Adding a personal touch to your garden with decorative paint!
You don’t need much painting experience to make this whimsical garden art. Wood, terracotta, rock and cement can all be accents in the garden when paint is applied. Leftover house paint, paint markers, masking tape and brushes are the few materials you’ll need, so get inspired with one-of-a-kind projects here.
Give a few ordinary items new life with a little paint and imagination!

Becky Capps says, “I took a concrete tree ring and made it into a village…it was more fun than I can even tell you!”
Tip: For cement and terra cotta, use a primer first, unless you want the paint to chip.
Get ready to rock your world!
For painted rock creatures or designs, after using a primer,paint a base coat, and let dry completely. Then use tiny brushes for details.
Sue Gerdes made this stone ‘home’ from rocks and wood putty and paint. Wood putty is the eves and the chimney. Use outdoor paint and spray with a fixative or paint on a cement sealer to keep it.
Kirk Willis “One year, my daughter got the idea to paint lady bug rocks! She gathered rocks from our property and couldn’t stop until she painted a herd of ladybugs! Aren’t they the cutest? She placed them in a corner of her swing set area. My creative daughter…I’m so proud of her!”
Connie Dee Schnecker painted this iguana in a few days on this granite rock, she says….”It’s held up for 4 years!
It does look quite real…like it is sunning itself..I think I painted 6 toes on the rear foot, though,…whoops!”
Growing and painting on gourds!
Gourds are fascinating to grow, have a very pretty flower and are wonderful to paint! You can leave them right on the vine to dry out. Dry the gourd for 3 – 6 months to fully dry…they are 90% water! There’s no need to sand or seal the gourd before painting! They can be painted with acrylics or oil paints.
Melanie Rhodes “Being a gardener also I love that you grow gourds and can paint on them! Here’s my gourd art … I also craete huge garden spiders made of gourds with copper legs.. It’s fun to use your art in your gardens!”
‘Wood’ you like to paint?

Sara Longale‘s dragonfly is made form ceiling fan blades and an old spindle and has a lovely pattern.

Keri Little painted flowers and a window on the side of her garden shed, complete with lace curtains!

Gail Schuit paints a small shelf as an accent, contrasting the bright yellow with more rustic metal…and flowers!
We’re huge metal fans!
Brenda Schenck tells us, “My roof turban, I got for 3.00 at yard sale and painted….when the wind blows it spins…. its several years old and has held up very well in our hot Florida weather.”
Anita Earnest says, “This is my recycle project of hubcaps found along road sides. They were dirty & oily, but clean up easy. I spray paint the base then add the designs.”
1 Comment
love these ideas. plan to try some of them soon~ especially the concrete sealer for painted rocks. i would not have thought of that.