See this hilarious and sometimes poignant list of lost items in the garden
Question….…what was the last thing you lost in your garden? Found it yet??
- Pruners…. and still haven’t found them
- My water glass I lose. I usually find it because I get thirsty and look until I find!!
- Portable phone and my coffee cup, my hubby is good at finding my lost things.
- Perhaps my remote control not sure, it’s still lost
- About 5 pounds!!
- Half dozen wine glasses (Hmmm,..we can assume that was one at a time and the wine was consumed!)
- Orange suede gardening gloves.
- My eyeglasses…slipped off my face & fell amongst the Gerber Daisies. i had to go get another pair to try to find them. Those invisible frame kind really are….

Lost glasses
- I had a patient lose one of her hearing aids. She found it three years later under a bench in her garden. Still worked too!
- I always lose “a” glove…have many left-handed in my collection but the right handed ones are gone?? And my hand trimmers… have mistakenly thrown away many pairs into the compost…I find them when they are all rusted shut…
- A lens to prescription glasses.
- My husband was reworking a raised bed, turned up my potato peeler,apparently it got dumped with the peels!
It was my Mom’s, a good vintage metal one, sure was glad to get it back! - Sadly my brother lost his wedding band in my garden or “yard” some where and since then his beloved wife passed on. Oh how I wish we could find it some how. (We hope you do too…..Maybe one day a friend with a metal detector can help!)
- My engagement ring in the compost bin years ago. Found it months later while topping off the garden.
- Found a coffee cup out in the yard yesterday. Had been out there for a while. I lose my drip tubing punch on a regular basis. Buy a new one and then lose it too.
- I lost my wedding ring (plain band because I loose them regularly) in the garden when I was shifting through the dirt by hand to loosen up some newly dug soil. I haven’t found it yet, but maybe next year when I plant in that area, I will find it.
- Years ago, my most pricey loss was the diamond out of my engagement ring..I must have caught one of the setting prongs on something causing it to pop out…lost in the garden or in my manure pile?
- Years ago, at least ten years, I lost a sterling silver anklet in the yard. I didn’t realize it came off and had no clue where. Here recently, when cleaning up after Hurricane Harvey, I found that anklet in one of the flower beds.
- Always lose garden shovels

Lost steak knife weeder
- Trowels. I’ve lost a hundred
- 1 black foam handle from my hand size pruners!!!! Funny part is that I only found it the next day because I was granddog sitting and the dog pooped right beside it!
- A nice little pair of clippers, I think I had only had them a month or 2. Haven’t seen hide no hair for 2 years now. damn.
- I didn’t loose it but I found an old rusted horse shoe a couple of years ago in my garden, ha
- Once I lost my favorite necklace in my three acre yard. Said a prayer and the very next time I walked across my yard I looked down and there it was
- Trimmers. Still looking.
- My glasses.
- Oh so many items, trimmers, wine, tea cup.. glad I’m not the only one.
- My stress.
- Coffee cups are part of my landscaping…
- Doggies collar, with his tags. Still can’t find it
- Always losing my trimmers. There should be a law against green handles on yard tools!
- I lose a lot of hand tools. I only certain left one of those tall tree saws out by the tree I was trimming. Couldn’t find it for weeks.
- I lost pruners, found them and then proceeded to lose them again all in the same day! Think I laid them in the weed bucket and dumped the bucket in the yard waste container! Glad I have three other ones –
- Sunglasses,..and I found them in winter
- I am still looking for a necklace.
- My sanity by talking to the snails to go away
- A special spoon that I use in my mini pots to cultivate the dirt
- Mine is usually s coffee cup!
- Scissors. I was cutting twine.
- My cane and trowels….annoys the hubby when I say…umm you may look out for my cane while you are mowing and it’s pink
- Nice new pruning clippers – and it’s still out there someplace !
- Believe it or not last fall pulling veggies I lost my wedding ring . Rototilling it this spring I actually found the ring . Karma I guess !
- My Corona multi-tool pruning shears.
- My sanity
- Reading glasses……lots of them
- Black Hills gold earring. Blame it on my husband as I came down to help tear down chicken + lamb fencing, he says you are going to work in your good earrings. I told him I do every wearing them horseback riding, gardening etc… never lost one yet.
- This year I dug up last years sun glasses.
- My Cutco vegetable peeler. It was in with the veggie scraps. Got tossed into the compost tumbler. I emptied the compost to make a place to put radishes and Walla, there it was in the ground as I was planting the seeds. Didn’t even get damaged from the mini tiller. Love my Cutco peeler.
- My mind. Still looking. Oh…..and a pair of scissors. I finally found those though!
- Rose pruner
- Pearl ring, never found it.
- A pair of scissors and my granddaughter’s heart shaped bucket for the beach….I borrowed it…don’t tell…sssh!
- I am constantly losing my favorite little spade I use ! Drives me bonkers
- The center diamond of my wedding ring. Never found the 1/2 carat stone, and replaced it 6 years ago. We moved so it’ll never be found.

Lost glove
- Oh, yeah I did lose a very vintage flamingo ( small ) that a friend gave me. It accidentally went to the trash
Also squirrels carry off some small things in the fairy garden

Where’s my wife?
- Twine and my favorite pair of IKEA flower scissors. Have found the twine, but not the scissors – they must be somewhere close.
- Gloves and clippers
- Hubster’s wedding band. Pretty sure we will NOT find it on a carrot.
- My husband left his hand cutters on the back of some pots we were moving. They were found next spring after the snow melted
1 Comment
A Cutco knife in perfection condition months later. My daughter lost her engagement right a few weeks before her wedding. Still hoping and looking…