Birdhouse bling for the backyard
Time to bling your birdhouse like Sandra did last January for our first Project Challenge!

Blinged up birdhouse Pin it!
Sandra Hogan chose a project she’d been wanting to do for some time. The January Project Challenge added a bit of pressure to get it done within the month so she could post her two pictures on our Facebook page, one with the materials and one finished project.
She says, “It was a birdhouse for me!” Using an old tray, silverware, glass pieces and metal leaves, Sandra blinged up an ordinary cedar birdhouse. She used screws to attach the birdhouse to the tray and bent an antique spoon to serve as a perch. Two more silverware handles adorn the roof, with metal leaves glued here and there. Sandra glued gems around the entrance hole and just below the point of the roof. Bling, bling!
Sandra says, “Here is my cedar birdhouse mounted on a vintage tray. Love these darn trays and have a ton of them! I drilled thru a metal coaster for the hole and used silverware, metal leaves and glass pieces to create a charming home for the “upper crust” birds!”
Another way To Challenge Yourself Now!
Nancy Carter also completed her first project for the January Challenge. Her birdhouse project has a more 40s look with the old porcelain sauce pans she used for the houses themselves.
Nancy says, “Here are my pictures that I took during the construction of my porcelain sauce pans birdhouses that I submitted for my January Challenge. Nancy used small pans, mounted to a back board and with a hole drilled in the bottom for an entrance. She decorated them using drawer and cabinet hardware and pulls, and faucet handles. Two wood pieces with wooden molding were glued and clamped, then attached to the backboard for a roof. Clamps, like Irwin Clamping Set, 6 Piece make the job go easily!
We hope you ‘challenge’ yourself to accomplish an idea you’ve been wanting to do for some time,…just like these two!
Very inspiring! Live in Fl. Love finding outdoor crafts/prijects
This fancy bird house is so pretty with all that silver! I love that it was decorated with recycled materials. The ones made from the pots are also really neat. Would either of these designs be safe for birds to live in, or are they purely decorative?