Showing off quaint old chairs in the garden
Marie Niemann posted her quaint chair done up for the garden and it created a sensation on Flea Market Gardening! Here is her chair and 16 other chairs that our flea folk use in the garden as accents. Find a chair and do up your own!
Marie Niemann: This chair is one of my most favorite flea finds in my garden. I picked it up at a local thrift store last year. It was in three pieces out behind their building, perhaps destined for the trash. I immediately went in to see if I could buy it. Make us an offer! $3 bucks! Sold! So a little sanding on the dowels, some wood glue plus an old enamel pan filled with happy annuals and I’ve got a beautiful garden chair to enjoy all summer long.
Ann Elias:
I found another pic of one of my chairs…I miss this chair. I need to find a metal one…so it last longer.
Anne Nitkowski:
Grabbed an old rocker that was on the side of the road, spray painted it red, added the flowers and flags, and VOILA! The jug in the photo was found on the side of the road too.
Annie Grossart-Steen:
I love seeing everyone’s garden chairs….
I think the two go hand and hand and they are one of my favorite combinations in the garden or on a porch!
BlessMyBloomers/Jayne Locas:
This is one of my plant chairs…I hauled this one back to California from the East coast…since it is in sturdy condition (other than the missing seat) I usually keep it on the front porch with a basket of ferns…but I need a “welcome to the garden” this week so I brought it out to hold flowers…
Cheryl Van Horn:
Well this is one of a few garden chairs. Just like old chairs, old stuff period. The hens ‘n’chicks in the boots were from my daughter. They love this sun and heat we’re getting. We had RAIN last night and we are so grateful today. It feels nice outside too.
Cheryl York:
This is an old chair from my husbands grandparents, the tin picnic basket was from his parents. I have petunias growing in the tin. The purple are tall phlox. The lid was rusted so I folded it to use as a birdhouse roof.
Jeanie Merritt:
Nothing stays the same at my house from day to day… Inside or out.. I may leave a few things in the same place, but I am constantly adding, taking away, substituting, or bringing something from storage out and taking something out…to storage… Anyway… I play, I guess that’s what you could say. This geranium has been in this old kitchen chair on my patio most of the season.
Jeanne Sammons:
Door Arbor area …my good friend found me this chair 3 yrs & it’s still beautiful! The beautiful Hydrangea is blooming! (I’ve been hauling water to it!)
Julie Brown:
This is from last summer. I found this adorable high chair at a flea market along with this Fiesta Bowl. I did not leave this outside for the weather to ruin. Mother Nature is a cruel lady to chairs.
Jean from La Petite Boutique:
Sharing my garden chair. I love this look alongside my little orange orchard!
Nancy K. Meyer:
My garden chair, first year using it –was just sitting in the garage, not sure where it came from. Asked and no one claimed it, so I took it, …the pan isfrom a friend who said she was tired of it!!!
Catharine Robertson-Lepage:
Herb garden on an old hand made chair.
Sue Langley:
This is my Grandma’s ‘motel’ chair next to the old goat shed. I love the original green color. I need to jazz it up with flowers, I think!
Catharine Robertson-Lepage:
Anything can become a flowerpot!! I collect baskets and old furniture to use to display my annuals.
Stephie McCarthy:
Here’s the first project I tackled at Coral Belle Cottage. This wicker bench was part of a rickety, four-piece set I bought for just $15.00. My favorite tropical blues and greens made this an inviting spot for “Angel” cat. She claimed this space just minutes after I finished the cushion with a cabbage rose design by Waverly. Luckily, I still had room to photograph my squash blossoms.

Marie Niemann’s chair dressed up for Autumn. Turquoise insulators sit on pegs on the original piece of telephone cross beam. The mail box was found on a South Dakota junking trip
Now, are you ready to seek out your own garden chair? Save these ideas for future use! ~~ Sue
Ohhh…I love seeing all these different chairs in the gardens! Makes me want to find an old wooden one like Marie’s! I’m on the hunt for another metal chair like your Gr’ma’s, Sue …. I found one last yr for $5 & painted it blue & would like another to add to a spot out in the pines. Something cozy about a chair in the garden…TFS!
I really like planted chairs in the garden. I feel like they are a simple project that anyone can do, but its the little things that make them over the top. I love the first chair, which by itself is an ok chair, but add the enamel bowl, and the little heart, and the pretty flowers and its a portable planter that can be moved from place to place around the garden.
Wondering if anyone puts a protective coating on the chairs to give them some added life in the garden. Also, do you leave them outside all year or store them in the winter?
Oh, yes, we do both, paint on a couple coats of polyurethane AND take them in during winter depending on your climate. Chairs make such a pretty plant stand that I’m always looking for more… when one ‘wears out’