Come Flea with Us!
While the girls and I, from Flea Market Gardening, visited the Black Hills this last August, we noticed a new sign rising up over a little nursery, Insideout, in Hill City next to the 1880 Train Station. Of course we had to check it out! Upon our first visit, we parked and wandered into the lovely world created by Susan Scheirbeck.
A Black Hills Nursery, and more!
The name, Insideout, is appropriate since what we think of as a nursery and outdoor living store also includes one large room of the house filled with home and garden decor. The former detached garage is where you’ll find neat bags of soil, colorful hammocks, wooden garden furniture and garden boots and shoes.
We were charmed by the stands of full grown aspens, scattered throughout this formerly residential home corner lot. The next thing we noticed were the unique seating groups placed here and there, with modern, brightly painted chairs and lounges.
Each group of aspens was surrounded with an ‘island flower bed, edged with granite river stones which echo the light bark of the trees. Violas and Johnny-jump-ups filled the beds, mixed with strappy leaves of lilies.
On the property is an adorable miniature barn, a pottery barn! French wire chairs and trays of flowering plants are placed charmingly outside it on a gravel patio. Inside are ceramic pottery by Linda Meyer and garden art prints.
Though all of us FMG girls were travelling with not much room to pack plants, we enjoyed browsing…
Susan showed us the decorative lights strung in the trees…and explained how she started the business here.
A former residence, this corner lot is perfect for a small nursery/home shop. Notice the island bed, edged in river rock and gravel, very fun to plant with flowers.
The former garage is filled with garden goodies, and beautifully landscaped..
If you go:
150 Poplar St
Hill City, South Dakota 57745
I’d LOVE to visit this shop! How unique!!
I love that huge mask. I have a satellite dish that will make a perfect base for a mask. Thanks for the idea.
Oh I just loved browsing this place ….. thought the rock edgings round the beds were so pretty!! And behind all of this shop is a small parking area in front of a bubbling stream. So very peaceful with a steep hillside on opposite filled with trees and rock… I got lost there for a bit (in body and spirit) before heading into the ‘Insideout Nursery.’ A fun time!
Very pretty place how fun. We have four of these type’s of garden shop, in the city I live in each place has it’s own uniqueness, and price point. It’s always fun to find something new now and again..
What a find! I would love to poke around all the nooks and crannies!