A ‘Junk Shop Heaven’ Story
You know how it goes. When passing through the Pear Valley, along Hwy 138 in Southern California, I hollered “Stop!” and Tractor Man hit the brakes…
’Potty stop’ I lied and jumped out to explore while he read the paper. This stretch of lonely road is straight as can be and semi-trucks fly across it daily, going from Bakersfield to the high desert of Victor Valley.
If you blink, you’ll miss Smoketree Junction Antiques at a remote intersection along this highway. But if you stop and if you’re a Flea Market gardener, you’ll be thrilled! The shop has multiple buildings and an outdoor courtyard with plants, a collection of rusty relics and garden art for sale.
There’s a complete indoor antique shop here, but head right around the side to the courtyard. Here is what I saw…
Smoketree Junction has a wide gravel path, wide enough for two, circling the whole yard, with container plants and garden art interspersed. Around every corner there’s treasure and plenty of ideas to inspire and tempt you. Bring a truck.
Metal racks and unique containers
This idea for a small suitcase used to collect a few treasured artifacts and flowers is one I’ll use now,…I believe I have the clock and everything! Fun!

Junk yard eye candy,..you want it all. “Hey,…it looks as if that wooden plant stand would be easy to make!”
I’m a sucker for path or flower bed edgings with funky style and this one really appeals to me! Now, where do you get those three-holed bricks?
I strolled around this circle twice! Just sayin’ Tractor Man, are you still reading? Least you’re not honking!
Rusty tools or delicate teacups,…there is a style and preference here for every gardener.
Smoketree Junction Antiques is currently closed for the Winter and also changing owners, so we hope they will be open soon, because we want to visit again! Call first before you go.
If you go:
Smoketree Junction Antiques
815 State Hwy 138 / Oasis Rd
Pinon Hills, CA
(760) 868-8806
I would have loved being a stowaway on that
Silly me,…I’ll call you next time!
OH goodness … that was FUN! Sure glad your Tractor Man is driving a truck … could bring home some real ‘treasures’ from there! Thanks for taking me along today!
I’d LOVE to be shopping there!
You are amazing all of your ideas you share would love to shop at your place
Looks like you had lots to look at, I enjoy places like this. I even like pictures,thanks!