outside the city. I have retired as an administrative assistant and working again. I love to play in the dirt and grow things. For the past four years, I have collected items to incorporate into a cottage-eclectic-junk garden. I “love” rust and using things for other purposes than for what they were intended. Mine is only a dream at this point, but I hope to retire fully this year and make those dreams come true. Stay tuned… BTW, love your page; it’s very inspirational!!!!
Faye Suggs Gannon I garden in north Georgia – outside Dalton, GA. I have flower gardens and veggies as well as fruit trees and fruit shrubs. The birds love our place in the winter and
Bert Rutherford Eatonville, Washington. We live on a lake in rural Western Washington state about 40 miles from Seattle, about 35 miles from Mt. Rainier National Park. (yep…where the female park ranger was killed on New Year’s Day). Mostly beautiful green country and the only way you get green is lots of rain — or at least consistent rain. We have 2 1/2 acres, but my garden is mostly in containers…just started 2 years ago and am trying to get the bulk of the property into the “cute” stage. Rust is good! I garden mostly herbs and vegetables. Most are in large pots and big tires…a little statuary and artsy/fartsy stuff. My dream is to start a business selling herbs and vegetable plants and yard art. Also start many of them and am growing some herbs and tomatoes under lights in the house.
Anne Van Handel Kimberly, Wisconsin I have a perennial garden . We are adding a four season room and pergola this year. Even if we have the cold weather I just bought seed packets for Spring. I hope it comes.
Linda Strickland McDonald We live abt 30 mi west of Houston TX. Except for a few times a year when we have to cover due to frost, we can grow our outdoor plants all year. Ours are mostly pot plants such as begonias, geraniums, scheffalera, ferns. Our azalea is blooming out back – crazy S. TX weather!!
Leslie McIlvaine St.Charles Il I have a perennial garden.I also have a memorial garden for my two boys who have both passed,in that garden I try to plant only blue flowers.Some of my favorotes are hydrangeas,sunflowers and helibores.
Lili Gulyás Hello, I’m Lili Gulyás. I live in Hungary is a beautiful village – the center of Europe. Small but very nice in my home country.
I really like the “FMG” because they are a lot of beautiful, imaginative and unusual photo in. Thank you for all the photo sharing!
Carol Rea I live in an 80-year-old little bungalow in the Old Escondido Historic District in Escondido, California, about 40 miles northeast of San Diego. My backyard is small and on multiple levels and mischievous dogs have been a challenge so my answer has been container gardening in gravel beds edged with dry-stacked broken concrete. The containers are a wide assortment of items I’d collected in my basement over the years, including an old red wagon, a tin washtub painted periwinkle blue, a barrel, and even a couple of possum-belly tin-bottomed drawers and they are grouped into themed areas. I also have a small greenhouse made of recycled windows. You can see a few photos on my Pinterest board at with more to come.
My yard needed to be somewhat mischievous-pup-resistant so I opted for gravel an
d containers in much of it. This was also an opportunity to put some unusual items I’d long loved but stored in the basement to good use.
Susan Gillespie What a lovely and diverse group. I live in Riverview Florida just a little east of Tampa. We are a zone 9 area. Although we have our growing problems with either too wet, too dry, too hot or once or twice in a winter , one day freezes that knocks everything down, for the most part we can garden most all year round. Flowers are my favorite so I try to have something blooming to cheer up the landscape. That and the whimsy of garden art make it fun.
Aminah Luqman I live on the east side of the San Francisco Bay (CA). My backyard garden is only 7′ x 33′, but the tortoise.. chickens.. hubby and I, all make the best of that space! Since it’s Hemi’s outdoor enclosure when weather permits (she’s originally from Brazil, so she prefers it warm), it’s completely organic and edible for everyone! I have a small herb patch on one end, but I rotate greens, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, squash, berries, viola and so on ..mostly heirloom… throughout the year. There are even a few “weeds” that Hemi likes a little more than the rest of us, but we all indulge. The front yard is full of drought friendly plants (various succulents, salvia and such) …with my bearded irises, miniature roses, tulips, glads, narcissus, primrose, crocus and lilies all providing seasonal bursts of beauty. :o)
Tracy Scofield Soule Hi! I am from Enfield, NY and do mostly veggie gardens, but I am loving all the great ideas from “FMG” and am hoping to expand my few flower beds in the spring!
Christine Syrota Doraty Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada…Eh! One of the most diverse growing zones…temp can be from -40C – +40C winter/summer…beautiful long summer evenings and some times cold dark winter evenings…but not this year…NO SNOW and has been unseasonable mild – today -7C…next week +6.. love water gardening and this past year fell in love with lilies – so plan on planting more this coming year!
Inez Anderson I live in Bradenton, Florida, have a small garden out back and all around the house, love it. Always a project going on, love this website!
Marjon Slaa-van Velzen Marjon from Groesbeek (Netherlands)…village on the German border…momentarily not much to do in my postage-stamp sized garden…too wet…Just enjoying the helleborusses and waiting for the planted bulbs (tulips etc) to show their faces…Thanks for this enjoyable site!
Amy Aikman I’m in Victoria, BC, Canada! (Zone 9) I mostly putter, but grow roses (inherited some old ones when we bought our house), some veggies and whatever else catches my fancy.
Ginger Worrell Easley, SC – Zone 7 – lots of red dirt clay – have a hodge podge of different plants and flowers, mostly what I like and think looks pretty. No rhyme or reason to it!! Also do a lot of container gardening as then I’m able to sit and do it, plus dogs don’t dig it up. Have a beagle and shepherd/malamute who love to lie in it or chase the chipmunks! Oh well, it’s their yard too! Love this FB page.
Brenda Duncan Hi, I’m Brenda Duncan I live in Windsor Mo. My husband and I just bought a 10 acer place about a year ago. I love to garden ,flower and veggies, I do a lot of canning in the summer, but I also have an artistic side that loves to play. I do a little painting, mostly murals and faux finishes. I also make concrete leaves and statues. We raise chickens and rabbits, but would love to get a couple of dairy goats so I can make cheese and goats milk soap.
Jeannie Ross Howard Hi, I live in Louisville, Mississippi. I don’t do near as much gardening as I have before, although we do have some pretty flowers. Too hot out in the middle of the summer for me. It’s nearly 70 now, we have buttercups and forsythia blooming, gonna be stormy tonight! I am getting real interested in “yard junk”. I absolutely love this fb page!!
June Carter Barnett Hello everyone! I live in Troutville, VA. Trying to have a flower garden. It has a little of this and that. Still trying to figure things out. Love this page. Everyone is so creative and nice. Find myself on here more than anything else.
Shelly Odian Hello all! I am a WV country gal who has lived in Southern California for almost 30 years. I am close to Palm Springs, lots of sunshine, wind, and a mixture of dirt, sand and lots of rocks in the soil here. I love the warmer climate and have an acre to roam around on. A real pleasure to meet everyone and I enjoy this page very much!!
Eva Tolnai Rosol I live in the western suburbs of Chicago. I have a perennial and a vegetable garden: tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots and beans. I just enjoy being outside.
Kim Jacobs Harmeyer Hello everyone I live in Cincinnat Ohio and I love to play in the dirt with the flowers ,veggies and my pond. Susan lambert Ridder I live right across the river from you !
Judy Doom Hello all! I live in Western Kentucky in a small town called Kuttawa. I live on Kentucky and Barkley Lakes. I love this site and cant wait for spring to see the dozens of tulips I planted come up!!GO KENTUCKY WILDCATS!!!!!
Sandra Chandler Pratt I live in Southern Indiana only 25 miles from Louisville Ky. Woo, Hoo,… it was 65 degrees here today! I still have a rosemary plant and forget-me-nots on my porch.
Carol Hurtig I live in Allentown, PA. I love gardening and flea market finds! Every year, we try to change another little spot in the yard into a recycled oasis. It doesn’t always work out but we don’t stop trying!!!
Tammy Baldwin Popek I live in Hunlock Creek, PA. I have 11 flower beds 2 are 51 ft long x 4ft. I started adding “junk ” to my garden a few years ago. All my flowers are perinials. I love sharing, so anyone live near by I’d be happy to give a few plants or we can exchange. I also veggie garden. This year I am considering some unusual items. Purple cauliflower, etc… I tried container gardening last year with tomatoes. Worked pretty good. I also tried herbs. Which for the first time were a hit.
Karen Brandtner Wonfor Hi, My name is Karen and I live in Millington Twsp. Michigan. That is near Frankenmuth and the worlds largest Christmas store, Bronners. I love looking at gardens seeing all the ideas people have to share. I have a small lot with many small gardens, but I love working in them and I’m in the process of using mostly perinials now. Looking forward to spring again. Will add some of my pictures soon..
