Watering cans, by now, are icons for the Flea Market Gardener. We search for them when antique and junk shopping and snap them up at yard sales and thrift shop no matter the price. The best is if yours are left you by an older relative and invokes happy memories as a child in a grandparents garden!
Idea Gallery
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Watering cans, vintage or new
With all the options we have for watering our gardens, a watering can in still as useful as ever, for patio plants, fertilizing, gently watering seedlings and when water rationing. Are you a collector? Then you have three to 30 of these versatile garden tools. As FMGer, Joshua Miller
So enjoy seeing all the watering cans!
I quit putting out my watering cans as they collected water that had to be emptied; or, you attracted mosquitoes. And, I didn’t want to put holes in the bottoms.
I have watering cans sitting out around my gardens, too …. they collect water but I make my rounds & empty them on my container plantings. Oh I loved seeing all the styles collected in the album by so many who shared their ideas. Sweet!