Everything George Weaver does around the garden, I'm sure, is for his wife's enjoyment!
Everything George Weaver does around the garden, I’m sure, is for his wife’s enjoyment!
Since many of our Flea Market Gardening partners in the garden are the guys, what better way to honor the ‘muscle’ we sometimes need so much for fulfilling our wild schemes in the garden? They are the ‘Brawn’ to our ‘Brains.’ We think things up and they help make it happen, though many times they have no idea how it will turn out. Wise if they ask few questions, these are the ones who charge up the drills, sling the sledges and lift those bales. WE stand by and direct, correct and dream some more,…and they still love us.
Claudia Daddario My neighbor who dumps his horse poop in my compost bin so I can have awesome humus!
Racquel Stair Easy, my husband and sometimes my sons. They do all the heavy lifting and other various projects that involve power tools.
Anita Hayes All my grown kids help me and I got help the other day from the little kids next door..when they heard I was playing in dirt, they volunteered…
Kay Bassett My Dad!
Liz Bayer It’s my husband Lt. Daan who just lugged huge stones from our woods out back for a path through my new shade garden…
Sharon Ball Hubby does the heavy lifting!
Ron Meyer, Nancy’s hubs, making bottle trees. Sometimes he says, “No more!”, but he always does more… CLICK
Nancy K. Meyer Husband who welds and builds blue bottle displays for me and keeps the lawn nicely mowed.
Bobbi Doll My husband, Glen I can’t get on my knees-so he is my weeder and planter!
Susan Fortin My son Justin,… helping move all the sod out of the way so I could plant.
Susan Spatz My hubby, for lugging countless bags of soil, helping make raised garden boxes, and for putting up a fence in frigid weather; also, a shout out to my doggies for keeping me company every day while I putter around, and to the bees for pollinating my crops.
Sandy Faust My hubby Bob. Putting in a brick walkway & paver patio. He did 99% of the work….. Couldn’t have done it without him!!!
Ann Elias’s husband helping make her tipsy fountain. CLICK
Colleen Weaver My husband will help me find his power tools…so I can use them. Occasionally he’ll hold the gate open for me. (Colleen,…that’s help,…right? 🙂)
Kathy Zeller For me it’s my “Garden Boy” who occasionally has to call me when I’m doing errands on my “day off”. my hubby of 49 1/2 yrs!!
Melissa Soucy My Man Gerry he is always there helping me till and put in the needed stakes and this year he hit his head with the pounder thingy he uses to pound the stakes and is still suffering with dizzies. (Ouchie!)
Julie Ross LOL! All my peeps are on to me and my “Hey! Wanna hang out with me today?”
Loretta Fuller My husband, Tom.
Susie Miele My hubby and daughter!
Nell Stelzer My father-in-law who has tilled, made the wheelbarrow,wishing well and potting bench. He also lets me use his truck to haul mulch or dirt. He is the best!
Nell loves her flower cart that Ken made! CLICK
Ginny Bevis My Daughter and Grandbabies…I shouldn’t be the only one with bug bites! Honestly, I love it when the flowers and veggies grow and the kids are amazed.. and now they steal all the tomatoes and strawberries and the youngest one, age 2 fights the birds for the blue berries.
Nokieo Bo My husband’s middle name is manual labor. Dr Jim,” You have a wealth of knowledge that you won’t lose.”
Jennifer Frazier I have a helper, Glen Frazier, who is a most excellent tractor driver and garden helper! I couldn’t have the garden I do without him.
Janet Reed You’re a lucky woman, Sue, to have that Tractor Man! (I agree!)
Brenda Wiegand I have my own tractor man hubby…only way to lug the big stuff!
Judy Lambert My husband, and couldn’t have ANYTHING done in the yard with out his help! But we do work well together on each project.
Julie Brown’s husband, helps up high, doing her ‘bidding.’ CLICK
Jandy Moore Our granddaughter! If not for her, I would still be pulling weeds.
Gail West Very BIG shout out to my husband too! Couldn’t do half my projects without him!
Glen Frazier I’m just a hole digger with wheels at your service!! Will work for food!!!
