Flea Market Gardening with annuals and perennials in Autumn
A Fall Photo Story…
Each morning, Jane Krauter walks around her garden and takes a photo of what’s happening there. She has started changing out her annuals for Fall. And doing a bit of clean-up. Photos and gardening… Those two activities together, combined with her talent for creating garden ‘still lifes’ with her photos, tell the story of her garden in California. Jane has a large garden surrounded by an orange grove. It has deep flower beds that she changes from season to season. You’ll see she has a few recycled Flea Market treasures she uses to ‘decorate.’
Let’s see what she’s up to today…
Last of the summer flowers…
In Fall, Jane pulls out the summer annuals and plants annuals and perennials that will last all through the winter..
Time out…
Two flats of Snapdragons, Daisies & Violas in this little flowerbed and Buddy…
New adventures!
One day, a chicken found it’s way into Jane’s rural garden,…and her life!
This is one lucky chicken and who wouldn’t want to live in this garden?
Dinnertime! And last of the summer tomatoes..
Late that night….
We love Fall!
More about Jane:
See Jane garden…. Spring!
In Which We Are Introduced to Jane’s cat, Squirrelly