Carol Griffin I live in Tucson, Arizona. I like container gardening so I can move my plants around when the sun gets too hot in the summertime. I like gardening because it is so relaxing! In the 70’s here lately and some of my bearded iris in the ground is starting to bloom….:0)
Mark Cari Pounders Yokohama, Japan. I don’t have a garden (not much space here). I’m a wanna be gardener.
Susan Reed-Fanfoni I am a diehard FMG fan that lives in Ithaca,NY (upstate NY) I am lucky enough to live in a farmhouse that my ancestors built in the 1830s. I revived the vegetable garden plot that my grandmother had and brought back the flowers she used to grow in places around the house. In the process of cleaning out one of the outbuildings, I came across an old bumper guard off of my grandfather’s Studebaker truck. It now sits in one of the flower beds. I enjoy reading everyone’s postings on where they live and how they garden.
Shari Pierce Allen Hi from New Mexico, USA. Yep, we are a State! I live in Albuquerque, where 9” of rain a year is our norm. We pretty much have to use drought tolerant plants. I try to do hanging planters and containers without much success. I do better with in-ground plantings. I hope to get some pointers here !
MaryBeth Keough Asenjo Hello. I am near Cleveland,Ohio,zone 6. I love to grow lots of perennials…Shasta Daisies,Lilies,Coneflower,etc. I also enjoy some annuals,like Petunias,Geraniums,Zinnia,and on and on. I cannot wait to see the first Crocuses and Daffs in bloom each early spring. (And Tulips also,but the local deer usually make a feast out of those!) I am growing even more flowers now in the honor and memory of my parents,who both passed away in 2011. My Dad taught me all I know about gardening when I was a child,and also when I was in my young adulthood. He loved nothing more than to be outside among the birds and blooms,and I am very much like him in that respect.
Cindy Hodgdon Barton I live in Covington, GA. I have three raised veggie beds, my son-in-law, Ron Pilcher, made me a wonderful composter, I have 15 flower beds of various sizes in sun and shade. I love perennials, the flowers that keep on giving and roses! My hubby is building me a potting shed. I’m so excited about it. If there is anyone out there that lives in the Atlanta area and wants to trade some plants send me a message.
Genelle McDaniel I’m a 5th generation native of rural Monroe County, Tennessee, zone 7A. The Cherokee National Forest is in our county, which is part of the Great Smoky Mountains. Also, the Tennessee Valley and TVA lakes. God’s beauty is evident everywhere here. While I’m taking care of my 96-yr-old father at his home, my gardening is limited to a small area, plus container gardening. I love the flea market elements in the garden and have collected many things to use. I enjoy all the pictures that each of you have posted showing your gardens. They truly brighten my day.
Janice Erland Barth Hi from the beautiful Ozarks! Branson, Missouri is home and we love to garden. I’m trying the lasagna gardening in a small spot this year. There is still time to start one. My lilacs are all budded out and I don’t know how much longer old man winter can put off coming in to our area. Love your ideas. Be blessed!
Jimmye Lynn Dye-Porter Hey Y’all… I live in Wooster, AR… Small Town about 20 miles NW of Little Rock. I do not have an active garden anymore, but have done container gardening – mostly I love to sit on my deck with my dogs.
Genelle McDaniel Sorry, meant to tell you the Monroe County is in East Tennessee, and we border the North Carolina state line on the west side of the mountains. And of course, in Tennessee, women can really play basketball. Under coach Pat Head Summitt, the Lady Vols are the most winning team of ladies. And Coach Summit has won more games than any other coach, man or woman. She has recently announced that she has the onset of alzhiemer. Still coaching. We’ve got your back, Pat.
Suzanne Wooden Tallahassee, Florida-grow lots of veggies from which I can most of our produce, some flowers (I especially love zinnias), now trying fruit trees.
Roberta L. Lott Live in St. Louis, Missouri, in the city, near a 300 acre park with a botanical garden within walking distance. In my postage stamp sized back yard, I have grown many things in our eighteen years here. The squash beetles got my crop of pumpkins and gourds last year, so I think I am going to work more with perennials this year, especially butterfly/hummingbird plants. I travel so much now, a vegetable garden will just be a waste. Might try to plant some things down at our farm, where I will be spending more time this year. In an effort to make the garden prettier, I have been adding bits and pieces of this and that, mostly rusty things and broken things, just for fun. I have a collection of sun faces on my garage wall which overlooks the garden. Happy gardening, folks.
Tina Wilson East-Central Ontario. Love to re-use and re-purpose old stuff. Recently bought a very old house with 2 acres. We cleaned out an old growth garden along a split rail fence last year, put in a much longer garden and re-purposed some other areas. Place is a work in progress and so many ideas from this site! Can’t wait for spring!!!
April Brivas Hi, I’m from Orlando,Florida
I grow vegetables ( bell peppers, green onions, garlic, oregano, cilantro, tomatoes, cucumber, radish, beets, broccoli, cabbage, salad lettuce, collard greens,carrots, spinach, zuchinni, yello squash, and leeks) in raised planters that me and my husband made. I also have a tangelo/bitter orange tree, a haas avocado tree(baby) ,4 banana trees, fruitabamba tree , mango tree (baby)and currently growing 4 lemon trees(babies). I want to grow a grapefruit tree. I am currently starting a Back to Eden garden ( you can find out how to at
also check out my vegetable garden video @
Dona Eidam Eagle River Alaska. Best garden occupant is my delphiniums which grow like weeds here and can reach 14’ some summers! I love your gardening page–thank you!
Donna Helmes Hi, my name is Donna and I live in Collingswood, NJ about 10 miles from Philadelphia–its just across the river. I love flea,marketing and I am a recent convert to gardening. After surviving breast cancer, I decided to try my hand at small organic vegetable garden. I grew some tomatoes, cucumbers and squash and I was hooked!! I love your site. Great advice and lots of inspiration!!
Carole Bryan I am 30 miles west of Chicago in the “burbs” and also have a fishing cabin 350 miles north in the “North Woods” of Wisconsin. My hubby says it is a gradening cabin until Labor Day and then he gets his fishing cabin back. Been gardening all my life and I got the gene from my Swedish mother. My daughter and one niece are showing signs of the gene, too. Loving all the ideas, thank you!
Annette Lilypad I live in southern california just outside of los angeles I am in the brand new stages Of redoing Most of the backyard as well as the front. I wanto do a lot of potted gardening in the patio.. 03 I’m really excited about the crafty ideas for decorating!!! I love thrifting and yard sales … so its right up my alley!!!
Barbara K. Stansky Eastern North Carolina, but several hours south of Robin Daniels Holt. We started a “dream garden” several years ago when we were newly weds with nothing else to do. Suddenly, LOTS of life changes has left me with more garden and house – and seven year old grand daughter – than I can handle while hubby spends most of his time working out of state. My biggest gardening treat of 2011 was to find a 10′ x 15′ greenhouse for “almost free”. While we were disassembling the green house to be moved to our home, I noticed a tumbling compost bin in the corner of the yard. The folks selling the green house said “$25 and it’s yours!” .
Lynda Ruiz Hi, I live in near the wine growing area of Temecula in So Calif. Zone 9. We are down to about 1.2 acre of a lot of dirt. I am learning gardening the hard way – one for me, three for the rabbits and gophers. I have been growing veggies for 2 years now in containers or straw bales and love that fresh stuff. Very hot here in summer and our annual rainfall is 11, so drought tolerant sun loving plants are for me. I love finding this site and all the inspirations.
Sweetstuff’s Sassy Succulents My name is Candice Suter and I live in Roseville, CA. I love succulents so much. I belong to many succulent Facebook pages and have one of my own. I also have a blog called Sweetstuff’s Sassy Succulents. Since I live in 9b I have trouble with frost and heat over 110F in the summer. I grow pretty much all succulents and love it. Every year I search for new ground to plant and love making new succulent pot combinations!
Sandy Hodgdon Skinner hailing from Massachusetts, but been in the “Valley of the Hotter Than Hades” since ’54! I think we are Zone 13 or something ridiculous. All my plants have to be in the ground or they dry up in a day (winter) or a few hours (summer). Like the gal from Tucson said, “110 degrees” and I will add PLUS to that. Gets darn hot here. Hubby and I are redoing back yard and front, so I’m waiting to implement all the FAB things I’m seeing on FMG!!!
