Our gardeners weigh in On our Flea Market Gardening Facebook page yesterday we asked you "Do you like weeding,...that is the question?? Yes...no? [caption id="attachment_16338" align="aligncenter" width="567"]…
Early Spring weeding wear... Are you out in the garden yet? Here's what you need to wear and why. Here are all the clothing essentials…
How to EASILY collect kitchen scraps for compost Flea Market Gardeners are recyclers indoors as well as out! Composting can be done on a small…
Best garden tools for beginning gardeners ....add your own in a comment! Anytime is a good time to evaluate your garden tools. During the…
Protecting a gardener's hands: Your advice... Sometimes a post on our Flea Market Gardening Facebook page just strikes a chord with everyone. This one did…
Oh, my back! Puttering and putzing around the garden is how we get seduced into doing more and bigger projects that can really wear us…