Heart-shaped in the garden…
Do you have a heart in your garden? Whether in the form of a flower or leaf,..or something junky, heart shapes are fun and whimsical in nature. Just like a circle can add structure when planning a flower bed in the garden heart shapes can become a theme or motif in your garden. Here are some hearts and flowers for you along with some favorite quotes.

Dean Jacobs McCall’s Heart-shaped garden. She says, “This heart corner represents my love of God, Family, Gardening, & decorating…The old bench was found along the curb, when I was curbside shopping a few yrs. ago in our town….”
“Every house where love abides and friendship is a guest, is surely home, and home sweet home for there the heart can rest.” ~Henry Van Dyke
“A man in the house is worth two in the street.” Mae West
Golden Rule:
” To be happy with a man,
love him little and understand him a lot.
To be happy with a woman,
love her a LOT and DO NOT TRY to understand her.”

Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis, leaf is heart shaped,…Western Redbud had round leaves,…that’s the difference!
“The happiest couples in the world never have the same NATURE.
They just have the best UNDERSTANDING of their DIFFERENCES.”

Felicia Lisa says, “Simple things in my garden make me *smile*. Like….leaves that say “I ♥ You” in shape and shadow!”
“I am the Sleepless Dreamer; I am the shadow of your light;
I will love you through the infinity of time and space, and gather strength from your life.
Follow me; come take this walk that will carry us through ages,
Let’s build the memories that never die, written in our life’s pages.” Author Unknown

Arlene Brenneman – My favorite sunflower photo taken in my garden. This sunflower opened in a heart shape (I did not alter this photo in any way). Just lucky timing…
“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” ~John Muir

Amanda Eastman says, ” In the spring I let the miner’s lettuce come up everywhere and the baby leaves look like hearts.”
“My advice to you is get married:
If you find a good wife you’ll be happy.
If not, you’ll become a philosopher.”
– Socrates
“A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg
even though she knows that you are slightly cracked.”
Awwwww, I like it! Happy Valentine’s Day!
I love this! Every day should be filled with hearts.