Looking at our photos here I was struck (wham!) with an idea for where to place my bowling ball. Remember this old rusty peacock plant holder….well… What do you all think?
Take one decorated bowling ball..
+ a rusty ‘peacock’ pot holder
= a fancy peacock!
Tractor Man surprises the heck out of me sometimes! His surprise for me,.Peacock with insulator ‘feathers.’ He placed them here himself!
For how-tos on decorating a bowling ball like this see this post, Garden orb of modest means. ~~ Sue
Wow, both are great! I saw the how to on pinterest for this! I am thinking of doing it to my bowling ball! Awesome!
I have to comment on this as I, too, have a bowling ball in my garden. But, instead of covering it with glass beads (what an awesome idea), I bought some shiny spray paint and created a gazing ball. This was done several years ago when I rescued this thing from someone’s garbage (did I just admit to that?). It still gets an annual paint job to spruce it up a bit.
Thanks for the inspiration. Now I’ll know what to do with the next ball I find.
Debbie in NW Florida…(O: