It’s January!!!
Remember our Challenge last year? Well, it was such a huge success that we’re doing it again!
We all know how hard it is to get through the winter without much gardening to do. We can do it TOGETHER with this creative January Challenge!
Many of us have a file of garden ideas or have wanted to do a project they’ve seen here on our page. Look through your file or in our albums and pick one you can do inside or outside in good weather…So..
Announcing a January Project Challenge!
Join us! Read carefully:
Step#1 Choose any garden project you’ve wanted to do.
Step#2 Decide to do it now and post your intentions, by naming your intended project.
Then…. TWO photos
Step#3 Sometime THIS month, post a “How to” photo of the materials you’re using.
Step#4 Sometime THIS month, post a photo of your Finished project!
Label all your photos “January Project Challenge”
Sooo, first step: Write a post on our Wall OR in the comments here, naming your project AND the words, “January Project Challenge”
Ex: Sue Langley Purple Painted Birdhouse Ladder, January Project Challenge
OK, I’m off to look through my own idea file! ~~ Sue
Check back here to see who’s doing what!
Your Projects: (so far)
Your projects will be listed below:
Name Project
Winona Spinks Challenge accepted! … Making a potting bench
Jayne Chalk paint chairs
Marie Niemann Plate flowers
Violet Buss Painted rocks
CaTrina Denaro Cascading Watering Cans
Kim Trudo Project TBA
Sue Jordan Bird and squirrl feeder
Sandra Hogan Birdbath from recycled spindles/Birdhouse
Nancy K Meyer Barnyard bloom. Trellis with blue bottles, of course. A stacked planter with galvanized.
Elaine Laster I plan to make an embroidered clock.
Zee Mink-Fuller A clay pot ‘personality’ and maybe more
Dandi Gentry A rooster coop with a painted front..
Colleen Weaver upcycled glass bird feeder or a glass dish flower. Probably both!
Marion Bonner Mini mosaic stained glass gazing balls from Bocce balls
Jeanne Sammons Something out of barn wood
Becky Norris Mosaic gourds and rocks, Stained glass project
Pamela Braun Redo iron garden cart, make it a bar/ serving cart and metal hanging bird cage
Dawn Johnson Ladder project with birdhouses and flowerpot
Daniela Hildebrand Create a word with tools, chalkboard hand saws /key holder and trellis for some climbers made from snow tire metal tracking system
Teri Smith Turn small dress mannequin and make it into a lamp
Toni Visconti Garden Door- for the birds
Natalie McPherson Upcycle a bowling ball for the garden.
Charlotte Ann
Sherri Basham Christmas wreath for 2016
Cathy Scott Turn an old dresser into an awesome gardening cabinet
Sheila Edwards Make glass garden flowers, totems and window mosaics
Karen Talley A bowling ball with the United Methodist Cross
Pamela di Catelani Garden totem, probably of a mix of glass and pottery
Kerri Gemmel Cement planters and several bird baths and feeders
Maria Bivins Solar chandelier
Sandra Hogan birdbath from vintage spindles, an aluminum dish Project 2…. garden mirror with solar light!
Lynn Fairy houses from collected barks, pine cones, acorns
Malinda Perrin Wooden child’s potty seat into a planter
Marion Richardson old terracotta pots & a grate into a Tandoor oven
Jill Mullen Ping pong ball flowers
Nancy Carter I am in! Going to do some displays with my insulators
Kathy Vause Painted “Whimsical Sports Rocking Chair”
Laura Crumm Solar light garden lady using glass items
Ammie Peters Light fixture Angel
Kirk Willis Pan lid snowman
Myra Glandon Transform a boring white cabinet
Cathy Birch Front walkway redo!! Pavers and roses
Life Repurposed Outdoor solar lantern from a used pendant fixture
Mickey Baron I’m going to do the paper decoupage on a broken nightstand I found for $10.00
Jessie Sam Painting project and flower bed redo
Ann Elias I am going to make my lampshade tree
Constance Ann McAlpin Shutter Garden Angel
Cherrie Carine Horse Collar Wreath
Ashley Goebel A bowling ball makeover
Jane Rush Painted wooden chair planter
Victoria Stewart-Hand Make a birdbath totem
Nancy Maners Hanging planter from a repurposed light fixture
Jeannie Rhodes Stone-covered birdhouse
Jill Pontiere Bird feeder
Barb Cyphert Suet feeder out of tea cups
Kim Hansen Teapot garden art
Lissa Jane Bitton Circular veggie bed with either bottle or plate border
Kathryn Savela A (quick)bird feeder
Rhea M …Fae houses from sticks, fabrics and paints
Barb Pople A planter for our garden.
Now,…below in the comments, commit to a January project you have wanted to do, by naming it or describing it in the comments below. Your name and project will be added here. Have fun!
Joining in – of course!
