As you may know, Flea Market Gardening has it own fun-loving scarecrows who love holidays and partying. They went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and now have reached back to their Irish roots to celebrate St Patrick’s Day in Boston. Follow along with the ‘Galvanized Gang” and check back to this post for updates over the weekend!
The Rusty Rowdy’s are made up of “Larry“, Brian Stephan’s versatile scarecrow who dresses up for each holiday and has brought along his friend Kermit since he’s the proper color, Marie and Randy Niemann’s “Mr T” constructed creatively of Model T parts, George Weaver’s metal man, “Marty” and Nancy K. Meyer’s gal “Sal“, who’s all woman in a weatherproof way.
Brian says, “Larry” just sent me the gang’s itinerary for the weekend and it sounds like they’ll be having quite the time of it, just hope they don’t overindulge and have another “incident” like the one in NOLA.”
Friday, 3/16/12
– Museum of Bad Art; I guess even bad art deserves recognition.
– Sam Adams Brewery tour; naturally.
– Dropkick Murphys concert at House of Blues.
Saturday, 3/17
– Faneuil Hall for Irish music and dance; hope Sal can remember to stay ladylike.
– St Patty’s Day Shamrock Shuffle Bar Crawl; is Boston ready for the hardest partying crew of scarecrows?
– Drinks at Doyle’s, as if the bar crawl wasn’t enough.
– Ghosts and graveyards tour; that ought to sober them up.
Sunday, 3/18
– Kermit pulled some strings and got them invited to participate in the South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade, just hope they don’t have to put on kilts and play the bagpipes.
– Fly home after the parade.
Stay tuned for updates on this post. I’ll remind you all on the FMG FB page when there’s news. ~~ Sue
Friday Night Update:
Nancy’s says Sal is having a grand time and found out that her namesake and great -great aunt Sal was part Irish, she always believe all the relative were of good sturdy German stock, Not sure how this will influence her action on this outing.
Sal did have a little trouble with the TSA at the airport, they thought she had a metal plate in her head, and she said excuse me, “My head is a shovel–of course it is metal” –who hires these ‘security’ guys anyway –don’t they ‘screen’ them before giving them the job !!!
Marie got a text,…she says, “Mr. T. just texted me and said he had a good flight over, no problems with security this time. However they wouldn’t allow him to bring his 12 pack with him, so he drank them at the gate before boarding.”
George says, “Marty is a true blues fan and I am sure he will be doing the slow drag with his hose and kicking up some dust on the dance floor.”
News from Friday Night:
Brian Stephan: “Larry says Kermit almost came to blows with someone who told him his love for Miss Piggy was “unnatural.”
George Weaver: “The brew Krew is going to go dumpster diving in Boston later today. They hope to find some great junkola. They’re trying to come up with enough to make a float for the parade. Marty is a pretty out-going dude I know he always wanted to go to Cheers and meet Norm if he ever got in Boston. I hope he has time before there flight back.”
Nancy K. Meyer: “Mr. T and Sal are going to have some major RUST isssues on the dumpster dive. Just saying ……………..”
Marie Niemann: “Mr. T. said he spotted one of his relatives at the art show. A beautifully restored 1910 Model T. He became a little emotional and misty eyed over it. So you know what that means! More Rust!!”
…Saturday Afternoon:
Nancy K. Meyer: Sal was spotted with a green can in her rake hand –a Mt. Dew –whew !!!!
George Weaver: Marty says he is Buying rounds tonight . I think he plans to sneak into tap room and and hook up his hose. He should be able to keep the beer flowing all night.
Marie Niemann: The Fearless Foursome are still going strong! Even Kermit and Brock, the crow, are tipping a few green beers! They need to find some WD40 ASAP because Mr. T. is getting pretty stoved up and can hardly lift his beer mug, so he’s using a straw to drink his beer.
George Weaver: They found an old serving cart behind a restaurant on there dumpster dive . It is missing a wheel so to fix it up for a float Marty said he would let them use his hose holder . They still need to decide who is going to pull the float. Mr T was going to pull it but he is all stoved up. He is hooping the WD 40 kicks in soon.
Saturday Night Updates:
Brian Stephan: Larry says Mr T tried to dance a jig, but is feeling a little to rusty right now. Made it back to the bar crawl and after a few pitchers of green beer, crawl is about all they can manage.
Nancy K. Meyer: Sal just reported in again, they are eating pretty well and she is collecting recipes, –Irish Soda Bread, Corned Beef and Cabbage, Irish Potato Pancakes, Reuben Salad and some other ones —but it is so hard for her to text with those hands you know. At least she is seeing to it that boys get some food in their stomachs, not just green beer !!!
Brian Stephan: Larry‘s latest Tweet: “Got up a little late after last night’s festivities; had green eggs and corned beef hash for breakfast, then off to Fanueil Hall w/the gang. Seems he’s having trouble typing his tweets while coping w/blurred vision, something about beer goggles.”