Annie Dudek Downs Hi Im from Ripon Wisconsin, I can go up to zone 5 and cover them for the winter just to ensure they come back for me. I dont have a lot of grass growing in our yard anymore, because its turning into gardens and stone walk paths. I have accouple of shade gardens, 2 smaller ponds, so I can get into some water plants also. I have a lot of prairie plants in the sunny part of the yard, and recently started accouple of bog gardens for the plants that like wet feet. So were enjoying plants of every kind. And again I would like to Thanks to my cousin Kirk Willis for telling me about your site! Just love it!
Dedra Kirchner I live near a small town in western Wisconsin called Arkansaw. I have a vegetable garden,a small pond, several perennial beds and a dozen fruit trees. A work in progress is an old wire corncrib turned into a gazebo.
Pip Otter Hi – I live in Worksop, Nottinghamshire – in the middle of England. We have chickens in the garden and only a few plants as the chickens eat everything! – snowdrops and daffodils and starting to come out!
Homesteader’s Heart Hi everyone! We reside in Melbourne, Florida. It’s been such a mild winter this year that our garden just keeps going and going. Definitely not complaining but we are actually starting to get ready for our Spring garden. We are big veggie eaters in our family so a garden is essential. It’s nice meeting everyone.
Angela Dobes Carver Howdy, I’m from Austin Texas. My mother and grandmother were/are avid gardeners and I have the family green thumb. Being an apartment nomad, during my younger years, I had a container garden I moved around . After my 4 year old son died , I planted my first healing garden. At the cemetary is a garden of orange flowers,Sean’s favorite color. In the mid 90s I met my husband and we moved into our house . My husband likes the title Seinfield garden…a garden without a theme or maybe too many. It’s a healing , native, wildlife, art, rescued plant, and more. It’s my sanctuary where I connect with nature and it has helped heal my broken heart. It’s amazing what you can see in your own back yard , if you take the time to look.
Carolyn Dixon Hi everyone, Erie PA…. and I LOVE flea markets!!
Renee’ Crigger-Baker Winchester, KY here….. Can’t wait for Spring so we can get the yard back to all the beautiful colors… and all the neat ideal I have gotten from here are almost ready for the flower garden too… LoVe this site!!!
Lisa Russell Armstrong I live in Riverside, Alabama, about 35 miles east of Birmingham. I have a raised garden and several small container gardens. Love to cook, bake, read and stamp. Love this site, so many great ideas. I love, love, love to go junkin’.
Marilyn Collins Jeffries I live in Godley, Tx. Just purchased my house and am just starting my yard. The house use to be a rent house, so not much landscaping. I have gotten so many ideas from this group and can hardly wait to get them started. My favorite flower is the IRIS, so I am working on getting a lot of different colors. I want to be known as the Iris Lady.
Debra Morris Sheikh That is also my favorite! My mom had the prettiest I have ever seen and now they are all gone
Jeanie Hodge We live in Wooster, Arkansas in our son’s barn. Our Airstream trailer is parked under the awning. We travel in it to Texas (where we are from) to California where our oldest son lives with his family. We have a raised garden here in Arkansas that is a veggie, fruit, berry and fig delight. We are working on a green house now and will send pictures later.
Barbara Stanley Hi, ya’ll! We live near Hendersonville, in the Blue Ridge Mts. of NC, on 25 mostly wooded acres of family land. I retired early and have loved getting to spend my days playing in the garden. I enjoy thriftin’ and gardening better than most anything and combining the two hobbies is so much fun. I have a potting shed that I call Crickhollow Cottage and Mrs. McGregor’s tool shed that are my playhouses. My gardens are mostly English cottage style, with a rose garden, fairy gardens, and shrub and perennial borders. I’ve been a beekeeper for 4 years, am attending the Master Gardener program now. I just recently joined the site and love seeing all the great ideas!
Wendy Willey I live in Spokane WA…just move back from florida and into this house this last fall and can’t wait to get out and garden!!!
Kelly Blankinship Dulin I live in wild, wonderful West Virginia on 17 of God’s best acres. The only thing about living/gardening here is the deer!
Eve Brady (76) near Liverpool England, born in Liverpool so known as a Scouser
Love FMG
Kande Snyder Myers Hi, live in Yoe, PA we have about a 12 foot by 9 foot garden and my boyfriend bought an antique tractor too plow it, its really cool but maybe a little too much but we love the old days and ways and its pretty to look at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carol Zacher I live in Gackle, North Dakota… Also just bought this house 2 years ago and have done some planting and replanting but they had BORING and No Color, going to go HOGWILD when weather permits!!! Come On Sunshine!
Susan Gillespie Riverview, Florida —just east of Tampa
McClain’s Crazy Aces Farm I’m from Western Pennsylvania – Beaver County. Been planting perennials each year since I moved here in 1987. The crocus are coming up, the daffodils, day lilies are coming up…..Nice.
Jennie Player Phenix City,Alabama, right across the river from Columbus,GA. Recently retired and am beginning to do some work starting a garden and maybe using some “junk” out there too.
Gail Fielding Hall west kentucky, just bought a place with lots of land, but no gardens.. having a blast with all the things I have found on your site..
Laurie Wanat I’m in Bordentown, NJ. We’ve got about 3/4 of an acre, a long narrow lot that’s about 1/3 wooded, surrounding an old house. My garden’s a bit of a mess right now — we had to have the septic tank replaced a couple of years back and it destroyed my back garden, and then I had a shoulder surgery and then a foot surgery while hubby had 5 knee surgeries over several years. I’m hoping to finally get the beds redone this year!
Patti Kafton Central Kentucky. Haven’t mastered what grows best since we moved here. Would LOVE to locate plants/ seedlings of Scaevola Blue Fan Flower…. LOVE me? Love my JUNK!
Sweetstuff’s Sassy Succulents Hi! My name is Candice Suter and I live in Roseville, CA. Pretty much connected to Sacramento, CA. I have my own page and as you know love to grow, propogate, photograph and consult on succulents.
Elaine Condon Silver Lake, Oregon on the edge of the high desert, south-central Oregon…utilize lots of rocks and logs, old water troughs for raised beds, have a very old horse trailer as a focal point in one area, cover areas with heavy duty agricultural plastic and put my flower beds on top to eliminate dealing with weeds and grass; also cut the bottoms off of large plant containers and bury them for the same reason…trying to eliminate extra work so I can just enjoy the flowers – blue flax, lots of gaillardia, desert moss rose, anthemas, dames rocket, daisies, dead nettle grow well here. We get frost every month so can’t plant things that die at the first frost. Hope to post pictures this summer.
Kathleen Fleming Harts, West Virginia. I love looking at all the pictures , they are so inspiring.
Patty Bianchi Lovelock Nevada, High desert and I love the “rusty” of which there is quite a bit just lying around. I love this site and the ideas, pics and sharing.
Cindi Stowers I’m from Brandon, Florida. Presently in a rental home so have containers and a wee fairy garden started. I love everyone’s creativity and the ideas found on this site. Thanks for sharing and caring!
Ann Elias Cheesehead from Menasha, WI (Go Pack Go) I have flowers surrounding my house and my backyard is outlined in gardens. We have a pond with koi (which hubby takes care) that adds the sound of water in our little paradise. Each year we have a new project that improves or changes something we already have. I wonder if I will ever be done? This year we are going to make our pergola into a greenhouse, where we can sell our garden accents we sell. I love this site…love all the ideas!
Carolee Marcea Coalburn I live in Dothan, Al. I’m working on my yard. Love seeing everyones flowers, and garden. Keep it up.
Cheryl Polly Wichita falls, Texas We suffered severe heat and drought last year so my beautiful backyard is in need of a lot of TLC. I love perennials and trees. I have a little veggie plot for tomatoes, peppers and herbs. Love this site.
Jill Ruskamp I’m from Schuyler Nebraska. This is a great group!
Sandi Brown I live in menomonee falls,wisconsin, a suburb of milwaukee,already cleaned flower beds due to the weather, my husband and I enjoy gardening very much, he also made a birdhouse with packers, viking, lions and bears paint.
Kendra Drake Docker I am from Denver Colorado. I love gardening and I love flea markets! I’ve been combining the two for many, many years. I am a therapist and the name of my practice is Soul Garden Counseling because we grow in many different ways.
Sheri Langley Simpson I’m in Grants Pass Oregon my step Mom has the same name as you!!
Shirley B. Carlen I live in Roanoke, Va. Four years ago, we had stone walls put in our yard to form a backyard we could use. Immediately, I started a garden and each year have expanded the area. This has brought enormous enjoyment to my husband and me. Needless to say, the whole family is enjoying the growth and three college-age grandsons have been very involved during summers to earn money (and great lunches). FMG is really getting me excited for adding personality to the beautiful flowers. Thank you, Sue.
