Every garden needs a wise old owl! Make one.
If you laugh when you see some of these owls, we won’t be surprised.
Each one has its own personality and you can make them any way you want. It’s so fun to search through junk and thrift shops to find the parts. Put altogether,…you’ll laugh for sure and so will any visitor to your garden! See if you can tell what parts have been used.

Krista Kenney asks, Whoooooo’s in the garden
Great grater owls…

Ann Elias’s owl she made for a January Challenge

Michele Moran Here’s my owl art
Demetra Coldiron says, “My mom collected owls. Big owls, small owls, owl banks, owl jewelry, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. After she passed away I gathered them all together to give them away, donate them or whatever. After I looked at them for a while I started to remember when she got them. When she wore them and how happy they made her. I kept them and we all happily reside together. They’re every where inside the house and out. Mostly in my greenhouse. And every time I look at them, they make me happy knowing they made my mom happy.”

Myra Glandon’s Plier-beaked owl

Vicki Kesler
Owl love you forever….
My Mom used to collect owls. Does that seem familiar? Did your Mom collect them?
I had them in various places before, but decided to let them all perch in this tree.

My owl tree ~~ Sue Langley

Becky Norris’s finished Bowling Ball Owl
Becky Norris says, “I just finished up a bowling ball project I made last week, I thought I needed an owl for my garden and noticed a bowling ball sitting close by, Soooooo…… ”
She says, “I’ve been adding to my ‘beachy’ bowling ball all week … what are you working on?” So cool, Becky!

Becky Norris’s owl, in progress
Becky: “This is the unfinished bowling ball Owl that I made from old dishes and stained glass. This was a very simple project and I spent a couple of hours each day from start to finish, After I finished with gluing all the glass I grouted the entire thing and then sealed it so it will be weather tight out in my garden,
I really broke the saucers, in fact I cut them apart with glass nippers, I also cut the round black pieces for the eyes, scored and broke them so they would fit over the round ball but still look like round pupils in the eyes. I used a thicker roll of masking tape to set my ‘owl’ on while I put all the glass on it, and I could only do a portion each day and move it as it dried. Not hard to do once you know how.”

Tammy Shaughnessy
Whooooooo …. thinks this is adorable! Tammy Shaughnessy shared this awhile back posting, “Not too many flowers right now, but Mr. Owl doesn’t seem to mind. Mosaic owl on recycled bowling ball with yard sale glass and a repurposed cement bird bath.”
Looking for owl-y parts….
Once you get into the ‘owl mode’ there’s no telling where you’ll ‘see’ parts for them. An old grater or steam basket is a good place to begin,…then let your imagination run away! Use small screws or glue to attach the pieces.

Watch gears and dials or owl eyes!

Look for a vintage grater like Annie’s

Annie Grossart-Steen shows us her Owl Makings
Sue Shearer: I have a collection of owl parts started too. It’s funny how differently I now look at a jar lid or bottle cap instead of throwing it way. Thank you FMG for changing my world!

Myra Glandon’s owl fixin’s

Ann Elias’s owl assemblage
Ann Elias says, “One of the owls I made for a craft show..they were a big hit!”

Debbie Shaule An owl that I made
Debbie Shaule I made a few of these everyone laughs, they are one of a kind.

Debbie Shaule I have made a few owls for the garden Can you see what this one is made of?

Maureen Sexsmith-West
Turkey platter, wire for feet, relish dishes for wings, can opener, jar rings and washers! Don’t forget a branch!

Vicki Kesler

Vicki Kesler
Vicki Kesler I made a few fun owls and glued them with Marine Goop. The eyes are candle stick holders with marbles in the center.

Nancy Myers Here are a few of my owls
Nancy Myers Here are a few. I do craft shows, but some of them I cannot part with, so they are in my gazebo.

Susan Norris Here’s one my husband made out of scrap metal!

Stephanie Bloodsworth My owl made from an old shovel

Tammy Schultz’s Barn wood owl art
So precious! Now I need to add an owl to my yard
How fun I just found an owl necklace, just last week for $1.50. A couple of months ago I found a Owl tea light holder, I used it during Autumn. I also bought 2 black owls from the Dollar tree, to also decorated during the month of October. Owls, are wonderful bird’s thank you for sharing.