Tree planters!
Flea Market gardeners are a creative lot, making use of any nook or cranny they see in a cast off container(Anything that will hold dirt) or in the garden plantings themselves! Here are ideas for planting right in the crook of a tree…

Sue Gerdes’ unique tree ‘pot’ She found this for $2.00 and the fun thing is the grandkids can turn the crank and it doesn’t hurt a th ing… it and my Double Lemon Million Bells. Sue is the artist in residence at her shop, Flea2Fab.
How to use a tree as a planter!
Containers to use:
- Nursery cans
- Wire baskets
- Burlap wrapped basket

I have this interesting tree in my back yard….was inspired by a picture on Flea Market Gardening to do something a little different with it… I’ve “set” the stage…now what do you think I am going to do???

Jeanie Merritt ‘s plant is ready to grow in the shade of this tree….she says, “Hopefully, by the 4th of July this will have filled out and be lookin’ good..”
Planting in a tree? Why not, if it will hold dirt. A metal, wire or moss basket is all you need and your trees can become interesting vertical gardens! Won’t you try this intriguing idea? I know I have a metal basket and the perfect tree! Fun! ~~ Sue
Anything that will hold dirt
Fun and flowery Flea Market flower carts
Real old wheelbarrows,…in the garden
Crafty crates in a Flea Market garden