Heather Randall I live in Burton Michigan (locally referred to as Burtucky) . Hubby and I signed on our first home on Friday may 13th of last year and I have been working hard to undo all the wrong that has been done in the past! There is concrete everywhere!!! Short of pulling it all out and breaking my back, I’m accenting it as best as I can but I am always on the lookout for new and charming ways to warm up the yard and make a cozy retreat filled with life and love!! Absolutely loving this page!! Soooo many creative ideas!!
Mary Radtke I am in Traverse City, mi. I am working on a large oval area to become an area with mixed shade and sun plants. I want to use plants that come back every year. Have you read the magazine “Flea Market gardens? it is wonderful!!! Full of all kinds of ideas.
Margaret Farnham Bagg Happened to you by “search”. Love it so far! I’m a SoCal Desert Gardener. Been in this house 3 yrs and trying a little bit of everything, sage, roses, cacti, succulents, veges, even put in some bulbs from gifted plants this Easter, will see how they do next year.
Sue Shackelford Hello all, I live in Western Maryland in the mountains where we have the true 4 seasons….I have combined my passion for flea Marketing and Gardening and trully enjoy both and love this site!!
Joyce Sundheim I live in Lutz, Florida, 20 miles north of Tampa airport…I also have a home in Sarasota, Florida with a fairly large yard and several gardens. In Lutz, I just have potted plants all over the back door and small screened porch…
Patricia Farley Niehoff I’m in Thornton CO
Genell Cornett Hi, I’m new and I live in your neighborhood Sue Langley We (you and I) work in the same nursery and are chased by daddy birds protecting their new babies Hello to everyone who has posted here. It is fun working with Sue. Yes her ideas on gardening go even further in “Our Yard” You should try and stop by for a visit; very colorful and fragrant. Oh and the ROSES…Oh my, they are beautiful !! Hope to see some of you soon by TTFN (tata for now)
Lisa Mavis hi. I’m in eastern Or. I stumbled onto this site looking for a cottage gardening web site. this is by far the best that I’ve found. When we moved to our large home on a small lot there were no flower beds at all. l I now have six beds, three raised bed, three wine barrels, a 10 ft long planter on the patio, and assorted Junk filled with flowers and veggies. I’m running out of grass,but thats ok. Flowers and yard art are my passion!
Kathy Monday I live in Wasilla Alaska. I have a few perinnial beds of lilies, delphiniums, raspberries and strawberries. Fiddle head ferns, hostas and caladiums. Just planted 178 annuals for this year!! Starting a gnome land in my yard!!
Brandy Green I’m in Van Buren Arkansas!
Lori March Lori in Loveland, Colorado. I live in a townhome but am an avid gardener used to having more space. So have had to learn container gardening and this yr installed a raised bed and trying heirloom tomatoes again. The fun addition to my garden this year is a chicken feeder (actually 3 chicken feeders) stuffed with succulents. So easy and cheap and fun. They look great. I love your ideas and your page!
Monica Apperson Wilson Smith eldon missouri
Marsha Jones In Loveland Colorado….like perennials…..but they have to co-operate with me too !
Roberta Wiles Billa Jacksonville, NC
Cindy Melton Auler I’m in Stonebluff, OK and like to grow tomatoes and jalapenos!
Angela Carrera I am ‘down the Jersey Shore’ in a town called Beachwood, NJ, exit 80 on the Garden State Parkway!!!! my garden consists of an edible one. I mix veggies with flowers, although this year, the birds helped me a bit by spreading sunflower seeds along the back side of my house, so I’m waiting for them to bloom and hope to get lots of finches…there’s a lot of sunflowers, and so as a result, they have taken up a lot of my planting space, but we’ll see how it goes!!! gardening is always a challenge!!!!
Shelby Fowler Shelby Fowler
Nashville, TN.
Landscaper in Nashville
JunkyJo’s Secondhand Cottage I live in Marion, Illinois (the HUB of the UNIVERISE, or so I’m told). I LOVE My Garden!!! We call it our Oasis!!! My Husband and I are junkers/pickers/antiqueers, whatever, and collected old porch posts and gingerbread and built a pergolia a few years back. The next summer we laid an old brick floor in it!! I have amassed many old metal tables and chairs for inside it and also around it!!! I have a wonderful hosta bed nearby and a shady area where I have, not one, not two, but 4 old gliders, each with chairs to match!!! I would love to send you some pictures sometime!!! Let me know!!! =^)
Pauline Gore Hi everyone, I live in Central Florida…I’m a native, YES , we do exist. lol. I live on about an acre of wooded property, so I’m always looking for shade or semi-shade loving plants. I’ve lived in this house for almost 19 years, with my hubby and we have 3 Doxie’s. For the last 10 years, I’ve planted everything in containers. One, it’s very difficult to did thru tree roots and 2, in the winter time, I just bunch all the plants together and cover them with frost cloth. This year, along with my plants, I’ve started making garden towers out of glass, ceramic etc , dishes, cups, glasses, candles holders, teapots…just about anything.
Patty Bruns I live in Pinckneyville, Il. It is a small town in deep souther IL. We are experiencing a drought like much rest of the country. My husband and I both garden…..He does vegetables, and I love flowers. Lots of waterin going on here. My flower taste is a little bit of everything!
Marian Casse Hi I’m living in Escalante Utah…with the challenge of being @almost 6000 ft…frosts happen late …I have a small perinnial garden with lots of daylilies,yarrows,planted 3 more flats of perinnials this year…have a large garden surrounded it with sunflowers,zinnias cosmos marigolds and morning glories..I also raise chickens and am a avid canner …as was my Maternal grandfather..
Catharine Robertson-Lepage I’m from Martintown. Ontario Canada. I love hostas. Lupins and lilies! We grow apples, plums, grapes and all of the regular garden fare. My yard covers approx. 1.5 acres and is full of colour all summer long. I collect old galvanized containers and grow lovely flowers in all of them; washtubs, pails, feeding troughs…etc. I will plant flowers in absolutely ANYTHING!! I even have hens ‘n chicks growing in my trees!!
Donna Dickerson McAvene Sun city center florida
Gary Rice Henrietta,Texas
Sheila Hatchett South of Norman Oklahoma. I live in the country. I have a vegetable garden and a flower garden. I am an antique dealer so I love the rusty old things and use them whenever I can.
Eileen Dickerson I am from Hutchinson, Ks. We have a beautiful yard. My husband fights me for his grass, and I keep planting flowers, bushes and trees.
Tina Fuzzcro Barclay I’m in Herrin, IL which is considered SoIL (southern Illinois) quite a distance from Chicago and off the beaten path. I should have a garden but presently don’t I get much enjoyment from what is shared here and elsewhere on the interwebs about all topics. I sure hope you don’t hold anything against us gardenless peeps!
Laurie Marr Southwestern New Hampshire. Just moved down from the White Mountains. First garden in 5 years. Too many forty foot Pine trees before. Digging playing in the dirt again!
Shawnette Beard I live in Indianapolis, IN. I have such a small patio area that I worked entirely by hand with a rake and a hoe my first year here. I planted wildflower seeds that flourished and grew to almost 6 ft tall. This year I mostly have flower boxes full of impatiens, 5 tomato plants and 1 sweet pepper plant. There are some perennials from the first year that are growing along with some brown eyed susans. My greatest joy is lavender that I grew from seed and is now blooming!!
Bloomin’ Crazy Hi there! I’m Joni Holland and own a landscape design biz called “bloomin’ crazy’! I’m in San Jose California! Why do I feel like I should be wearing a cheesy sash in the Miss America Pageant?
Amanda Wilkes Hi, my name is Amanda Wilkes…from Gloucester, Virginia. We recently moved into a new house, and have been working diligently to transform the yard into “our little piece of paradise”. I think this site is one of the best on facebook! **gardening is the best therapy**
Trish Smith I live in New Buffalo, Michigan. I have a large garden full of veggies and beds of flowers that I started in my green house this past spring. (1st time) I also have lil rubber boots hanging on the fence filled with petunias, my gemmed bowling ball lawn ornament, a wagon with flowers, tea cups on poles and glass totems thanks to your ideas! Love them!
Tina Williams says ‘hi’ from Huntsville, Alabama! I (finally) started a backyard vegetable garden last year and have tripled it in size this year. My dear hubby enclosed it in a cute pallet fence to help keep the dogs out. Workin’ outside in the garden is so relaxing…never want to give it up. I love seein’ all the pictures on Flea Market Gardening, they inspire and motivate me!
