Flea Market Gardening,..On The Road…in Custer, South Dakota
Last Summer, a gang of us from Flea Market Gardening, all camped in South Dakota while having a joint vacation. While there we visited a fantastic Antique Junkyard of our dreams! Come with us! What do you like best here?
We visit Boyd’s Antiques, off Hwy 116 outside of Custer South Dakota near Crazy Horse Monument.
Well, it looked like a ‘storm’
I’ll let Marie tell… She says to a friend, “Don’t know if I shared this story with you or not: Stop me if you have ~~~ Oh, that’s right you can’t.” (Funny, Marie…)
“I was showing a good friend my photo album (the regular kind, not on the computer) and when she got to the pages with the Boyd photos she asked, “When did the STORM go through on your trip?” I had to keep from laughing,” Marie says, “as I tried to explain, at Boyd’s, I guess, we were the storm.”
Rust is a must at Boyd’s
It was something to see all right….Boyd’s. Boyd’s Antiques….Boyd’s outdoor, big-as-an-Army-encampment, spread-out-over-an acre-or-two, antique yard. Rust for as far as you could see It was stunning,…we were stunned,…and delighted! Up and down the hill it spread, like indeed a tornado of junkola!
We parked the car, the doors fly open and Flea Market Gardening is on the scene! All six of us jump out….me, Sue Langley, Jeanne Sammons and Marie Niemann,…Nancy K Meyer, Annie Steen and Sue Gerdes ,…we were here to have a great time!
Here’s Boyd himself. We overheard him,… “Hey, I gotta go, a bunch of wimmin just came in…I gotta GO, I tell ya!”
Yes, old Boyd was pretty delighted to see us, and joked and posed for photos with us. Pretty cagey also, he drove hard bargains and knew his onions when it came to junkola. He had been selling antiques and rusty treasures here on this land for 24 years, he said.
Garden Junk Heaven
We saw that most of what we were interested in was outdoors on tables in front of the building and spread out over the entire acreage. It was a Flea Market gardener’s dream! Rust, galvanized, farm equipment and all sorts of containers and tools were scattered over the hillside. We got down to business and each of us started a treasure pile.
Divide and conquer. That was our strategy….”What did you find, Nancy?”

Marie and Nancy with old Donk, the store mascot. If he’d just get up, he could carry our Bags o’ Rust!
Just LOOK at all this! Don’t you want to go….right now?
A sign said by the door…. “Notice: All prices depend upon the attitude of the customer! – Signed the Management!” We found this to be true and if Boyd was in a somewhat snarly mood he’d charge you more! On our second visit, I watched as Jeanne tried to bargain with him for an old milk can and he actually raised the price, impatiently! Arrrgh! She was able to ask him politely for his lowest price and got it.
All in all, it is a great place, if you can get a good price. Boyd is sometimes pretty proud of his merchandise price wise, but there were many bargains to be had and on the way home our campers were much heavier for it. We will return!
Boyd’s Antiques (605) 673-5503
Hwy 116/385
Custer, South Dakota