Categories: Plant profiles

Our Favorites: Clingy and classy clematis

The Queen of clinging vines…

Is anyone else crazy for Clematis? Clematis are not as hard to grow as you may think and Fall can be a good time to shop for and plant them. Clematis is one of our favorite flowers!

Sue Langley's 'Niobe'Sue Langley's 'Niobe'

Sue Langley’s ‘Niobe’

I have this beauty on my patio, waiting to be planted. Clematis ‘Niobe.’ I have a nice iron ‘tuteur’ for it, but now that I see how dramatic and luscious the blooms are, I’d love to find a place for it where I’ll be able to see it from indoors.

All Time Favorites!


Clematis ‘Jackmanii’ is one of the most common — and popular — varieties. It bears dark purple flowers throughout the summer and climbs to 10 feet. Zones 4-9
Billie Hayman Here's my favorite, JackmaniiBillie Hayman Here's my favorite, Jackmanii

Billie Hayman Here’s my favorite, Jackmanii

Sweet Autumn

Clematis terniflora blooms well even in shade, producing masses of starry white flowers with a strong fragrance in late summer and autumn. It climbs to 20 feet. Zones 4-9

‘Rhapsody’ clematis

Clematis ‘Rhapsody’ produces a plethora of sapphire-blue flowers from early summer to early autumn. It climbs to 10 feet tall. Zones 5-8

Nelly Moser

Clematis ‘Nelly Moser’ has creamy-pink flowers with a bright pink stripe down each petal. It blooms in early summer and again in late summer. It climbs to 10 feet. Zones 4-9


More Tried and True Favorites

Robin Ball says, “ In Oregon I had so many! Moonlight was my favorite in my moon garden. Here in Montana, I am hoping my Jackmanii will take off.”

Suzanne Dunavent I started off with a Niobe and added five more varieties just this year. Can’t wait to see them mature.

Kathie Schram Love the color! I have a Sweet Autumn that I dearly love as well as a pink one at the end of my back deck! Beautiful flowers!

Cherrie Carine’s ‘Sweet Autumn’ and ‘Jackmanii’ clematis

Deborah Hoots We have a very old ‘Sweet Autumn’ that is breath taking in the fall….between it and my morning glories, my gazebo is beautifully hidden all summer and fall

Where to grow Clematis

  • Cover a trellis
  • Grow
  • Grow up the mailbox
  • along a fence
  • Cover up a bare wall
  • Plant under a rose… Cindy Barris-Speke They are good companions for roses!


Gretchen Lamb When I lived in Washington I had ” Duchess of Edinburgh ” and ‘Nelly Moser’…beautiful. Now, I’m struggling here in Nevada with Nelly Moser but Jackmanii is doing quite well.

Cherrie Carine’s ‘Nelly Moser’


Jan Brown An older clematis, blooming brightly


Zee Mink-fuller’s possibly ‘Rhapsody’ a favorite

Zee Mink-fuller I have much love for all Clematis. I’m looking for a white one to climb an old lamp post. I have blue, purple and deep red. Always a surprise of beauty.



Gudrun Toler Its name…’Madam Edinburgh’


Tommye Doherty’s clematis, by her birdhouse

Tommye Doherty I get to see this every time I pull in and out of my carport


Donna Ledford And another view through the rails

Donna Ledford Here’s my favorite. The petal undersides are as pretty, aren’t they?

Jennifer Wildes’s deep burgundy clematis climbs, possibly pink ‘Zephrine Drouhin’


Donna Knight says, ‘Can’t wait ’til mine starts blooming! Love them.


Cherrie Carine’s ‘Jackmanii’ on barn


Q & A

What kind of fertilizer do you use on clematis?

Clematis is at its best in rich soils with good drainage. In spring, when the buds are about 2 inches long, begin feeding with a 10-10-10 fertilizer and continue every 4-6 weeks through summer.

Do I plant in sun or shade?

Clematis want their roots In the shade, that;’s why it’s often recommended that they be planted on the shady side of a rose. Just make sure there is shade on their roots when planted, then they will grow to shade themselves!

Cherrie Carine’s pure white ‘Henryii’

What is Sweet Autumn Clematis?

One of the easiest! A lovely sight when covered in pure white, lightly fragrant flowers in late summer, Sweet Autumn Clematis, Clematis paniculata, becomes a silvery cloud of fluffy seed heads in the fall. We love the dainty blooms of this clematis, so welcome in late Summer and Fall. Zones 5-11

Cherrie Carine’s Durandi (blue) & Ramona (burgundy)

Clematis grows wildly right? Like all over the place in your garden? Can they be controlled at all?
We prune clematis lightly as we like and forget about the complicated rules for pruning it.

We like it wild!

Please add your tips and favorites in the comments…

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

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