Let’s pick a project and do it! In July!
Many of us have a file full of garden ideas or have wanted to do a project they’ve seen here on our page. Look through your file or in our albums and pick one you can do ALL this this month… It’s a challenge!
Last year more than 60 FUN garden projects were done!
How to:
#1 Choose any project you’ve wanted to do.
#2 Decide to do it now and post your intentions here in a comment!
Then…. Two (2) Photos
#3 Sometime THIS month, post a “how to” photo of the materials you’re using.
#4 Sometime THIS month, post a photo of your finished project!
Label all your photos “July Project Challenge”
Your photos will be included in a special Photo Album and could be included in an article on our companion Flea Market Gardening website. Junkin` in July!
Sooo, first step: Write a post on our Wall OR in the comments here, tell us your project and if on the Facebook page include the words, “July Project Challenge”
OK, I’m off to look through my idea file! ~~ Sue
My last year’s project!

My rusty wheelbarrow filled with sunny yellow petunias. This famous wheelbarrow was found on a deserted road side and the whole story is told, see the link below.
Who’s joining and what they’re doing:
(State your name and what your project is in a comment here, OR on our Facebook page. )
Ammie Crumpton Peters July Project Challenge ..Patio and Arbor
Debbie Avila Newton July Project Challenge: Vintage Folding Chairs Revamp
Sue Jordan Rebuilding my garden directional sign
Terri Berry-Medina Building a small collapsible potting table
Susan Weinberger Redo my weedy patio garden with fairy garden features
Sandra Straight Log planters
Teresa S Container fairy garden
Leigh Ladderback chair ‘planter’
Betty Upcycled stained glass lamp
Ann Elias Light cover planters
Natalie McPherson Fairy Garden
Nancy K Meyer Dragonfly using an old hand sprayer
Starr S Glass garden totem
Andi Cacciatore Shady sitting area
Donna Louise Ledford Summer flowers in my wheelbarrow
Terri Berry-Medina Transform the wood pile area
Teri Crawford Smith Styrofoam Garden pots
Mickey Baron Glass plate flower art
Stephie McCarthy Clay bee skep
Marian Young Fan blades into a flower
Liz McMullin ‘Happy spot’Peace garden
Donna Knight ”Flower Power” painted fence
Jessie Sam July Project Challenge 2016. Clean my side of the house garden and put down mulch #2- Repotting Mother-in Law Tongue
Debra Moore Perennial Rust garden
Sandy Mathis Build 3 or 4 Barnwood tiered herb beds and plant them
Melissa Hall — glass & chinaware/ bird feeders, totems, and flowers
Margie Ann July project challenge…am painting decorating garden chairs and will do my bowling ball gazing ball
Deb Smock Parks Milk glass totem tribute to Alice in Wonderland
Marie Niemann Cobalt blue mobile using tumbled glass
Marion Rchardson Old water spigot from the trash project
Sue ornate metal arch / bird feeder / iron table projects
Melissa Moore Glass & chinaware/ bird feeders, totems, and flowers
Jeanne Sammons Gourd birdhouses!
Kirk Willis Porch redo
Wanda Clark Barnwood garden plaque
Sandra Gerritsen Hogan July Project Challenge. I’m working on a potting bench/table for the garden.
Cathy Bloomgren Wanderaas Colorful garden chairs to seat my flowers.
Lynette Peters New landscape and arbor project
Susan Bax Swan Pond Garden
Liz Davey Something with collected shells
Nancy Carter Painted roof turbine mounted on a post
I’ve decided on a glass garden totem in my favorite colours…blue and green. Photos to come…
Blue and green will be so pretty,…gotcha down!
Dragon fly using an old hand sprayer for the body, still ” mulling ” on what to use for the wings, BUT the wheels are turning!
I know you’ll think of something, Nancy! I’ve got you down for it!
I’m finally going to create my fairy garden!
It’s about time, right? haha It will be amazing if you do it, Natalie…
I am finally going to get my tall planters put up against the back fence area. They are made from light covers my brother gave me last year.
Sounds good, Ann,…can’t wait to see..
I have decided to do an upcycling project using an old stained glass lamp from the eighties that has a couple cracks in it
Awesome, Betty! We love recycled light fixtures..
