Gardens Built for Parties…
For a truly standout garden party, a little thought about decoration and atmosphere goes a long way! Barb Brashier and her husband Art planned a garden meant for parties. Loads of creative ideas to easily host a fun and funky outdoor event using all your Flea Market finds.
When you use wine barrels as containers, sometimes you end up with rusted barrel rings to play with. Here is how to make a sphere and some other decorations from them. Rusty barrel hoops and spheres in the garden
Party garden design tips:
- To leave plenty of room for your party guests, design plantings in a 3-foot-wide border that runs along the perimeter of your garden area.
- Go vertical! Hang glowing glass chandeliers, string lights or light globes from trees.
- Add drama to the atmosphere with an interesting entry out to the garden using arbors or trellises
- Plan a water feature so the sound of flowing water will draw guests outside
- Plan a place for a weathered farm table and benches to keep things casual
Barb made a chandelier from a bike wheel and sparkly glass insulators and hung strings of soft colored prayer flags to create interest and atmosphere.

Barb’s back porch not only provides a quiet corner to chat, but has loads of interesting things to notice.
Autumn party gardens
OK, so you may have a garden tub. Where do you get a skeleton like this?? Is it plastic? Yes…
Winter interest
Spring parties in the garden
Spring parties give you the chance to give garden ‘tours’ to your friends. It so fun and relaxing to stroll through and point out this or that plant and show off a few junk treasures…
More from Barb Brashier..