How a Flea Market Gardener is born
You may wonder how in the world I became a ‘junque’ gardener. Well, I seem to have always been gardening, but here’s how it began for me. An old contractor’s wheelbarrow was my first ‘ junk’ gardening item and one that got me started eyeing unique, and funky items set out on trash day. This discovery only encouraged me and before I knew it, I was keeping n eye on all large discarded items set out on trash day.
On my way to the grocery, I spied a hollow pedestal made of solid and heavy concrete, couldn’t believe it was just set by the trash,….almost killed myself and the car by lifting into the passenger side floor. Lucky my car’s undercarriage wasn’t a bit rusty!
Here it is, though, in my garden today, used as a fountain plant stand. The pump hose goes up through the pedestal and up through the soil of the pot. Iris love water and can even grow in ponds, so I knew they wouldn’t mind being the star of this rocky stream like area of my garden. Thyme grows in the foreground and the white blooming plant ‘in the stream’ is Snow in summer’ a good plant to simulate water. The pedestal stands on some concrete blocks, set inside a half whiskey barrel fountain liner.
I become incurable
On the way back from driving my daughter to school, I began to take a circuitous route through an affluent neighborhood on Trash Day. I skulked slowly by all the trash cans, shamelessly stopping to collect larger items in good condition. Wooden patio furniture, iron urns, a metal camp bed, windows and doors that had been replaced by the homeowners all went into the back of my small truck, one by one. My metal peacock, terracotta pots, old 2x 8 redwood, a galvanized planter, large thick cane baskets, I can’t even name all the things I’ve found! All went into the garden to add the style I was coming to love. Yes, I admit, I was addicted.
As a tribute to my dear Tractor Man, all these doors and windows for future projects were moved 300 miles north when we moved from the suburbs of Southern California to the mountains near Yosemite National Park. Not one word was said, except for this, “Are we keeping these?” His face showed no reaction, when I said a bit tentatively, “Yes.” Nodding, he turned and started loading all my doors and windows into an open bed trailer for the first trip up.
Old ladders are often discarded on trash day when a new one is needed. No reason you can’t use them in the garden! These are collected and displayed leaned up against the old goat shed we found on the place.
This chair was my Grandma’s, now 75 years old! Some of the handle tools are Grandpa’s and some found at yard sales.
Hint: How to fix motel chair legs
One Flea Market Gardening reader, Barbra, says, “When those chair legs rust thru, cut them, run a piece of PVC inside the leg (or outside if its larger PVC) and spot weld it back together. Hubby puts a couple of screws into it to stabilize the PVC and TA-DA….. nothing goes to the scrap pile!”
I wish I had know that before. At a barbecue in our back yard, one of Tractor Man’s burly friends sat down,…. on the other one of Grandma’s chairs and kept going! Before our eyes, he sank back,…slowly….to the ground with his feet up in the air!
Update, April 10, 2013:
Yes, the hubs has never questioned me, in my remembrance about anything I really wanted to do and has helped me when I need muscle. He calls it “doing my bidding.” He’s given me a truckload of rocks, twice for my birthday and a lovely 3 gallon backpack sprayer so I can keep my garden paths clear of weeds.

Tractor Man, with a bowling ball and chain found at a Flea Market. Get it? Ball and ,…oh never mind..
Oh, he allowed me to buy myself a diamond ring on our 10 year anniversary, but though I love it, it doesn’t near mean as much to me as the ordinary things we do in the garden. I’m the brains, he’s the brawn, he says. Now that we have been married twenty or so years, we don’t really think about gifts much for any occasion. Our anniversary is today and what will we be doing? We’ll be out in the garden…building me a deer fence. Happy Anniversary, Honey. ~~ Sue
Happy Anniversary !!!
Love the story ! What is it about old stuff that keeps us going – old motorcycles and old garden things and bicycles, too. The guys at the bike shop one year thought it was “really strange” that I got a set of new tires for my mountain bike for Valentine’s Day one year instead of flowers. Happy Anniversary to you both and many many more!
Congrats on 20 years to you both!
Happy Anniversary to both of you! What a sweet relationship you have still after 20 years! ♥ My hubby and I don’t buy gifts normally for any special reason. He’s discovered I’d rather have him help me with a project than to open a gift. He surprised me at Christmas with 6 tree stumps hollowed out to plant! He’s a keeper!! Have a wonderful day together in the garden!
What a sweet story. Congrats on the anniversary and I hope you take time to have a picnic or something and enjoy the time together.
I agree about the gifts and not just anniversary gifts. Some of my favorite gifts were a truckload of gravel one mother’s day, the owl pellet my granddaughter gave me for Valentines Day this year, the old stuff picked up here and there that someone knew I would like….. I get up at 5am each day for work. My hubby doesn’t have to be to be at work until 9am, but he gets up with me every morning, fixes me coffee, makes sure I take my medicine, and usually gets me something to eat. He constantly tries to take care of me.
Uncommon gifts are priceless and normally come from the pricesless people in our lives.
Enjoy your day.
Happy Anniversary, Sue & Tractor Man! May this day be as blessed as so many have been over the past 20 years. Hugs to both of you ..
You guys sound just like my hubby and myself. We’ve been married 23 years and a thoughtful gift to me would be a bunch of pallets lol.
Happy anniversary to you both.
I have had my tractor man for 50 years and he is a keeper, too. He has made me, the two ddaughters, and the granddaughter bottle trees, ect. –but he “doesn’t care” about that “stuff”. Best wishes to the two of you and many more anniversaries to come.
This sounds like me! ha ha… my 30th is coming up next month thinking hard on that one
Love your site !
I’ve had my Tractor Man for nearly 47 years, and I wouldn’t trade him for anything!
Happy 20th Anniversary,Sue and Larry , I wish you many more wonderful and fun filled years !!!
Happy, Happy Anniversary!!!
Sounds as if both of you found the “one” over twenty years ago…. good gardening in the next 80…
Thanks for sharing. He sounds a lot like my husband. He tells people he’s my mule or work horse. On the days when he isn’t at work he’ll even go to the flea market or garage sales with me and carry my stuff. He has had to accept the fact that I prefer plants or yard items over jewelry or bouquets of flowers. We’ll celebrate our 26th next month. Hope you had a great anniversary.
Happy and bless anniversary to youand Tractor man. MayGod bless you with many more. You have great husband to help you.
Thank you, Jessie ~~ Sue