Befores and Afters,…our favorite!
Everyone loves a good before and after — including us! We love getting inspired by garden makeovers like the ones below. At FMG we get the most enjoyment from ‘before and after’ photos of re-purposed garden objects that you created. When we think about inspiration, what inspires us most are ordinary people who have done extraordinary things in their garden spaces. Here are the best of the best!
Terrific tub

Tammy Lack’s old decrepit tub, before
Tammy Lack “This old tub was given to me after I spotted it on the porch of an old house about to be torn down.”

Tammy Lack’s stunningly beautiful tub planter, now
Tammy Lack “We intended to put this in the house, but after 12 years in the barn I decided it was time to give her a new life.”
Heaven;y head board

Rhonda Zwart-Crooks’s old headboard find
Rhonda Zwart-Crooks says, “After seeing one of our posts in potting benches a while back I got inspired, here are my before n after pics! Thanks for all your neat ideas!”

Rhonda Zwart-Crooks’s new potting table!
Unbelieveable BBQ!

Margo Huff’s old BBQ, before
Margo Huff says, “I just repurposed an old BBQ and ,ade it into planter. I’ll plant lettuce, and herbs in the top and grow cilantro in a pot on the bottom. Before and after!
Already have two more friends that want to donate their old BBQs to me so I’ll fix them up and either sell or give as gifts! It was a fun project and not expensive.”

Margo Huff’s BBQ planter, after
Charming chicken feeder

Kathy Hardin’s says, “This is an old chicken feeder I bought during the summer…., before.

Kathy Hardin chicken feeder, after
Bewitching bowling ball orb

Sue Langley’s bowling ball project, before
Complete How To: Garden orb of modest materials

Sue Langley’s bowling ball garden orb After
Barnwood bench

Sue Langley’s stash of old recycled wood, before
How to build simple garden benches for free

Sue Langley’s rustic bench, after
Real flowery wheelbarrow

Nell Stelzer’s father in law made this wooden wheelbarrow
Nell Stelzer says, “This is my before picture, above. I showed my father-in-law, Lynne Mann’s wooden wheelbarrow on FMG, I asked him if he could make one. This is the finished piece. He used old wood that he had in his woodshop. Thanks, Dad!!
I can hardly wait for fall and fill it with mums!! My husband found a picture of that online and we are going to do it!! Thanks again to Lynne and her husband for the idea! !! I was surprised my father-in-law made it so quickly! He lives three doors down so he will get to enjoy it also!

Nell’s wheelbarrow after planting!
Totes toolbox

Kirk Willis made this wooden toolbox…

Kirk Willis’s toolbox planter after
Adorable door arbor

Cheryl York’s old doors

Cheryl York door arbor after
Making snazzy re-purposed garden arches …from doors!
Red wagon planter

Barb Pawlik’s before and after wagon planter
Barb Pawlik says, “I finally dug up the “before” shot of my Little Red Wagon project. It’s looking pretty good today and is the centerpiece of our backyard. The wagon is 40+ years old, was my sons.
File this away

Tamra Dalton found an old file cabinet

Tamra Dalton’s clever tool storage now!
Tamra Dalton says “File Cabinet turned into a organizer! “After” I’m going to put some caster wheels on it, so it’s easy to roll around.”
Beddy bye bench

Stacy Castricone’s new porch bench from old chippy headboard
Winsome wire arbor

Jeanne Sammons shows her hog panel arch, before and after planting
Tasteful totem

Kathryn O’Brien-Custadio starts her totem from simple glass pieces, glued with GE II Silicone in clear

Kathryn’s birdbath, in the garden, after!
That tub is gorgeous ♥
These are all great! Thanks for sharing.
So many great and beautiful ideas, I especially love the file cabinet make over
Wow lots of great things,it gave me some ideas to work on in the fall or spring,thanks.
Love the tub. Makes for a beautiful planter. Would have been amazing in the house but….it works this was also.
I love it all! There are so many great ideas.
I did that w my bowling ball and the bowling ball split!