Gu BeSm Orwigsburg, Pa. love plants and my garden wll grow over time. Just to learn how everythng works here. Had several gardens in Germany, sadly I need to move a lot and so I left my green footprints everywhere I go
Gail Balcom I live in Fort Lupton, CO. My husband and I love to work in our yard. My favorite thing in our yard is my old wood canoe full of herbs
Sandra Brown live in North Central Pennsylvania. love my plants and vegetable garden,birds and trees,and the creek behind my house.
Elizabeth Brooks Pavich I am Elizabeth and I live in York, PA. Bought my first home 3 years ago mainly because of the front porch and the gardens in the back yard. We added a pond with waterfall and a garden shed and even more flowers.
Leslie Lele Allanson Orr I garden on two acres outside of Richmond VA I love flowers and have gathered old stuff for years
Barbara Foster Hi, I am in Mishicot, Wisconsin. I just started gardening this year. We have 1.75 acre area so it is going to take me years to turn it into gardens. I have a vegetable garden and flowers around the house.
Paulette Page Bledsoe Paulette Bledsoe; Hillsboro, Texas, right in the heart of hotter than and@* summers. My husband of 44 years and I built our home out in the country in a field with nothing but a couple of mesquiets (thorn trees) it’s been a work in progress ever since. I have a large raised vegetable garden and flower beds around the house.I love anything old and rusty and using the unusual as planters.
Jm Ordonez I’m Joanne and I live in sunny San Diego, CA. Started a “craigslist” garden where I get a majority of my plants from craigslist and yard sales. My garden is a hodgepodge of plants that I rescued and/or adopted, Some of them are unidentified – so it’s fun to see what type of flowers, if any, start to bloom from these plants. The plants I started with have become so large and jungle-like that I created a little secret sitting niche in between the plants to escape from everyday life before and after work.
Linda Butler Auman From Springdale, AR; my husband and I built a garden for our grandchildren…they have planted veggies and flowers in the garden. We go pickin’ and collect old metal containers for flowers, garden tools for “garden art”, and trellises for morning glories and other vines. We plant to enhance the habitat for birds and butterflies…we love to birdwatch and garden together. The only thing we haven’t planted in is an old toilet!
Margaret Carter Martin live in eastern Tennessee near the Great Smoky Mountain Nat. Park I have loved flowers since my beloved grandmother put my tiny hands around plants and helped me do my own flowers in her yard. I have all kinds of flowers, used to have a large vegetable garden but have had to cut back on that a bit the last few years. I enjoy looking at the flea market finds added to the flowers and think that will be an enjoyable hobby for me since I have retired to find interesting things such as so many of you have
Sonja Miller Hi! I live in Logan, Ohio. I have been flower gardening for several years. This is one of my favorite FB pages.
Dawn McElroy I am in hardwick,NJ.
Becky Fosbrink I am from Mt. Pleasant Pa my garden is still in the works just bought our house 2 yrs ago.. love lots of color and I do a lot of upcycling
Jimmye Lynn Dye-Porter Wooster, Arkansas USA. I am doing mainly container gardening this year. Not a great year for containers and/or conventional gardening with the drought conditions we have and are having. I have really spent most of my time on garden/yard projects and creations – lots of them inspired by folks on FMG. I have ‘met’ some wonderful ‘sharing and caring’ people here. So glad a friend suggested FMG!!! ;))
Kat Wynveen Kat here from rural Sheboygan Falls, WI. I have a raised bed in front of my shop and beds of perennials and annuals around one side of it, a berm planting at the end of the driveway, a shade garden under the trees next to our house and a wild mess of roses behind another shed. My latest challenge has been to disguise our mound septic system and cement “bunkers”. I love resale shops and auctions–anyplace where I can find funky stuff.
Michelle Martin I live in Crestview, Florida. I am a stay-at-home mother of 4. I have a small garden in our front yard and have started to expand the garden slowly this year. I love “re-purpose” things and use them as planters in my garden.
Myra Glandon We live in Prospect, Ohio, about 45 minutes north west of Columbus. I have an old wire corncrib gazebo we call the cornzebo, and garden spotten with yard art.
Natalie Tabor McPherson I live in a rural area near Mexico, Kentucky. I’m now the only family member left on a 5th generation 300 acre farm. This year, we’re in a drought situation. I’ve given up on beautiful and I’m in survival mode. I just don’t want to lose all of my lovingly cared for bushes and shrubs. I spend two hours a day watering! In a normal year, I have a beautiful vegetable garden and I freeze and can most of the produce. We moved to this house 2 summers’ ago and I had hoped this would be the year of creating beautiful living murals in my two acre yard. I guess I’ll pray rain and keep on planning for another year!
Joyce Nelson Greenfield I am in Gig Harbor, Washington, about one mile from the Puget Sound. We’ve been here 15 years, and it’s a huge change to garden here compared to my native central Massachusetts. We have several raised beds for vegetables, several large flower beds, and lots of fruit trees and blueberry bushes, as well as a huge native blackberry patch that we’ve allowed to thrive on the edge of our lawn/greenbelt. Love lots of color, lots of vintage “junk” in my gardens, birdhouses, you name it.
3 Eagles Ranch We are in Winlock, in SW WA. We have Some peas growing in a re-purposed mineral tub. The “garden” is waiting to grow until we get some sun and warmth. The critters are fairing fine. Hello to Michelle Martin from Crestview, FL, my old stomping grounds. <:0)
JoAnn Karls North Fond du Lac, WIS my garden started years ago, kids were grown and couldn’t part with their sandbox my husband had built them so I started a garden in it and it has grown way beyond the borders of the sandbox. And lots of garden art
Cynthia Honeycutt I live in Longwood, FL and my garden is in my little “postage stamp” of a yard. It’s not much but I’m just happy to have a space for gardening.
Debbie Christiansen I live on the IL/KY border just outside of Btookport. I put in a little fishpond and redesigned my front yard this spring and now am in the midst of a severe drought. I like old iron and other primitive decorum. I am making some glass totems for the garden as I was inspired by this group. Thanks…and pray for rain for us:*)
Shari McElhaney Telek I live in Windber, PA. We built this house on 2 acres on top of a mountain 22 years ago. I grow over 100 Old Garden Roses. I love cottage gardens and have been working at achieving that goal for 22 years! I collect fairies, and they are hiding everywhere in the flowers. I also have about 30 planters of annuals. I will stick them in anything I can find! I managed a garden center for 15 years. I love this FB page. I love picking up new ideas to incorporate into my own gardens.
Rhonda Waters I live in Clarksville, TN and we used to do all our gardening in pots on our huge pool deck. Now we are starting to do more landscaping around the house and finding wonderful ideas on this site!
Becky Shaul Norris I am a true southern belle from Alabama living about an hour southwest of Oklahoma City, OK. I took what was a gravel parking lot 8 years ago and turned it into not only my garden but my little piece of heaven I love the color ink and put it everywhere I can outside in my gardens. My hubby thinks that pink in the house is too frilly for him. I also collect red, white and blue, and tons of Americana. I also have a red, white and blue garden in the front of my house. I have been an artist and crafter my entire adult life. I am now retired and hav been spending my time creating art for my garden now. I have a large gnomedom and thoroughly enjoy all the antics of my gnomes. I am really in my element her on Flea Market Gardening and I have made so many good friends on this site.
Debbie J. Carter McMahon I am from Red Oak, Texas. Small town outside of Dallas. Have a vegetable garden and some flower beds. I am not good with names so have a hard time finding the flowers I want or need to grow in my area. This has been such a wonderful, helpful site. Love you .
Linda Lawrence Baugh Little Rock, Arkansas …I love the website!
Pamela Stewart-Surette From just outside Edmonton Alberta….moved here less than 2 years ago from Nova Scotia and am slowly developing new gardens at my new home ….very challenging as I have moved to a Zone 2b from Zone 6b…..very dry in the prairies and extremely cold in the winter….our main beds are in and now I am just filling them with new babies and lots of garden art….many ideas which I found right here on this great site….thankyou everyone for all the inspiration!!!
Margaret Farnham Bagg I live near Palm Springs CA in the lovely wind prone area… So I do have cactus, I love succulents, roses do real well here. No grass, too much trouble. Last couple of years sunflowers did great, I don’t know if I got bad seeds this year, but they aren’t doing as well. Right now is prob almost the equivalent to mid west winter gardening, as far as you can’t really. Will wait for fall. I’m still learning as I go. I need to learn a little better design as my garden tends to be just the perimeter of the yard. I really enjoy your site!
