March 28th – Here are the winners!
Congratulations to all Winners and Honorable Mentions!
Judy Baird First Place!
What the judges said,…’I really like this one. It says Spring! …This is 1st place for me … it struck me as a great Spring photo because of the violas poppin’ up …and I loved the vantage point. …
Sarah Johnson Second place!
What the judges said, “This one just shouts ‘Spring’ with all those daffodils and I love that the person added the wheel in the corner of the photo. …I love the colors!”
Becky Norris Third Place!
What the judges said, “the path was handmade and the flowers look perfect around it… I don’t know what is stacked at the right, but it looks cool! ….just a beautiful garden w/lots of garden art … this garden is lovely”
Sherry Carlson Fourth Place!
What the Judges said, ” it’s a GREAT close-up. …I always keep coming back to this one!’
See the best of the entries:
or See the entire March into Spring album on our Facebook page
March 26th- Contest ends,…Judging begins
March 23rd- Flea Market Gardening “March into Spring!” Photo Contest!
Find a picture that combines Flea Market or junkin‘ with Spring gardening!
- Contest begins now, March 23rd!
- One photo entry per person, if you post more by mistake, the first one will count.
- Tell us a bit about your photo, name of the plant, where you got your items…
“March into Spring!”
Your photo will be judged on these criteria:
#1 It celebrates the Spring season
#2 some form of Flea Market item, recycled rust, or junkola.
#3 It can be taken at any time, preferably in Spring, but must be taken by you.
#4 Photo must be labeled to count: “March into Spring!”
Entries must be submitted online no later than Wednesday, March 26 at 4pm Pacific time.
The contest photos will be collected in a “March into Spring!” album on our FMG facebook page and in a slide show here on this page.
Photo must be labeled to count: “March into Spring!”
Winners will be chosen in First, Second, Third, and Fourth place and those photos will be used in our Facebook header photos for the month of April.
First place winner will also win a book, The Layered Garden and a beaded bed spring suncatcher, made by Marie Niemann!
Winners will be announced by Thursday , March 27th and posted here Friday March 28th and on our FB page!