
Kathy, the flower garden lady

Virtual Flea Market Garden tour!

Kathy was profiled, this time, by Marie Niemann. Marie says,”Isn’t this a spectacular garden?  Meet Kathy, The Flower Garden Lady! Our kind of gardener and ‘Yardist,’ with her property full of wonderful Flea Market Gardening finds and a little family history, not to mention her beautiful flowers!

Kathy-flower garden ladyKathy-flower garden lady


There’s so much eye candy here, and this is just a taste of her 2 acres of land she has cleared and landscaped from scratch. The hanging wine bottle bottoms are very cool, and I sure would love a fire hydrant of my own!”

Meeting Kathy

KathyKathyKathy lives and gardens in Biloxi, Mississippi. She lives with two dogs and two cats. Her dogs are Freckles and Maggie and cats are Feetz and Harley. Kathy says, “I like to garden and a lot of the junk collecting is my interest.”


Kathy's garden has a 'meadow' style with a lawn surrounded by natural curves and flower bedsKathy's garden has a 'meadow' style with a lawn surrounded by natural curves and flower beds

Kathy’s paradise-like garden has a ‘meadow’ style with a lawn surrounded by natural curves and flower beds

“I started gardening when I bought my 2.2 acres of wooded property …I cleared 150×400 little by little. My page explains some of the creative people in my family history!” Kathy tells us.

Kathy keeps her eye out for good garden junk and garden centers!  “I have a serious addiction when it comes to flowers…can’t walk into a nursery without buying some sort of plants.

This view shows Kathy’s two-tiered garden bed,..a great idea! Kathy says, “Looking at this picture you will see the bottom of wine bottles hanging on the black frame.”


Kathy’s bridge crosses over to a stacked stone arbor leading to her butterfly garden. The arbor is watched over by an angel.


The arbor that leads into the butterfly garden is an idea worth ‘stealing!’

I have been addicted to flowers and decorating with my treasures. The fire hydrant you see was my step brothers who left it at my Moms and I stole it! I loaded it up from Ft Myers, Florida and brought it back a long time ago.



The view from Kathy’s bench

“One garden bench was made for my great uncle and the wagon wheels were given to me by a neighbor of my aunt. Yes, I have looked like the ‘Clampetts’ coming home on many of my trips since moving from Florida. I have had people share things with us they say it fits better here in my garden. I say bring it on… I will find a spot!”

A vintage pump is a pretty setting. Looks like it would really pump water…


The veggie garden


Join Kathy here on her relaxing brick patio,..I’m sure she’d welcome you!


The path to Kathy’s front door. 

Sue Langley

Sue Langley, a passionate gardener and photographer lives and gardens with her husband and Corgi, Maggie on 7 acres just south of Yosemite, Zone 7 at 3000 feet. She manages the Flea Market Gardening Facebook page and website.

View Comments

  • Lovely! Inspiring and just so much more than that. I loved "strolling" through your garden. Thanks for sharing!

    • Kathy Collins-Lantz says:

      Thank you so much....

  • Nell Howard Stelzer says:

    This is am amazing garden ! I love everything in it ! Thanks for sharing !!

    • :) thank you

  • Jeanie Merritt says:

    Enjoyed taking the tour. Your addiction and hard efforts certainly paid off us, as well. Thank you for sharing what is , I'm sure, a wonderful part of your life.

    • Thank you...yes we love it....Enjoy

  • Marie Niemann says:

    Wonderful tour! Kathy is exactly what we at FMG are all about! She's such an artist when it comes to making everything come together. A talent that I'm still trying to perfect. I know what I like, but when it comes to making an eye pleasing vignette I struggle and keep moving things around until I get the look I like. One nice thing about portable junk is I can change it up all the time. I'm so happy I found you Kathy! Or did you find us? hehe

    • Not really sure how all this works so if I dont reply dont think Im not saying THANK YOU.....Yall are so kind to feature me...welcome to my silly ways...

      • Marie Niemann says:

        No problemo, if you sign up to follow the post it'll send you notices when someone comments. If you get 100 then just send ONE Big Thank You! LOL

  • I really like the wine bottle bottoms you hung on your trellis & the arbor you built is unique. You have obviously done a lot of work. Thanks for sharing.

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