‘Paint’ Your Garden with Blue…
Is your garden is singing the blues? Mix recycled containers and crafts with blue flowers and add some deep color and serenity to your leafy retreat. It’s no secret that blue is the favorite color for many gardeners.

Peggy Ann Mills

Myra Glandon’s meadowy blues

Rhonda Duchesneau Milk can spilling out with milky flowers

Sherry Carlson’s delphinium

Jeanne Sammons used blue bottles as accents here
Ways to use blue in the garden:
Painted wood or metal
Blue glass
Blue ceramics
Blue Graniteware
Blue insulators
All these can be found at thrift shops!

Marie Wirth’s blue door

In your face,..with their little faces…Blurberry Hill Violas

Leslie Poitevent Here is my blue bottle garden gate

Jeanie Merritt’s Bluebird of Happiness, painted on a glass block

Margie Ann My favorite blue flowers are my morning glories
So Blue…
- is a primary color
- is a color associated with harmony and confidence
- has a cool recessive quality
- appears elegant and serene with white and pastel shades
- is calming in a scheme
- is enlivened when mixed with its complementary Orange
- creates a feeling of distance when placed at the end of a border
- has a stabilizing effect when used with “hot” or bright colors

Diana Smith My real blue tree.

Dot Baker’s glowing blue and teal

Cool blue lupine contrasts with hosta

Barb Buckley’s stunning ladder packed with blue glass and ceramic

Billie Hayman’s tall delphiniums

Blue lobelia in Marie Niemann’s garden

Nancy K. Meyer My colorful chandler, made with turquoise-blue insulators

Christine Henson’s Forget-me-nots
Botanical Blues
True blue flowers are the rarest of blooms, but they can be found or even crafted in your garden. Annuals are Lobelia, Violas, Pansies, Morning Glories and Petunias.
Perennials are Salvia, Flax, Columbine and Lavender.
Blue bulbs to try are Grape hyacinth, Delphinium, Camas lily, Allium, Scilla and Iris.

Sue Shearer Here is part of my ‘blue.’

Barb Wentling’s morning glories climb the blue bottle tree.
Blue will add a little romance to your garden. How much you create with blue,…is up to you!