Garden craft projects for children…
It’s fun doing garden projects with children. Making playthings for them is even more fun….you get to enjoy their surprise! When I think about what has been the most fun with children in my garden, I remember a small visitor and how she searched and found more and more animal figures in my garden. I was surprised at how many I had accumulated! She was delighted with each one!
I remember also, my grandpa who made a stove for us girls from an old cabinet. The top had painted black circles for burners, an oven that opened and had a rack and had real knobs to turn.
When I had a family of my own, creating a small herb garden and a trellis garden for my two daughters was also a highlight. Just having a swing outdoors in a pretty spot led to many deep conversations throughout my daughter’s teen age. In my own teen age, I was taken to the swap meets early in the morning and I began right away to look at ordinary objects in a new way.
Creating beautiful spots in the garden has been a wonderful pastime for me to hand down to my children and grandchildren. I look forward to more fun, as my grandkiddies grow from babyhood.
From painted rocks to the ultimate playhouse, here are some of the fun projects you have shared:
Bowling ball projects for kids!
Vicki Jensen says, “This is my 7 yr old granddaughter with the bowling ball we did!”
Jeanne Sammons hosted her grandkids recently. “Shake, shake your booty! Ohhh…piggy bank, I guess!” The grandkids and I tackled the penny ball!
How to decorate a bowling ball, Flea Market Gardening style
Painted rocks
Kirk Willis says, “My daughter got the idea to paint lady bug rocks! She gathered rocks from our property and couldn’t stop until she painted a HERD of ladybugs!
Sue Gerdes, from Flea2Fab, makes “Gnome Homes” from rocks and wood putty and paint. Wood putty is the eves and the chimney. Use outdoor paint and spray with a fixative or paint on a cement sealer to keep it looking bright.
Becky Capps says, “Behold the turtle! She makes progress only when she sticks her neck out. Painted rocks!”
Snowman block
Teacher, Kirk Willis says, “Here is the snowman I made at my class party. I brought it home and placed it on the fireplace hearth. Such a cute idea! I have the world’s best head room Mother for my class parties. She is so creative! This craft is made with a paver stone, an old sock for the hat, a golf tee for the nose. I will definitely have to copy this idea in the future after this Mom helper moves on.
Garden Games for kids
Mary Everett says she made this for my front porch, for the younger kiddos to enjoy playing a game of tic tac toe with grandpop. She says she just painted and sealed rocks and used a small table she had on hand. Too easy but lots of fun!
Huge Jenga made with 2 x 4s
Tanya Goldsmith, from Blondeponders Garden and Duck tales, says, “My son made this giant Jenga which all ages enjoyed playing on Christmas Day. Note the bare feet, Florida Christmases are the best! He said he cut and sanded the wood and had it done in no time. They take it when they go camping and God forbid they need extra firewood!
A Secret Garden just for a child

Ann Elias says, “We finished up the little fence project we started last weekend…and the new garden is officially” Hailey’s Secret Garden” now. Rufus still can’t figure out why he can’t get to the front yard now.”
Fairy gardens, fun for kids
What could be more fun than creating a tiny garden with a child? Search our site for fairy garden ideas.
“Destinee and I found a ‘fairy hole’ in one of the trees at her house today. We got started right away so she can have a fairy garden of her own.”
More ideas: Fairy Garden Magic!
The Ultimate! A Garden Playhouse
This is a glorious and brilliant example of a dream playhouse, but don’t be daunted if you’d love a playhouse for your small ones! If you’re not handy with power tools call a carpenter to build the shell of a playhouse and buy a prefab shed kit and have someone help you. Playhouse plans are also available online if you need them.
Then do the finishes and ‘decorating’ yourself! Fun!
Christine Cross says, “This is my granddaughter’s playhouse that my husband built three years ago. Most of the materials were scraps they were throwing away where he works.
The hostas are a miniature variety. Earlier I posted a picture of a planter that was an old shoe with a gnome on it. It sits on the corner of the little porch. My granddaughters have had hours of fun in this!”
“This is the inside of my granddaughter’s playhouse.”
What garden project have you made with a child? Post a photo on our Facebook page of you have a good one! ~~ Sue
1 Comment
…as always – GREAT ideas!