Susan T Moxley Boonville NC – home to one stoplight, one Dollar General (the local mall), one florist, etc., – your all around hometown Southern town. I have some perrennials, a few veggies and fruits, and flea market stuff that I enjoy. I really do enjoy reading the posts and viewing the photos on this page. Thanks!
Carla Rasmussen Hopkins I live in the mountains of northern Arizona on our 23 acre ranch. My husband and I are retired, and HE likes to do most of the gardening (veggies and fruit trees). My favorite thing is going to flea markets, thrift stores, barn sales and estate sales……and finding ‘TREASURES’ that I can bring home and make into garden, deck and patio ‘art!’ Your site, Flea-Market Gardening, is perfect for me! I love getting ideas here and once in awhile sharing my own.
Shari Delgado-Nicsevic Love the area that I’m from… West Coast of California. San Jose exactly. Fabulous climate. Gardening is a love – along with flea marketing, scavenging, etc. My tiny home sits on a large lot filled with fruit trees, perennials, and evergreens with roses and hydrangeas. I’ve collected others throw-aways to pave brick walkways – old cement sinks for planters. Good to meet y’all!
Ingela Gyhlesten Hi, I live in Sweden and my kids call me ‘mom antique.’ I love old worn and rusty things and use them both in my garden and my house, I think it is because they have a history and the feeling that they have something to tell me that makes me love them so much. My favorite is a tiny little iron as my grandmother played with when she was a child sometime in the early 1900’s, now I use it as a weight to hold napkins in place so they will not blow away when I have them on the picnic table outside in my garden, so every time I take a cup of coffee in the garden with my chickens, it feels like even Grandma sitting there with me even though she passed away 15 years ago. I’m so glad I found this page and enjoy all the nice pictures Have a great day! Ingela
Aggie Melia Hello I am from my proud city Liverpool . A city in England . Where great people come from. Right now my gardens look like tips because I got a lot of building work going on . Can’t wait to get stuck in my gardens again. I call my garden my place .my space. Love to u all and love all u pictures and post on your page. Thank u .xxxx
George Weaver Hi, I live in Central Pa . I love to garden and have a large vegetable garden and lots of areas landscaped with flowers, trees and my home made yard art.
Irene Allen I’m in Johannesburg, South Africa.
I have a small shade garden hidden at the back of the house – my sanctuary! – with a lovely slate paved entertainment area next to that with raised herb beds built against the walls, and a GIANT barbeque with pizza/kleftiko oven!
There is a larger garden in front which I pretty much ignore right now. We have plans to build a garage and cottage there one day, so all my visions and ideas are on hold, and have been for years!
I am fortunate to live in a summer rainfall area; water just when you need it most! ESPECIALLY fortunate to live in a country where hiring a weekly gardener to help with the back breaking work doesn’t require the salary of Openheimer or Trump.
(My gardener is getting a bit old though; he seems to specialise only in sweeping, watering and finding a sunny spot to sleep. :-P)
I’m a firm believer in garden ‘rooms’, water features in every ‘room’, and wind chimes.
Janie Brown Hey fellow gardeners I live in Clemmons NC. In NH I grew a quarter acre veggie garden in rich black soil..Here I’m planting in hard red clay and sand. Mostly flowering trees and shrubs. Most flowers dont make it!
Carol Hurtig I live just outside Allentown, PA. My yard/garden is not perfect but it is all mine and I love spending time planting and tending to the plants. I think I grow the best weeds in PA, too! They certainly love my little plot of earth!
Bridget McGivern Staley Hi, From Seymour, Wisconsin (Home of the Hamburger),I have about an acre of garden space, by connecting the dots between the trees with gardens, originally done to make mowing easier….that was 20 yrs ago and I’m still adding gardens.
Sheila Hines Chesapeake, VA here. LOVE YOUR PAGE! I am just starting my rusty collection thanks to inspiring photos seen here. I love to garden and am always trying to improve on it especially since I dont really know what I’m doing. My rule of thumb is just stick it in the dirt, if it grows its meant to be!
Dedra Kirchner I’m from Arkansaw, Wisconsin. I’m passing my love of gardening – both vegetable and flower – down to my 4 year old granddaughter. This year my husband and I built her a 3 x 6 raised garden of her own. When asked by the neighbor lady what she was going to plant, she replied, “Carrots, corn, gum seeds, chocolate seeds and a money tree!” I also love to decorate with “junk”.
Monika Schubert Hiya, I come from the ‘Land DownUnder’ that’s Australia,,,best place on Earth. To be precise I’m in Brisbane, Queensland. We enjoy beautiful weather here mostly all year so we spend a lot of time outdoors and we love our gardens and wide open spaces with big gorgeous trees. I’m a newby to your page and I love it and share it with my friends, thanks xxx
Sherry Law I live in Bartlett, Tn (just outside Memphis) I love my backyard garden, and enjoy adding to it every year. I also make yard art, bird feeders, garden flower plates and garden toems for my garden. A big thank you to FMG for sharing all they do. I look forward to their post everyday. I invite everyone to visit my page if they like to take a walk through my garden.
Elizabeth Gibson I live in Ottawa ,Il…I enjoy working in my garden..I mostly have flowers and a few vegetable plants in containers..I LOVE working in my garden..I love each year seeing what survived our cold winters here in Illinois! I LOVE this site and everyone’s pics! I have taken a few ideas from here and made them my own! I love Garage sales and I find a lot of “stuff” for my yard!!!
Shirley Busby-Hull Joplin, MO here; veggies and flowers and LOTS of watering…really enjoy your page. Oh, and I have “stuff” all over such as broken Jadite cups and saucers holding my hens and chicks on a slope, blue bottle lane thru a shaded garden area. Really enjoy your page; thanks for all your pics.
Billie Giddis Mather Hi Billie Mather here from Northern California! I love gardening, yard saleing, and horses! LOL I just moved to 3 acres and my horses have the majority of it. Little by little I am creating my gardening in totally unique containers – it’s really wonderful! Course I love to design anything so it’s all great fun! This is more about me:!/MatherDesigns
Carol Vaughn Jessup I’m in New Castle Indiana…..I just moved into my boyfriends house and lets just say gardening/yardwork is NOT his forte lol. Its like starting with a blank canvas but I planted a huge garden and started a few perrenials and he’s taking interest! Yay for me!!!
Jeri Coon My name is Jeri, I love recycling and flowers. I love plants and nature and Im from Glide Oregon.
Lynn Stull I live in South Central Pennsylvania between the corn field and cow pasture on a dead end. I love incorporating vintage items into my gardens as yard art and I have many little seating areas with the bubbling water fountains.
Charlotte Burtch-Francoeur I live in Ft St John, BC Canada and I LOVE country old and new. We are just setting up a new place (starting from scratch turning a piece of a hay field into a yard) so the flower garden is in the begining stages!
Dewdrop Gardens Hi, I live in southern Ontario, Canada. I’m an avid gardener, work at a greenhouse and garden centre (and spend all my money there!!), and love creating beauty out of junk! I’ve been following your blog and just liked your FB page, as #15006 member. Wow, this is one hopping spot to be! I look forward to seeing everyone’s photos and reading your stories.
Vintage Gardens ~ Hello! I live in Clay Center, Kansas. Our gardens host many different celebrations! Weddings, family and class reunions, baby and bridal showers, birthday and anniversary parties. We are moving in an 1886 chapel to Vintage Gardens in the next few months! We enjoy sharing our love of gardening with our community! Thanks for your lovely page and God bless you all.
Cindy Maitre I live in Southern Ontario about 12 miles from the US border. I have a little over 4 acres of “lawn” that slowly is being converted to gardens. Been at it for 13 years and still have too much lawn. Rain needed so badly my little dogs need help getting out of the cracks if they fall in. I have lurked here for a long time and absolutely love this site.
Maureen McConnell Dodge Hello, I live in Northern Michigan near Traverse City. I am a hosta addict with over 120 varieties. In my spare time,I research ways to keep the deer out of my “salad bar”.
Tom Munz Happy 4th of July!!!! From Emporium, PA Land of the endless mountains. My wife and I stated a rain gutter garden for letuce, herbs and cucumbers. It is doing very well. Nothing like picking some fresh dil for the tuna fish salad sandwich!!!
Sarah Major I am from ElPaso Texas
Angela Dobes Carver I live in Austin, Texas 2 exits from downtown. We have a spring fed creek behind us and there are many seeps, springs, and ponds in the area with many trees. I have an art, vintage , wildlife, native plant, 3 ponds, and most of all healing garden. The Cathedral of Junk is nearby and my husband thinks we have a garden of junk. Bulk garbage day is soon which will inspire new projects!
