Debbie Haer lives and gardens in Tipp City, Ohio, north of Dayton. From an early age, Debbie’s Mom knew for some reason that she’d be a junk dealer! Why? She was always collecting old things and bringing them home in her wagon! Sure enough, Debbie eventually opened her junk shop, Trash to Treasure at her home and garden. Her unique photos have a soft vintage feel to them that makes you want to come and browse for yourself. Wouldn’t you like to come with me?
Debbie’s junk shop garden
“Come visit me”
“This is the other side of my sign “there is a shelter on that side full of stuff” 3 old Antique bikes. My Dad made the ‘Bed and Breakfast’ birdhouse “he was a very talented man on making things “I kinda got him started by showing him things in my magazines. If you are ever in Tipp, OH come visit me,…”
“Close up of tools… I made the Birdhouse years ago. my Dad made the Welcome Americana sign. I love old treasures. I also have a wood wheel barrow in my memory garden my Dad made years ago. I used to sell them for him out here and at outside shows I set up at I whitewashed mine and just let it age. I love it.”
“Front of my building. Love old rusty tools have them everywhere. I made the star hanging on the window. I made four of those sold two, give my oldest sons girlfriend one and kept one for myself seen those in Country Sampler about one fourth the size so put my own together I love all old coffee pots.”
Debbie’s rambling ‘Memory Garden’
“This is a wagon my Dad built. He even made his own iron wheels. I was selling them for him This one will never be for sale as he passed away two years ago” I also used a push mower when I was young to make money to pay for my sister and I to go to the movie theater. My grandkids think that story is so funny.”
“I bought these cute boots at the shop I’m in town just love them i make some, too.”
“This is out by driveway, going back to barns. My Mom always reminded me of when I was little I went up and down the alley on trash pickup with my wagon and brought stuff home. She said she knew I was gonna be a junk dealer. “
“This in front of house my yard has stuff everywhere most is for sale for my shop here at home.”
Thanks, Debbie, for sharing your unique shop!
Debbie’s shop, Trash to Treasure is now open Friday and Saturdays 11 to 5 and Sundays 12 to 5
Address is 7130 South County rd 25 A Tipp City, Ohio
I love your “stuff”. I would like to know the prices and do you ship.
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