…or … ‘What we consider ‘Art Supplies.’
Julie Brown loves to put together Flea Market-y vignettes in her garden and she’s been collected treasures for some time. Pumps, bells, galvanized tubs and sinks… Wheelbarrows and Iron pieces all to go into a special place arranged in a creative way. It’s just how we like our gardens here at Flea Market Gardening. George Weaver from our FMG group first coined the word ‘art supplies’ for the beloved junk stashes we keep for creating recycled garden projects.
A peek into Julie’s ‘art supply’ shed
Julie Brown says, “I cracked open my Flea Market Gardening shed today. It seems like I just put everything away for the winter and I can’t wait to start taking things out. It is always a surprise to see what I have squirreled away.”
Julie simply says, “I love using old, primitive cast offs in my garden.” See Julie’s complete ‘Garden Tour’ for more views of her garden.
We just seem to place a high value of things of old,…sometimes because they ‘don’t make ‘em the way they used to,’ and also they may remind us of our Grandparents and love using the things they left us. Why do you like junk?
Okay, back to the shed….
“My husband, Randy, helped me put everything away, and boy does he know how to pack it in there. I like the blue and white pail and galvanized is a favorite of mine. I have a collection of watering cans…”
I don’t know how I ended up with so many bird cages. There are probably five cages and at least two stands. Oh what a beautiful mess I’m in. Hey, that is a song isn’t it?”
Julie has been with Flea Market gardening from nearly the start and she got the talent for putting things together in the garden. So much creativity! I’m looking forward to what she’ll do when she brings out all her favorite garden things this Spring.
Okay……. We didn’t just have a ball looking in someone’s old shed, did we? Yep! Who knew that YOU would understand? I know you do! ~~ Sue
Oh my .. I have a shed and patio full of good stuff like that too .. and yet now I want to go shopping in Julies Shed and Yours too ..
I love recycling all the old junk into new junk for the garden and the house ..
Just found your blog and am thoroughly enjoying it
Happy Spring ..Sara
WOW! Thank you for the write up Sue. I can’t wait to get into my shed and see what is in the back and underneath. Places that the camera couldn’t see. I will post more pictures as I clear it out.
Looks a lot like my potting shed where I store my treasures.
I hope you can show us one day on our FB page, Kathy.