Beth Bennett My mother-in-law. She helps me pick strawberries before they go bad.
GigiandPa Williams My awesome husband, Kevin Williams … We make a smokin’ hot team, we can do anything … Together!
Beth Hale My son Nicholas moved two 6 ft trees and bless him he dug new holes in REALLY hard earth!
Cindy Barton My husband, Clark! He always does the hard stuff for me because I have a bad back. He makes the raised beds, digs out huge roots
Carey Thomson My son, who helped me build a fence around my front yard so the “garden” didn’t freak out the neighbors.
Natalie McPherson My hubs can usually be talked into helping….
Trisha Strickland My husband….he helped get it started.
Sue Norton Couldn’t make it without my Main Man!! I’m such a rock hound, I need his back too! Seriously, he is my main Rock!!
Sarah Mills My wonderful husband tills the garden every year and even put the whole garden in by himself the year that I was pregnant with our daughter!
Laura Brown So far, Kieran Cronin, and I hope he will help with future projects!
Billie Hayman My husband, and what is great about it he’s not as “into” it as I am but he still works on each project for me just because it makes me happy. We will be married 38 years this Sunday and I would not trade him for the world.
Jacqui Rogers The Hubs ~ couldn’t do it without his muscle sometimes..or its just fun to share!!
Jennifer Zavala My hubby is always ready to help out in the garden with the heavy stuff. We have planted so many trees and shrubs over the years we could fill a nursery. He also carries the heavy garden birdbaths and statuary for me (even up hill) for placement. A fabulous husband. Been together 33 years. Love him.
Karen Sieczka My Sis, TammyJo Dallas for pretty much everything in my garden except for watering…
Dianne Nash J.B. is my man! I don’t know what I would do without him either!
TammyJo Dallas LOL! My sis Karen Sieczka…my garden would be nothing without her. You rock, Sis!
Many hands position Myra’s corn crib gazebo. CLICK
Myra Glandon Hubby has helped me accomplish a lot, but I want to include my entire family whose help with the gazebo was invaluable. My other necessity – my wheelbarrow.
Angela Carrera Me and me! And sometime I will throw something at the ‘ol man’ who is talented, but sometimes cannot grasp my concept unless he just does it. Things I cannot do myself, and that’s far and few between.
Jayne Locas I have always wished for someone to help me…but have never had that someone. (Hire a strong young man, Jayne!)
Marie Mendez ME…and Only me…and I could have used help, but it was me…
Judy Tanner Everybody I know is old like me and does what they have to do for themselves.
Wendy Hankins Mostly me! Sometimes, I get my son to help. And sometimes Hubby will pick up my cuttings.
Shirley Filer No one. Just my kitties keep me company. They love for me to stay out in the yard with them.
Joanne Ferguson I do it myself, that’s why it’s all in containers.
Cindy Adams I live alone and do all the work myself….tilling, pounding steel posts, moving cattle panels for vines, planting, hoeing, weeding, harvesting, canning, freezing and eating ! Although I do tend to share some of the bounty. And I am almost 57 yrs old. I have three big veggie gardens.
Marie Wirth Ummm….nobody helps me in the garden, I am completely on my own! I would LOVE help, but that’s never gonna happen! I can only dream about what could be if I had help! (Marie, you need to hire some strong guy, too!)
Here is Barb Buckley’s friend, Larry, maker of her wagon wheel tailgate bench…. CLICK
What would we do without a little muscle? If I didn’t have Tractor Man, I’d hire help….I adore workmen. Especially, when they arrive early in the morning….a sign to me that they plan to work hard for their money!
Sometimes, it’s not that we NEED the help, but want companionship in the joy we call gardening. We truly and sincerely THANK our helpers,…our support system, for all they do for us and all they share with us!
To add your Dad or ‘Helper’, comment below…
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My husband John has been my muscle for 49 years...
Always there to lend a hand... building something for me, making sure my equipment starts, taking care of farm chores when I can't..
and most all ...providing me with all the love, support and assurance an old farm girl could ever ask for!