What is a ‘meet up?’
It’s when you plan to meet your Facebook friends in person, just for fun! Have you ever done this? These four friends, who met here on Flea Market Gardening and shared their creativity, ideas and friendship did that this month and they’re letting us in on all the fun!
“Over a year ago,” Lisa Collier says, “I found this Facebook page, Flea Market Gardening and started ‘talking’ with some of the group there. Well, I have to say that there is a special bond between gardeners! Tonya Fennig, Jeanie Merritt and Sandy Bridenbaugh planned to meet this one weekend at Sandy’s farm and business Country Flower Bin. Sandy was our hostess and we toured her absolutely beautiful garden and lovely shop north of Dayton, Ohio. She is just a sweetheart! Even though we had never met in person, from the first moment we all felt like we were with old friends”
Lisa says, “Who says Internet friends aren’t real! Jeanie Merritt is an absolute hoot! She kept us all laughing and my sides hurt from laughing so hard. We toured Sandy’s gardens, had a wonderful lunch and oooh’d and ahh’d over all of the pretties in her shop. We all even exchanged little surprise gifts for each other. By the end of the day we all had laughed so hard our sides hurt. I know we all are going to be good friends for a long time. I’m so thankful for this creative page and the awesome people we have here on Flea Market Gardening! Thanks so much for everything Sandy! ”
Sandy Bridenbaugh says, “This day in October will be a day to keep in the memory box. I had a visit from three friends that I had meet on Facebook. Tonya and my two ‘never-met’ friends, Jeanie and Lisa came for lunch bearing food and gifts. We all greeted each other with a hug just like we had known each other for years! We all love to garden so right away we had something in common. We had a wonderful afternoon working on some crafts and sharing stories about all our experiences in the garden. I am very much looking forward to their next visit.”
Tonya Fennig, of The Seed and Garden Exchange Facebook page said of the group, “I was so excited for the trip to meet Facebook friends, two for the first time, that I was wide awake by four a.m. that morning. Pushing myself not to leave too early, I was the first to arrive! Sandy and I have met several times and it is still always a joy to see her. As Jeanie and then Lisa arrived, the excitement just exploded! It was as if we have known each other all of our lives!
“We had such a fun day filled with getting to know one another, Laughing and joking, touring the gardens, well they did,…while I swiped some seeds!”

“One of my best memories will be of Jeanie getting down on her knees in the wet grass to get a closer look at Sandy’s wonderful fairy garden!” says Tonya.
“We had a delicious lunch and exchanging of gifts was part of the fun. We even had time for some crafts together! After a few more photos we realized that it was getting late in the day. With goodbye hugs all around and the promise to meet again soon, we knew that this was just the most wonderful day!” Tonya tells us.
“The feeling I had, Jeanie Merritt says, as I was driving down I-70 on my way to Sandy’s home, was one of a child on Christmas eve. I had chatted with these girls online for weeks and had become friends, knowing a few of their likes and dislikes and gardening habits. We were kindred spirits!” Jeanie Merritt contributes to Flea Market Gardening regularly with garden projects.
“When I arrived, it wasn’t like meeting strangers at all. I had seen all of their pictures, except Sandy’s.. I had her in my mind to be a tall lady with big gardening hands and a deep voice…NOPE, little and petite…!!” Jeanie exclaims.
“We absolutely got lost in time touring her gardens and even though the rain showers came and went, it didn’t stop us. I hated to leave at the end of the day and my heart sang all the way home.” says Jeanie.
“Wonderful, wonderful gals who think, like me, that a rusty piece of farm equipment sitting beside a climbing rose is about the prettiest sight ever! We ate lunch, crafted, chatted and laughed. We enjoyed the gardens like four women who have been friends all of their lives…Such a neat experience!”
Thanks, you four, for sharing your joyous day!
Did you know that it’s easy to meet like-minded Flea market shoppin’, gardening or crafting friends on our companion Facebook page? It is! Post a photo, get comment,….give comments and get acquainted! It’s the friendliest page ever! The active bunch is on every night to ‘talk’ to. If some of you have made friends and met up in person, let us know, please comment or post! If you haven’t ,…really,.. why not plan a fun meet up! You’ll be as excited as these four friends. ~~ Sue
More about these friends:
Sandy’s farm and business Country Flower Bin
344 N. Furlong Rd., Laura, Ohio