
Garden Tours

Come have a walk-around, up close and personal, with one of these gardeners:

Our Flea Market Gardening group is made up of the most talented inspired and creative gardeners and savvy shoppers.  Here are some notable gardens and gardeners I know you’ll enjoy meeting. Each has their own style and individual artistic talents to show you in photos taken by them. They see the beauty around them every day and create wonderful garden worlds to surround themselves. Real people. Real gardens,…real projects!

Click on each photo…

Meeting Sue Langley, CA

The bowling ball, now "garden art" on a stand in the garden. Later it fell off this plastic stand, so another place had to be found.The bowling ball, now "garden art" on a stand in the garden. Later it fell off this plastic stand, so another place had to be found.


Meeting Jeanie Merritt, OH


Meeting Nancy K Meyer, IA

This bike was mine as a young girl and my husband made sunflower from old machinery parts, and the old kettle is from a dear older neighbor.This bike was mine as a young girl and my husband made sunflower from old machinery parts, and the old kettle is from a dear older neighbor.


Meeting Marie Niemann, UT


Meeting Kirk Willis, WA


Meeting Jeanne Sammons, IA


Meeting Stephie McCarthy, NC


Meeting Annie Steen, PA


Meeting Julie Brown, IN

Accidental country girl in a Flea Market garden

Meeting Deb Clark, ND


Meeting Sue Gerdes, SD


Meeting Brian Stephan, AZ


Di-Ellen’s party garden, ME


Meeting Nell Stelzer, MD


Meeting Joy Hale, CA


Meeting George Weaver, PA


Meeting Jane Krauter, CA


Flea Market Gardening….a Facebook page to a garden blog is now a website! Cool.

  • Di-Ellen’s party garden
  • Meeting Annie Steen
  • Meeting Jeanne Sammons
  • Meeting Kirk Willis
  • Meeting Marie Niemann
  • Meeting Nancy K. Meyer
  • Meeting Jeanie Merritt
  • Meeting Sue Langley
  • Meeting Jane Krauter
  • Meeting George Weaver
  • Meeting Joy Hale
  • Meeting Julie Brown
  • Meeting Nell Stelzer
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    View Comments

    • Love the window behind the cat. Did you paint it or was it a find?

      • Sue Langley says:

        A man painted it for Julie. I love this photo! ~~ Sue

    • KAW Said The Krow says:

      Love it!

    • Oh, Jeanne, the areas you have created are just lovely. Us tables capers are used to seeing your indoor vignettes, but I can't say as I've ever seen shots of your outdoors (birdies excluded, of course). It's no wonder you were chosen as a "featured contributor." I feel famous just knowing you through the net!
