It’s February!!!
Remember our January Challenge last year? Well, it was such a huge success that we’re doing it again, this time in the month of February, due to my long trip to New Zealand last month to see my sister!
We all know how hard it is to get through the winter without much gardening to do. We can do it TOGETHER with this creative “Fab Feb Challenge!”
Many of us have a file of garden ideas or have wanted to do a project they’ve seen here on our page. Look through your file or in our albums and pick one you can do inside or outside in good weather…So..
Announcing a “Fab Feb Project Challenge!”
Join us! Read carefully:
Choose any garden project you’ve wanted to do. Easy!
Decide to do it now and post your intentions, by naming your intended project.
Then…. TWO photos:
Sometime THIS month, post a “How to” photo of the materials you’re using.
Example…Constance McAlpin’s “How to” photo
Sometime THIS month, post a photo of your Finished project!
Example: Constance McAlpin’s Finished project photo.
Label all your photos “Fab Feb Project Challenge”
Sooo, first step: Write a post on our Wall OR in the comments here, naming your project AND the words, “Fab Feb Project Challenge”
Here’s an example:
Ex: Sue Langley Purple Painted Birdhouse Ladder, Fab Feb Project Challenge!
For MORE inspiration, here are Nancy K Meyer’s three projects from last January! Yes, you can do more than one!
……..OK, I’m off to look through my own idea file! ~~ Sue
Check back here to see who’s doing what!
We will be listing your projects below, as we go:
Name Project
Ammie Peters Recycle Chandelier into planter
Wanda Clark Lighting up Rust
Jeanne Sammons Repurposing a part of a chandelier … additional ‘art supplies’ (not pictured) include square tubing, brass bowl & a bolt.
Myra Glandon Birdhouse and garden totem
Kirk Willis Birdhouse on a garden tool
Nancy Carter My project or projects is to make a suncatcher/windchime.
Natalie McPherson
Stormy Day Old Window Pane With Dollar Store Glass Gems
Nancy K. Meyer Horse shoe dream catcher First of several “horse shoe” project. I found several shoes and the ideas just keep coming! ( never owned a pony or horse in my life )
Lupe Arrieta Large lady bug from a bowling ball
Sandra Gerritsen Hogan Solar shutter angel
Andi Cacciatore Metal garden chair plannter
Laura Higgins Ceiling tin message board
Violet Buss Metal flowers
Jill Pontiere – Shell covered pedestal planter from old bird bath
Nancy K Meyer Four horseshoe garden decorations
Julie Watt old bathtub into a garden
Margie Ann Garden angel planter box
Jessie Sam First A backyard bird sanctuary with pallet and old chair. RED WHITE AND BLUE and other colors. 2. finish painting my front yard border. 3. Finish putting mulch around flower and painting brick. having a shed put up so I while be planting and painting and decorating around it.
Ann Elias Garden Whirligig
Jeanne Sammons Decorated garden oil
Marie Neimann Covering a wooden duck with pennies
Kathy Gilbert I will be designing a succulent chandelier
Daniela Hildebrand Fairy house
Margaret Rousu Garden angel planter box
Lisa Frankel Armillary centerpiece raised flower bed
Toni Visconti Indoor project- message board
Becky Norris Old Martin House redo and garden mirror
Elaine Laster Fairy beach in an old birdbath
Tammy Sisler Fairy garden cloches
Constance Ann McAlpin Glass Snow Flower
Kirk Willis Birdhouse rake
Linda Gladman Wood Slice Bird Fruit/Suet Holder and ‘Bunny box’
Melissa Hall Dragon fly & butterfly tin
Jill Pontiere – Shell covered pedestal planter from old bird bath.
OK,…I have you down for this, Jill, and will add your name and project! Thanks for joining in!
Forgot to label “Fab Feb Project”. Shell covered bird bath planter
metal flowers
forgot to label Fab Feb Project too.
OK, Violet! Great!
Fab Feb Project- Ceiling tin message board
OK, Laura! Looking forward to seeing this!
Love gardening! And doing projects, will try to make a large lady bug from a bowling ball, have seen some really cute ones on Pinterest.
OK, I have you down for this, Lupe…
Fab Feb Project: I’m building a fairy house. Getting a claw foot bathtub ready for a giant planter. Daniela
Fab Feb project :Garden angel planter box.
My F ab. Feb. Project Challenge I will doing 3. First A backyard bird sanctuary with pallet and old chair. RED WHITE AND BLUE and other colors. 2. finish painting my front yard border. 3. Finish putting mulch around flower and painting brick. having a shed put up so I while be planting and painting and decorating around it.
Indoor Fab February project- message board
Fab Feb project:
I am going to be making a Whirligig
I don’t know what my project is going to be yet but I will figure it out soon. As soon as Valentine’s Day and prom are over at the flower shop I will get on it!
Fab Feb Project Challenge: I’m going to do an armillary centerpiece raised flower bed.
Daniela, Jessie, Margaret, Toni, Ann, Margaret and Lisa, I have you all down for these fantastic projects,…Will add you all and can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Fab February challenge 2017…. hearts
in the garden… up cycling… angels looking over us…, dragon fly & butterfly tin….!!!!
How do I post the pictures???
Melissa, post your two photos on our Facebook page or email them to me at Label them Fab Feb.
Fab Feb Project – Steampunk tree
OK, Janet,…I have you down for this!