Inspiration Gallery
Looking for ideas on how to make your perfect miniature garden?
Creating a magical miniature container garden will enchant you and everyone around you! In this make-believe mini-garden, a pint-sized bush can become a tall tree, twigs and leaves turn into furniture, and tiny woodland people are as close as your imagination allows. It’s easy to arrange plants to create a little forest, a tiny lawn and other miniaturized forms of the ‘real world’s’ landscapes. Then the fairies come!
Jeanie Merritt tells us, “This fairy house was a birthday gift from a friend. This is part of my little red wagon fairy garden that I design each year differently. It sits near the brick wall off of the kitchen under an overhang so it doesn’t get the beating rain. I sit and “play” in it almost every morning while having coffee, “spritzing the plants and tidying up the pathway and the accessories that the fairies ( and the birds) seem to rearrange every evening. You might say I am the caretaker, and I love every minute of it!”
Jess Luna explains,” Here is one of my mini garden creations…. this is my Bayou House. My step mother gave me these cool little frog figurines, some playing cards, some playing instruments, one laying on a towel. So what else could I do but make them a house…..
This is easy! I used old board wall paneling, a drawer, and wood trimmings, ALL are road side finds…I cut the house from the paneling, spray painted the walls with brown, sprayed the roof with a mixture of silver and brown, painted in windows, cut the wood twigs to the size I needed them, and used the rest for décor. The rope is thin jute I already and I put it all together with hot glue gun…..and then sealed it with a good coat of clear spray….I plan on putting some other flowers and grasses around the sides….”
Kate Larsen made her charming Fairy garden in a barrel
Linda Roberts says, “I love miniature gardening and want to show you three of my tiny gardens. I hope you all enjoy them… I had tons of fun making them.”
Miniature Garden How To:
Choose your container
Materials Needed:
- Flea Market container with drainage hole
- good potting soil
- small scale plants
- House and “furniture” preferably made from natural materials
- fairy figurines and accessories
Fill the container with potting soil
Plan out your design
Include your ‘house’ or furniture, tiny patio and a maybe a path.
Install the plants
Add the accessories

Sue from Flea2Fab made this cute weatherproof gnome or fairy home from a stone! The roof ‘eaves’ are formed with wood putty and all is painted. Fun!
How To:
Mix 1 Part Portland Cement and 2 Parts Mixed Sand with water, added bit by bit to make a sandy concrete ‘batter’ Pour into mold and let dry 24 hours.
More on Fairy and Miniature gardens
Make a cute gnome home from a log
Create a fun fairy garden with Jean’s clever new ideas
How To: Make a miniature garden with Diana
Jeanie’s suitcase fairy garden
1 Comment
am looking for a miniature bench (I think made in Germany) not quite 7/8 inch long and 3/8 inch high.