Brenda Black I live in Livingston TX which is about 60 miles north of Houston. We own 3 acres of land just about 1/2 mile out of the city limits. My husband has raised a vegetable garden and started a peach and plum orchard this year. We have been enjoying God’s bounty from the gardens. I am a school teacher and I love working in the yard. I have spent the past 3 weeks: weeding, mulching, and planting my flower beds. I love creating vignettes and have gotten many ideas from this facebook page. A friend of mine told me about your page.
Carmen Whitehead I am in Chandler, AZ (suburb of Phoenix). New to gardening, but quickly caught the bug for re-purposing and gardening. Hard to keep plants alive in the Arizona summer heat, but the other seasons are great for gardening.
Deborah Young Here in Green Bay Wisconsin, I spend my free time gardening. It started out as a small vegetable garden and a flower bed along the driveway where the grass didn’t care to grow anyway. Then my husband brought me home two rusty wagon wheels to embelish the flower bed. So not only did my gardens grow but so did my love for flea market gardening. Now I have a Welcome Garden, a Relaxation Garden, a Playhouse Garden, an Arbor Garden and a fence border garden. Currently I am working on a garden alongside the shed, coordinating plants and flea market finds in pleasing combinations. The best thing about it all is finding so many of you who love the same thing
Julie Keil Jacobs Hi..I live in a *small* town S.W. of Oklahoma city….. This all started about 2 years ago when Becky Shaul Norris called me one day and said I just need to dig in some dirt, I have no where to do anymore planting….the rest is history. LOL I enjoy upcycling things for the yard also……..
Tonya Fennig I live in Redkey, Indiana. I Love to play in the dirt! Our back patio is surrounded by plants and flowers, In beds, in pots, in hanging baskets. A little farther away from the patio is another bed that I started this year with lots of daisy’s and coneflowers as well as annuals to fill in the spaces. My front porch has hanging baskets filled with house plants and a few flowers for color. I am slowly starting to add FM stuff by being inspired by your page and all on it. Thanks bunches!
Kathy Keller Gardening in Battle Creek Michigan, My garden’s are quite cottage like full of varieties of cone flowers, black eyed susans, daisies, bee balm, lillies, etc. Also Love hostas in my shady area. The pallet of greens is beautiful and I have a hard time walking by the garden without stopping and smiling. My friend and I enjoy making cement garden markers with my garden stamps and casting the hosta leaves and garden sayings which then lay through out the gardens and on the edges. We are starting to make tuffa luffas too. So enjoy your site because I love flea markets and enjoy adding found treasures to my garden. Now retired after teaching special education for 37 years I have plenty of time to play in the dirt. FUN!!!
Jeanie Knight Hi! I live in a small rural market town in sunny (not lol) Somerset called Wellington in the UK(that’s in the South west) I have a small back garden, but long and thin and have divided it into small “rooms” the first is a patio area where I have some upcycled garden furniture and BBQ and Potting table (that’s a repurposed hall unit! then small lawn with flower beds. I like the idea of an English country garden so I grow veggies and fruit in with my flowers, I have hanging baskets and recycled bird tables(one I found in a hedge!) then I have a designated veggie patch where I grow ,potatoes, corn on the cob, Rhubarb, and Runner beans and peas, then I have my girls $ brown hens and 1 rescue battery hen called freedom, well named because they were just about to kill her when a mate of mine brought her to me at 10pm at night!! shes fine now and a good layer! then I have my shed and strawberry pallet garden which has worked really well, after that through a back gate a wildlife garden where I have planted English bluebells this area was full of rubbish from the people who had it before, I want to put bird boxes up in the little cosped area that is there, oh and I forgot I made a small pond and now I have baby frogs, phewwwww, I didn’t realise how much I had done in 6 months since I moved here it was a wasteland before xx
Mary Miller I live in SW Missouri in a small (240) town of Phillipsburg but near Lebanon. We grow all our veggies and a good portion of our fruits. Also have tons of daylilllies and and 7 different Rose of Sharon, lots of hostas, and assorted other plants.
Pam Bird Small rural community in SW Arkansas, Pencil Bluff, an hour west of Hot Springs. My gardens are a mix of herbs, native plants, perennials and annuals. Never met a flower that I didn’t like. Two small vegetable gardens in raised beds. I’ve become hooked on recycled gardening this year and despite the hot and dry weather have enjoyed gardening even more than ever!
Elaine Grimes I live in San Juan Capistrano, CA, a suburban town with the feeling of a country town here in Southern California. My circa 1965 home has a very large backyard (per California standards) dominated by two huge trees: an Ash and a California Redwood. My shady garden is a respite from the heat and sun, filled with lots of ferns, ivy, fuchsias, begonias, scented-pelargoniums, succulents, fairy gardens, and more… Lots of hanging baskets, blooms, and textures. I don’t use pesticides so my yard is full of delightful life: Pacific Tree Frogs, salamanders, hummingbirds, a great variety of birds, and lots of bugs! I just LOVE your inspiring site; I work in as many flea market finds and designs as I can! and I tell my flea market-gardening friends about you, too
Laurel Veinfortner Decker Greetings from NE Ohio! Live on a couple acres, have 12 chickens and LOVE the FMG page. Have got so many great ideas from it. Love hostas, hydrangas and CORAL BELLS! Love looking for unusual stuff to add to my gardens; anything rusty, broken or chippy and I find a spot for it!
Jeanie Anderson Milliken Colorado..
Jean Robb I live outside of Tampa Florida. I’ve enjoyed making ‘rooms’ in the back yard. Pergolas, arbors, ponds and paths. I can always find a place for more plantings. Unfortunately, I have to go out front to throw the frizbee for the dog.
Robyn Malovec Polderman I live in Victoria, BC and I love to garden and be outside. I am highly allergic to everything outside but I load up on antihistamine and I enjoy my gorgeous outdoor surroundings
Vickie Douglas Hi,I live in Winnfield La. I dont have an exotic flower garden but I do love my flower beds and my house plants. Up until about 4 yrs ago I never had a place to call my own to start a flower bed. Where I moved only had a few bridal wreaths in the front. I am disabled but still try to get out and do what I love to do and that is fool with my plants. I am getting a start on the shrubs and beds tho. Hopefully God will grant me many more yrs of working on my flower beds
Kitty L. Gerschoffer Hello from South Bend, IN I live in the City on a nice double sized lot with a hosta garden, preformed pond, hot tub turned into a pond above ground, lots of perennials and daylilies. Trying very hard to keep everything watered due to the extreme heat and lack of rain but it’s hard when you work. My annuals, mostly geraniums and impatiens look the same way they did when I planted them the first part of June! Trying to focus on keeping my perennials alive but they’re looking pretty sad. Everything that’s usually very healthy and tall (i.e., hibiscus, coneflowers) are tiny and finished blooming. Leaves on my crab apple are turning brown and falling now. Everything bloomed about a month early. The weather has really been extreme here, especially for the farmers as you’ve probably read….
Toni Wallis-Ambiel Hi, I am in Reno, Nevada. Have been a FMG for years, happy to see there are a lot more out there:) I don’t plant flowers except for Morning Glories. I do veggies and have a very large grapevine. I have several seating areas with different views. I live in a townhouse, with a small back yard, but have arranged, mostly a container garden, so it produces more food than I can eat. This year I am learning how to dehydrate so I can stock up for winter:)
Becky Williams Hi! From Flint, MI!! Have finally started liking gardening the last few years! Alway ‘had to’ as a child putting up tons of green beans, corn, tomatoes, etc, etc! And then lots of annuals for mom! This year I was able to get my back yard the way I wanted it with some help from a friend! Transplanting flowers from my parents gardens turned out to be a great memorial!
Lisa Bradford Collier I live in a rural community called Load, in eastern Kentucky, surrounded by beautiful hills, Tygart Creek and lots of wildlife. I have been President of our local Master Gardeners for several years, this year being my last. I raise a large vegetable garden, and several large flower beds. I love to reuse items in my gardens and going to our local flea market. I enjoy doing glass mosaics and lots of other crafts.
Katrina Lounsbury My name is Kat and I live in Cool California. I love vegetable and flower gardening. I have 3 acres of red clay soil and lots and lots of deer, it has been an interesting challenge …it is my therapy and my true love.
Cheryl Edwards Griffin I am from Logan, OH. in the Hocking Hills. I love your site. I am a retired nurse who loves my garden,especially glads and dahlias, but the are done for the season and the leaves are falling as fast as te temperature is dipping. I canned thi year for the first time since my kids all left home and enjoyed putting up food that I raised myself.