Nancy K. Meyer: Figured it was something like that.
Marie Niemann: The crawl was a blast, but a little awkward at first, Larry of course was out in front since he’s the only one with knees! Mr. T. is thankful Sal came along to keep track of them and make sure they ate some hearty meals. Mr. T. got a little emotional dumpster diving at the Ford lot while Marty was tossing body parts left and right. Show a little respect for his relatives!! Tomorrow is the parade?
Brian Stephan: Yes, and I understand that they found parts to make a float.
Sunday Morning report from last night:
George Weaver: Marty and Sal came in late after spending a great night meeting the crowd at Cheers. Marty couldn’t sleep so he started to put together some sort of musical instrument from the tailpipes and air bag he got from the Ford lot.
Brian Stephan: Larry has tried to find any Irish ancestors, but no luck. Chuck, on the other hand, found his ancestors came to America during the Great Potato Famine. Larry also tweeted that the Ghosts and Graveyards Tour was so scary that if he had hair, it would’ve stood on end.
Nancy K. Meyer: Sal wants a plaid skirt too, but Marty seems so occupied w/ his new insturment he has forgotten all about his gal !!! Sal loved Cheers and how everyone was so friendly !!! It seems like everyone knew her name, too. Wonderful memories —-much better than the last ‘mis’ adventure with MG in New Orleans. Maybe the gang has learned to party with restriant.
Marie Niemann: Mr. T. woke up this morning with a green plaid skirt on, he has no idea where that came from! He’s in need of some strong irish cream in his coffee before he can tolerate much more of Marty‘s music on his exhaust pipes.. if you can call it that! Good thing he’s got an iron gut, to handle all the booze and good food!
George Weaver: Larry sent me a picture of Marty out side the motel. For some reason they wouldn’t let him back in the room to practice on his Bagpipe.
Marie Niemann: LOL George!! He’s looking mighty festive still! I can understand why Marty doesn’t suffer from hang overs!
Sunday at The St Paddy’s Day Parade:
George Weaver: Mr. T downed five gallons of WD 40 and says he is all loosened up . He volunteered to pull the float for the Rust brigade. It is quite the sight to see. Mr. T pulling a serving cart with Larry and Sal dancing on the front . Marty setting on the back Playing the bagpipe . Kermit is On the bottom shelf throwing candy and treats to the little kids . Brock and Chuck, the crows, are circling the float so they don’t get stomped on.
Nancy K. Meyer: WOW —they did a “grate” job on their junkola float –wish I could have been there !!!
Marie Niemann: Even after Mr. T. drank five gallons of WD 40 he still couldn’t pull the gang all the way by himself. They abandoned the float and joined in with the marching band with Larry leading! Wow.. what fun they had!!

Looks like they started out on the float and Larry ended up leading the marching band. See all four of them?
After the Parade,…on the way Home:
Marie Niemann: I’m pretty certain they are going to need a day of rest after such a long weekend! We’ll leave that up to Larry, he’s such a party animal!
George Weaver: It is only a short hop skip and a pump on the hose for Marty to get home to Pa . He might make it in time to work . But we’ll let Larry take them home if he wants to.
Nancy K. Meyer: UUUmmmmmm………not sure but I think Sal is retired, just does volunteer work at the retirement center & her church, and “work” in her many gardens.
Brian Stephan: Larry cleared his calendar for Monday, just in case and it sounds like he’ll need it.
Nancy K. Meyer: Make sure the ‘gang’ get to the airport on time. Can’t wait till the next adventure !!!
-The End-
This was super fun, thanks to Marie, George, Brian and Nancy! Can’t wait ’til the next holiday outing…. Scarecrows visit DC on the 4th of July! ~~ Sue
I love the FMG Scarecrow Adventures ! It is fun reading and has a good sense of humor with it !
I love these ‘foursome’ crazies in our FMG’ing world!!! The most adventureous & out-going scarecrows (are they really scarecrows)…I’ll have to look up a definition for that word! Anyway, a toast to the ‘fearless foursome’ on St. Paddy’s Day: “As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction.” (none of you 4 will probably have any problem!)
I love that Jeanne! Fearless Foursome! And no… I don’t think any of them would have a problem with splinters. Might leave a little rust on the banister though!
WHo says kids have all the fun?? Heck, I have seen movies that didn’t have this much going for them….Keep us posted, if I can’t do all this exciting stuff, at least I can read about it..LOL A toast to them all!!!!!!!!
I’m still laughing over Marty’s ‘pot’ he tried to get past TSA with… y’all are having a blast & we are all along for the ride & entertainment… thanks for the humor you are sharing with all of us… :))
The Gang of Four sounds like they had a ‘grate’ time, Lead a Parade —way to go !!!
YIKES! Oh, that St. Paddy’s parade pic!!! WONDERFUL!