Charlene Brown "Here is my finished Fab Feb project dragonfly bowling ball"
Remember our Challenge last year? Well, it was such a huge success that we’re doing it again! We all know how hard it is to get through the winter without much gardening to do. We can do it TOGETHER with this creative January Challenge!
Many of us have a file of garden ideas or have wanted to do a project they’ve seen here on our page. Look through your file or in our albums and pick one you can do inside or outside in good weather…So..
Join us! Read carefully: Step#1 Choose any garden project you’ve wanted to do. Step#2 Decide to do it now and post your intentions, by naming your intended project. Then…. TWO photos Step#3 Sometime THIS month, post a “How to” photo of the materials you’re using. For example…
Charlene Brown project challenge, “Materials for my dragonfly bowling ball”
Step#4 Sometime THIS month, post a photo of your Finished project!
Charlene Brown “Here is my finished Fab Feb project dragonfly bowling ball”
Sooo, first step: Write a post on our Wall OR in the comments here, naming your project AND the words, “January Project Challenge” Ex: Sue Langley Purple Painted Birdhouse Ladder, January Project Challenge OK, I’m off to look through my own idea file! ~~ Sue Check back here to see who’s doing what!
Now,…below in the comments, commit to a January project you have wanted to do, by naming it or describing it in the comments below. Your name and project will be added here. Have fun!
Your projects will be listed below:
Debbie Avila Newton Recycling/Upcycling old gas heater into decorative solar light
Wanda Rhodes Going to demonstrate how to make a fairy garden to a garden club in Feb.
Margie Ann……project #1 shutter snowman…project #2 garden sign….project #3 crystal and bead hanging sun catcher
Paula Shockley Cotton Boll Wreath
Nancy K. Meyer Something using barn boards, old faucet handles, maybe rusty canning jar , old cheese grater.
Penny Lee A fairy garden with supplies I’ve had for a yr….I’ve even dreamed of making the fairies and furniture from tacky glue and corn starch.
Kathie Cable circles garden wall upcycle
Andi Cacciatore: January Project Challenge: #1 Container fairy garden under a wire dome,, #2 Directional signpost for beaches I’ve visited, #3 Painted stones
Barb Tate Buckley Snowman!
Ammie Crumpton Peters Embroidery Hoop Wreath
Jessie Sam January Project Challenge 2018-
#1 Pruning all my dead flowers from the freeze
#2 repainting all my pallets and doing one over.
#3. I have an old bench and old box trying to decide what to do with it.
#4 Painting my old mailbox
Linda Gladman Beaded windchime
Sandra Gerritsen Hogan A shutter table
Constance Ann McAlpin Winter Angel
Dave Brown Garden cottage
Elaine Laster Bottle/seashell project
Joy S Cope She Shed
Myra Glandon Beaded sun catcher
Bill Ziebarth Garden raisedbed redo
Grow, Grow, Grow, Your Boat... These boat gardens are beautiful, colorful, and well grown. It looks like a lot of… Read More
'Paint' Your Garden with Blue... Is your garden is singing the blues? Mix recycled containers and crafts with blue flowers… Read More
See this hilarious and sometimes poignant list of lost items in the garden Question.......what was the last thing you lost… Read More
Designing a charming garden baker's rack When I first saw Jeanne’s well-arranged and simply delightful Baker’s rack, I thought, ‘Somebody… Read More
Choosing a color from 'Over the Rainbow Garden' Billie Hayman's garden is full of color and she shows how one… Read More
Alliums are drama queens in the garden! Whether real flowers, grown from bulbs or the crafted faux flowers modeled after… Read More
View Comments
Margie Ann....January project challenge..project #1 shutter snowman...project #2 garden sign....project #3 crystal and bead hanging suncatcher...
OK, Margie, I have you down for this! Yea!
Cable circles garden wall upcycle
Great, Kathie! Looking forward to seeing this. Have you down for it!
Andi Cacciatore: January Project Challenge: #1 Container fairy garden under a wire dome,, #2 Directional signpost for beaches I’ve visited, #3 Painted stones
Thanks, Andi! Gotcha down for this! These! Yea!
Project #1 glass globe blue beer bottle bottom solar lights; paint red all my red tagged objects; put up and renovate birdhouses