Visiting the Wickline garden…
“Touring Dick and Joni Wickline’s Ohio gardens every summer is never the same tour twice.” Jeanie Merritt says of this whimsical Ohio garden in her neighborhood. “New things are added each year, old things are moved around and displayed in new vignettes. It’s a mystery and awesome adventure each and every time I attend.”

Around a bend on the path sits an old door with shelf and mirror that add whimsy, depth, and reflection…
One of the most intriguing features for me, besides the waterfall and the flowers, are the special little ” sit a spell and rest” areas…. here are a few that I have kicked my shoes off and rested before traveling on…
One of my favorite spots in the Wickline’s garden is one of the many hosta beds.. instead of planting all in at ground level, Dick has added height by using chimney tiles..

Add doors, shutters, and picket fences all together and it works for a wonderful cubby hole section in the curve of The Wickline’s pathway..

The STONE family and dog… How truly entertaining to walk these beautiful garden paths and run across little creations here and there, magically placed for the finding!
The many garden paths throughout the Wickline’s gardens all have their own personality and actually combine to make many types of gardens come together into one. This gravel and stone pathway is one of the ones which lead you to the end of the tour, back to your beginning destination, saying good bye to a truly wonderful potpourri of garden magic!
“Thank you for this opportunity to show FMG gardeners a beautiful place in central Ohio where the Wickline’s live, garden, and love.” Jeanie Merritt reporting….
Oh what a fun tour this morning! Brings rays of sunshine and smiles for sure! Love the mirrored old door pic and I could hear the pond fountain … beautiful gardening at it’s best! TFSharing, Jeanie Merritt and Sue Langley.
Thank you that was a great garden and place to visit. I love these tours you give and gives me some ideas. Have a great day.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Hi – I enjoy looking at everyone’s gardens and all the neat treasures. I was wondering – Do the Flea Market Gardeners do anything special to prepare for winter ? Do they take flower pots inside or leave everything outside during the winter ? Just wondering because I bring some of my flower pots into the garage. Thanks for sharing !!
I want to make a gazing ball for my outdoor fairy garden. Does anyone have a suggestion for what to use for the ball besides a bowling ball?
Love all the suggestions & pictures I am seeing on this site! Thanks