I’ll be painting and “planting” an old ladderback chair. Can’t wait:)
Sounds interesting and fun! You’re on the list!
Great ideas, I’ve done most of these projects can’t wait to see all of them..
Plan to add yet another container fairy garden to my ever growing collection. Plan to
use a lantern for this one.
OK, great! I’ll put you down for this!
I’m making more glass plate flower art. I posted some earlier this Spring. Will be making 5 more & entering. Each one is unique, no 2 are the same.
OK,…wonderful, Mickey…can’t wait to see!
Hi, Sue, I am going to make a clay bee skep with a form made out of found objects, and thinset tile mortar to hold the clay pieces together.
OK, Stephie,…I have you down for this!
July Project Challenge: “”Flower Power “”” painted fence
Used: Red paint
Yellow paint
Green paint
and a little black and a little white………..and a WHOLE bunch of imagination…………and a 98 cent paint brush…
OK, great, Donna,…I’ve got you!
Planting a perennial garden and flea market decorating the fence behind it. My “rust” garden
Sounds perfect, Debra!
I am in the process of making a “happy spot” while recuperating from chemo. Its a work in progress but so far so good. Hopefully it will give me peace… Will send pics.
So love your site, Sue.
Great, Liz! Easy does it, right? I’m sure it will be very serene and peaceful….and thanks for your kind words!
Build 3 or 4 Barnwood tiered herb beds and plant them.
Gourd birdhouses! Fun!
OK, great,…gotcha down…
July challenge—- glass & chinaware/ bird feeders, totems, and flowers… When I open my glue I like to do more than one project… Thanks for the challenge…
OK, sounds wonderful, Melissa!
Finished challenge for July … Still giving bling..!! I don’t know how or where to post the pictures…
I love this encouragement to get something done. I have several projects I need and want to do this month. I have an ornate metal arch that I want to put extensions on so it stands taller. Then I have this beautiful ceramic bowl that I want to attach to it so I can use it as a water source in my yard for pollinators. We are going water less in our yard but to get the pollinators attracted to the yard you have to have certain flowers and a water source. I also bought at a yard sale a big beautiful hook to put my bird feeder that my grands made from a tea cup and saucer for Mother’s day last year. And lastly I have iron table legs and an ornate iron tray I want to combine to make a beautiful side table for my patio. I to attach them together and paint them white, pink or green. I have all three colors at the house and I just have to decide which to use. Thank you for the encouragement.
OK,..great! I see at least three projects here,…can’t wait to see.. AND thanks so much for your kind words…these Challenges just sorta happened,…because YOU all took them up!
July project challenge…i am finally going to make my bowling ball gazing ball…?
OK, gotcha down for it, Margaret…
an old water spigot from the trash…hopefully will live on…
Sounds like a fun project, Marion,…great!
I’m making a pretty cobalt blue mobile using tumbled glass made from broken Budweiser bottles.
OK, great,…I have you down for this and did see your project done! Yea!
I’m making a milk glass totem tribute to Alice in Wonderland. Just need to buy some more GE Ii clear silicone glue.
OK, nice, Deb,…will wait to see what you do!
I;ve been working on a few things but nothing to brag about, BUT I would LOVE to see all of your creations, so when will they be shown, posted, shared, etc. can’t wait!! love this stuff.
Angela from NJ
That’s the whole idea of the Challenge. Sometimes we need a little push to begin a brand new project by simply declaring that we WILL do it! Fun,…especially when we all do this together. Will be posting the album soon…
Something with collected shells. . .
OK, great, Liz!
My project will be a painted roof turbine mounted on a post in my yard. I will probably also add some decorations to the post.
Sounds so interesting Nancy… great!
Went pickin’ today and found three old glass globes to make fairy lights for the garden.
Finished and put pics here! Thanks for the challenge!
1. Clean up and weed a square garden bed in the middle of our backyard which has only a couple of sedums in it and LOTS of weeds and deterioting railroad ties.
2. Fix up and weed the horrible area below our backyard deck. (If time and weather permits)
I finally found the perfect antique wheelbarrow to fill with flowers. I am using my grandmother’s all metal wheelbarrow (including the wheel) as a planter for my July project challenge 2016!
Dinosaur garden. No fairies allowed.
Where can I post photos of my July Project Challenge?
I am making stained glass wind chimes.