OK, let us know which 5 or 6 projects you’re doing, Sue. hahaha
Challenge accepted … Moving “make a potting bench” to the top of my project list. (Burleson, TX).
Thank you! It’ll be fun!
To finally redo a couple of chairs (chalk paint and recover the seats) that have been sitting in my basement to a few years. I even have all the supplies!
Awesome project,…we love the look of chalk paint and chairs in the garden are the perfect ‘plant stand’
I’m going to make a plate flower or maybe two! This will warm up my creative juices for the new year!
Fun project,…easy to do indoors in cold weather and fun to find a place for in the garden in Spring!
Yes and boy is it cold here! I have all the supplies and a warm basement to work in.
I have been painting rocks and using all kinds of bling to make them jump out at you and say, Here I Am.
Will this be your new project for the challenge? Thank you!
My Januarry Challenge Project is…Cascading Watering Cans
Wonderful to think of this eventually in your Spring garden.. OK!
I accept the challenge even tho all my “crafting materials are packed away in anticipation of moving in near future. I will find something to create, I may even have to go hunting! Aww, that’s a shame, lol
OK,… let us know! Good luck with your move…
I would like to try making a barn yard bloom. Something else with blue bottles, of course. And maybe a third project, a stacked planter. Lots of ideas run through my mind !
This will keep you busy, for sure! It’s especially fun to try something new that you’ve admired somewhere or thunk up.
I plan to make a clock.
OK,..looking forward to what you come up with!
Thinking about making a clay pot personality along with all the tons of other ideas on my Hawk’s Creek project board. They dance through my head like pink elephants… All vying for my attention:-)
OK,…gotcha down. This is the very reason, too, that it’s fun to actually PICK something! Thank you!
I have a set of bocce balls that I’m going to use for mini mosaic stained glass gazing balls. Four of them will have a nautical theme for a friend’s beach house. Can’t wait to get into this January Project Challenge.
Intriguing project, Marion…
Something out of barn wood, I hope … if the sun shines enough & the temps are warm enough to get out in hubby’s shop … otherwise, I’ll work on a project inside. Will be planning on old wheelbarrow décor for spring!
Getting that wheelbarrow was a goal achieved, I know,…will look forward to your project!
Hopefully this counts as a “project.” I have a ladder project. The ladder is already there and secured. However, I would like to finish it by adding and securing more birdhouses and flowerpots. Maybe paint the ladder white, so it will stand out in the garden more, as it’s in a shady spot. If I manage to get that done, I would like to replace/repair all broken flower pots and anything else that is broken.
Sounds like you’re off to a good start!
I’m accepting the Janury challenge and will create a word with tools. Also I’m already in the process of making chalkboard hand saws /key holder. And maybe I start on a trellis for some climbers made from snow tire metal tracking system. Ready set go
OK,…I have you down for this!
Ok I have one project finished. Do you want me to post this to the wall or where do I need to add the pictures?
Yes, just post it on our Wall and label it ‘January Project Challenge’ Outstanding!
I’m going to use a small dress mannequin and make it into a lamp. I have a old lamp shade and a bunch of broken jewelry I need to find use for. I think I can create something using these items.
Looking forward to seeing this, Teri…
Garden Door- for the birds
January Garden Challenge: garden totem, probably of a mix of glass & pottery
OK, Pam,…I have you down for this. Fun!
First that infamous blog really must be started lol – that has been a two-month challenge; as for the January challenge, cement planters and several bird baths and feeders, and bee bathwater sources to use up the wild stash of recycled glass
OK! Great, Kerri…
I have collected barks, pine cones, acorns, etc. and plan to construct a few fairy houses during these oh-so-cold months for the garden and this challenge is a perfect incentive for me to bring out the supplies and get crafting!
OK, I have you down for this!
Sounds like a great winter project. I have a wooden child’s potty seat. I’ll turn it into a planter.
Looking forward to it, Malinda…
I am going to paint my husband’s treasured mother’s rocking chair for his birthday February 7th. He is an avid sports fan and it will have the Dodgers, Packers, and UNLV logos/decor on it. I have been promising him this for years. Wahoo! Bring on some whimsy.
OK, great, Kathy….looks like your hubs will be happy about our January Challenge this year! I can sure identify with ‘promising for years’ LOL!
Kathy Vause, January challenge, painted “Whimsical Sports Rocking Chair”
I’ll make a solar light garden lady using glass items.
I accept the challenge! I posted a photo of my supplies today (all from my garage art stash). You have to look at the supplies and guess what I am making!!!!
I’m going to do the paper decoupage on a broken nightstand I found for $10.00
Where do we post our photos and directions on projects. (First time for me to do this)
First time? Awesome! If you’re on Facebook, Violet,, post them here on our Wall:
If not, email them to me at ~~ Sue
My January Challenge Project is a stone-covered birdhouse.