Fay Rodgers My name is Fay and I live in Madisonville, KY . I love working out in my yard, love my Grasses, my succulents, and I love old things. I call them my treasures. I enjoy this site so much. So much helpful info. Thanks to all who post…God Bless
Shari Soules I am from Grand Rapids MI. I love getting plants and I love even more my husband who plants them for me and then patiently moves them the next year to make room for more. we were putting the beds to sleep today for the winter. he cut the fennel and the basil down today and you could smell the fragrance all afternoon. it was wonderful! I too love your site!!
Maggie Maine Mitchell My name is maggie, and live in a tiny town called Hiddenite. In the foothills of North Carolina. I love flowers and have several flower beds in my yard. Enjoy feeding and watching the birds that visit and live in and around my yard. My favorite flower in my beds are lilies and my wisteria bush.
Todd Alexander I’m CHEF TODD from the Louisville, KY suburb of Jeffersonville, IN. WE have the distintion of having four seasons here in the Ohio River Valley. My favorite seasons: SRPING and FALL. My partner and I have bought OUR first home together almost three years ago and I’m ALWAYS itching to add something new and exciting to OUR sanctuary. Corinthian Bell windchimes “sing” in the key of G when caught in a breeze. OUR two children – CODY and CAMILLE (shih tsu’s) enjoy OUR sanctuary as well and often join US in OUR white Adirondack chairs. GOOD TIMES!!!
Christine Ralph Hi, Im from about midway between Kansas City and Springfield Mo.
Gracie Arbogast West Virginia, USA………….the tree leaves are glorious shades of red, orange and yellow. Spectacular color this year! This makes up for the perennial garden that is going dormant this time of year.
Christine Ralph I Love any thing that grows , I even love to mow yes, with a push mower. I love my horses, flowers,veggies, crafting, flea markets, sunrises and sunsets, and the whisper of the woods. I tend to like all things God has given to us.
Gracie Arbogast My garden contains perennials that many of my friends have given me through the years. This is a lovely way to remember friends that are no longer with us.
Tamara Manter-Herron I live in Madera, California which is close to the middle of the state. It’s part of the San Joaquin Valley which is the largest exporter of Fruits and veggies in the U.S. I recently settled on 2 1/2 acres in the country and the yards, flowerbeds and orchard are a disaster. It’s a work (a whole lotta work!) in progress and I love the ideas and inspiration I find on here.
Terresa Stoll I live in Blackburn, MO. I can remember going to auctions with my Grandparents before I went to school. I still have a carnaval chalk bank that Grandpa gave me out of a box of junk he bought for 50 cents back in the mid 50s on one of those outings. I guess I have loved junking ever since. The love of gardening also came down to me from Grandpa and Mom. After living on rock in Austin, TX for 23 years, when I moved back to MO 8 years ago I went crazy being able to actually dig in the earth. So Flea Market Gardening is the perfect fit for me. Love all the wonderful ideas I have gotten from my fellow FMGers.
Keri McNay Hello. I live in Davis CA. I found FMG on FB and love all of the pictures. Great ideas. I am in the process of building an arbor with old french doors (actually my dad did the building part of it). Got the idea here. I will post pictures when its done. I am ready to paint so pics soon. I planted my garden in wine barrels. I have so much to learn. No green thumb here. Keep the great ideas coming
Kendra Marchand Burnett I live just south of Fayetteville, AR in a small town called West Fork. I don’t have much to show so far, because I’ve only been gardening for about 6 months. I have fibromyalgia and can’t work, so instead of going stir crazy this year, I decided to dig in!! I’ve ALWAYS loved flea markets, thrift stores, yard/garage sales and digging in the garbage, so now I have another place to put my ” treasures”…. Loving it so far!!!
Sandra Palomar Osuna Hello, I live El Centro CA. I love and enjoy gardening. I think I got my green thumb and interest in gardening from my dad, whom has taught me so much. I found FMG on FB, I enjoy all the pics and wonderful ideas.
Diane Goodin My hubby and I live in Belvidere, IL, just east of Rockford. Our home is south of the city in a rural small subdivision. We moved here in 1972 with literally nothing but a dirt 3/4 acre yard. It now has mature trees, plants, and bushes, designed by us. We have been flea mkt yard art hunters for years…the rustier, the better. Unique bird houses, old cast iron wood burners, wagon wheels, kettles, wheelbarrows, all collected thru the years and filled with perennials or annuals. Always looking for treasures. A favorite find, a one of a kind sprinkler, the front of a David Bradley tractor a welder turned into a whale and put on a tall stem. The sprinkler is its “blow hole” and works awesome in our flower garden. I have old boots filled with unique succulents. I hide “critters” under plants to surprise guests as they walk the yard. With benches, swings, an old dbl. glider, and picnic tables, there are several oasis places to relax. A must, horseshoe pits for game days. Guests and we love our yard! No longer vegtable gardners, we just wait and get that all from neighbors and friends who plant too much.
Jenny Selle Gurnee, Illinois- halfway between Chicago and Milwaukee- near Lake Michigan. Wish I had more time for gardening, but meanwhile have flowers, vegetables, bushes and trees, herbs and house plants. Love junking, collecting- mostly books, shabby- chic- things that can tell a story!
Kathie Allstot Aberdeen, South Dakota…plant vegetables in a wooden feed trough, annuals in odd pots, fruit trees, fairy gardens, and have a variety of trees and shrubs that are adapted to our growing zone from smoke bushes to magnolias. Love all the photos for ideas at FMG!
Sue Pearson Hi I live across the big pond in Poynton near Manchester in the UK, I have a small cottage garden plant nursery that I started 4 years ago born from my passion for plants and gardening I love all the photo’s and ideas that are on your page thank you for so much inspiration and for the good friends I have met through you and through mutual love of dirty hands and tumbling gardens
Cheshire Cottage Garden Plants
Cheshire Cottage Garden Plants is a family run plant nursery situated in Poynton
.suppliers of quality perennial plants typical to the cottage garden. We also stock a large range of annual plants for containers and border planting.
Kathleen Cederman Hi Im from Otorohanga, Waikato, NI, NEW ZEALAND. Recently moved to new property, so still trying to figure what Im going to try.
Lynn Lokken I’ve lived in Green Co, WI all my life. Can’t wait to retire and garden more than I do now. Love rusty stuff. Recently, my husband purchased a handy man’s jack at an auction and said it was my b’day present, I was all which garden will it go in and what vine will grow up it? He didn’t think it was funny! I’m all about if it’s rusty, it goes in my yard! I’m also the co-chair of the Barn Quilts of Green Co. check us out! Oh, by the way, he hates my bottle tree, he thinks he should use it for shooting practise! Love all your pics!
Kathy Baker-Debord Hi from Kentucky.
Dean Jacobs McCall I live in Rochester, Indiana a small town between South Bend, home of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Indianapolis, our Capitol; my Garden is filled to the brim with “Junkiques” found @ Flea Markets, Garage Sales, and Curbside Shopping….
Barbara Tyrrell Grogan Good Morning from Brandon, Florida.
Kat Wynveen Rainy Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin.
Donna Lehl Hello from Green Bay, Wi. Busy putting the garden to bed for the winter but that won’t stop me from thinking about it the next six months.
Laurel Veinfortner Decker NE Ohio here! Beautiful fall day! Going “treasure hunting” one last time today before winter sets in!
Jimmye Lynn Dye-Porter Wooster, Arkansas just NW of Little Rock. FMG has allowed me to be introduced to many wonderful ideas and equally wonderful Flea Folk. My late husband was the man with the green thumb, so I never really got into the growing part – until now. Other than crewel, needlepoint and cross stitch- I had never attempted any other medium of crafts. until FMG – I became addicted back in March/April of this year and have not slowed down (I have a couple of projects I am waiting on assistance from my SIL) then on to more ideas. I enjoy Flea Markets and love sharing this time with my Grands, they love to go along and have learned to look for “treasures” I have planted Violas, Cool Wave Pansies and Flowering Kale for Winter enjoyment. I enjoy the Birds that come to my feeders on a daily basis and have strived to give them a safe area to eat and drink. After the Summer long drought we experienced, the late rains brought forth late blooms from most of the flowers I had planted. The past 2 weeks the Hummingbirds have ‘shunned’ the sugar-water feeders for the beautiful red blooms of the Pineapple Sage. I plan on adding more of this plant + the surprise seeds I received from Becky Shaul Norris. Sun is shining, wind is blowing, temps are lower today. Guess I had best get back out there, along with my squirrel chasers (ha) 2HaPPy2 and RaZZy.
Art by Stephie McCarthy