
Katrina’s garden art with recycled saws

Garden graphic with recycled tools

Have you ‘saw’ this? Look how Katrina Lounsbury collected several old and vintage hand saws to make a design on her shed. Repetition works for the Rockettes and the idea is the same with any strong graphic element or shape such as these wedge shaped saws.  When we ‘saw’ this project, we knew it was so special and unique…..we hope you think so, too!

Spectacular shed wallSpectacular shed wall

Spectacular shed wall

Katrina has been collecting hand saws for a while and came up with a genius idea f or displaying them on the blank wall of her garden shed.  Looking out her window (below), you see that she had tools decorating the side of the shed already.



A look out the window

Katrina only spent $14, she says, on the saws so we know she got a great deal!  The center where the saw tips meet is covered with the round bottom part of a small chicken feeder.  Screws or nails can hold everything together.


The design goes up, with a center that’s a chicken feeder bottom

Her garden angel also of recycled materials fills in more space for a stunning effect on her shed. Katrina planted red sage in her horse trough below, a deer resistant choice in her area.


Close-up view

Katrina says, “I am so pleased with how it turned out.”


The strong graphic design really catches your eye!


More of Katrina’s Flea Market garden:

Another of Katrina’s sweet scenes


More on decorating the garden with antique tools:

How to display vintage tools in the garden

9 uses for a rusty old rake in the garden

Creative containers: Toolbox planters!

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

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  • Marilyn Stein says:

    I absolutely LOVE this! Can you tell me how you attached the saws to the shed wall? I'm a little nervous about screwing into our house siding... Thanks!

    • Sue Langley says:

      Marilyn, you can screw into the siding, but I always do this just under an overlapped board and seal with silicone caulk. Easy!

      • Marilyn Stein says:

        Thanks, Sue! Maybe "siding" was the wrong word to use, since I have the type that looks very much like yours (with no overlap). I can see that you screwed the saw through the front of the blade under the handle and I assume at the other end as well. Did you seal those entry points, and if so, how? And did you do anything to protect the wood handles or are you just going to let them weather? I am so excited to replicate this--I have already found my first five saws! Thanks so much for your input.

        • Sue Langley says:

          Katrina did this project and posted her pictures on our Facebook page, Marilyn. She did explain a bit about how she put up the saws, but we don't know the details. I'd use silicone for every hole you make to put yours up.

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